2024-2025 Catalog 
    Oct 18, 2024  
2024-2025 Catalog

School of Music

The School of Music exists to cultivate the musical skills of student scholars as an act of personal commitment to Christ, and to encourage a life of service to others. The educational thrust of the School of Music is threefold: to complement a broad liberal arts education; to provide the intensive professional training that aspiring musicians need; and to meet the musical needs of the University, community, and Olivet educational region.

The School of Music is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM). Further information regarding the School of Music can be found at https://olivet.edu/school-music.


Professor of Music
B.S., 1981, Olivet Nazarene University
M.Mus., 1983, University of Illinois
D.A., 1996, Ball State University

Professor of Music; Associate Dean, School of Music
B.A., 1991, Olivet Nazarene University
M.M., 1995, Stephen F. Austin State University
D.M.A., 2002, University of Oklahoma

Professor of Music
B.Mus., 1983, Mansfield University of PA
M.Mus., 1985, Bowling Green State University
D.M.A., 1990, Michigan State University

Professor of Music
B.Mus., 1999, State University of New York, College at Fredonia
M.Mus.,2001, Indiana University
D.M., 2014, Indiana University

Associate Professor of Music
B.M., 2004, University of Arizona
M.M., 2006, University of Akron
D.M.A., 2011, University of Illinois

Associate Professor of Music
B.S., 2002, Trevecca Nazarene University
M.A., 2009, Trevecca Nazarene University
Ed.D., 2015, Trevecca Nazarene University

Assistant Professor of Music
B.S., 1995, Olivet Nazarene University
M.A., 2013, Kent State University

Assistant Professor of Music
B.A., 2001, Governors State University
M.M., 2019, University of Illinois

Adjunct Faculty

M.M., University of Illinois

M.M., DePaul University

M.M., Northwestern University

D.M.A., Michigan State University

KATHY EVANS - Clarinet
M.M., Michigan State University

M.M., Northwestern University

JUSTIN GUND - Trombone
M.M., Northwestern University

DARIYAN HARRIS - Marching Band
M.B.A., Olivet Nazarene University

M.M., Rice University

D.M.A., University of Iowa

M.A., Governors State University

STEVE PEARSON - Piano Technician
M.A., California State University

Ed.D., University of Illinois

D.M.A., Northwestern University

M.M., DePaul University

M.M., The Juliard School

B.S., Olivet Nazarene University

B.A., Southern Nazarene University

School of Music Mission Statement

The School of Music exists to cultivate the musical skills of student scholars as an act of personal commitment to Christ, and to encourage a life of service to others.  The educational thrust of the School of Music is threefold:  to complement a broad liberal arts education; to provide the intensive professional training that aspiring musicians need; and to meet the musical needs of the University, community, and Olivet educational region.

The School of Music is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM).  Further information regarding the School of Music can be found at https://olivet.edu/school-music.

School of Music General Regulations

All students considering a Music major must be accepted into the program by audition.

The Dean determines which students will enroll with each teacher based primarily upon the needs of the students, the load, and the field of specialization of the teacher.

Transferred work may receive credit subject to examination or satisfactory study in courses of similar content or sequence at Olivet Nazarene University. Work taken under private teachers or from unaccredited schools must be validated for credit by passing proficiency examinations.

Students are neither allowed to study music with a teacher not on the faculty of the School of Music, nor to belong to a musical organization on or off campus without permission from the Dean of the School of Music. Applied Music students should not make public appearances without consent of the applied instructor.

An Applied Music emphasis is required of all those concentrating in Music. Placement is required prior to registration for any level course in Applied Music. Placement and registration are to be initiated in Larsen Fine Arts Center Music Office. As Music majors advance through their applied course of study, course numbers should reflect their current status. Four semesters of lower division (111) and successful completion of the Upper-Division hearing are required before advancing to Upper-Division (311). Content and literature will be determined by the individual professor as appropriate to the ability level of each student. Similarly, music minors are required four semesters of lower division applied study before advancing to the 311 level. Students enrolled in applied lessons will also attend a weekly, one-hour studio class.

Students taking applied music lessons are expected to attend a minimum of 12 lessons per semester. Failure to complete 12 lessons will result in a lowered grade. The professor is not responsible for rescheduling lessons missed by the student except when a bonafide reason for the absence is presented in advance.

Students enrolled in the 111/115/311/315 sections of applied study will perform on one School of Music recital each semester. Students failing to meet this requirement will have their applied lesson grade reduced. In addition, a performance exam is required at the end of each semester of 111/115/311/315 applied study.

All music majors and minors are required to enroll in MUAP 200 - Recital Lab  each semester of enrollment. Majors are required to attend 12 recitals per semester during each semester of enrollment and minors are required to attend six recitals per semester for four semesters.

All music majors are required to participate in at least one ensemble each semester of enrollment. Music minors are required to participate in an ensemble for at least four semesters. Only one ensemble per semester may be applied to this requirement. Students may enroll by audition in one or more of the numerous ensembles offered (see MULT 168   - MULT 398  in Course Descriptions - Traditional Undergraduate section). Most, but not all ensembles, are offered each semester. Not all ensembles offered fulfill the major/minor requirement.

Music Education majors are exempted from the Recital lab and ensemble requirements during their semester of student teaching.

Keyboard work must be taken concurrently with theory courses (MUTH 120 , MUTH 130 , MUTH 131 , MUTH 135 , MUTH 230 , and MUTH 232 ) except by permission of the Keyboard faculty.

All those majoring in music are required to present a senior recital/project that includes music from the major style periods. Students wishing to complete multiple music majors must complete the recital/project requirement for each concentration. All recitals must be approved by a pre-recital hearing, and will be graded by a committee of three faculty members from the applied area. Those with a Music Performance major are required to present a junior recital project (MUAP 395 ) in addition. Memorization requirements differ according to the Applied area. Refer to Music Handbook for degree-specific instructions. Although students will register for the course MUAP 395 /MUAP 495 , it will be transcripted to reflect the student’s area of study (MUVO - voice, MUPN - piano, etc.).

All music majors should complete ENGL 210 - College Writing II (APA)  in meeting institutional general education requirements.

Music Proficiencies

Admission to the University neither implies nor guarantees acceptance into a Music degree program. The University may discourage any individual from attempting to complete preparation toward a Music concentration if, in the opinion of the Music Faculty, he or she fails to meet acceptable professional standards. (See Basic Music Skills Exam and Upper-Division Hearing)

Students desiring to complete any concentration in Music should adequately prepare for the rigors of college-level music study. Additional coursework may be necessary to meet graduation standards.

All students intending to complete a concentration in Music must complete the following placements/exams:

Entrance Requirements:

  • Instrument/voice placement audition
  • Piano placement audition
  • Music theory placement exam (optional)

Basic Music Skills Exam:

  • Comprised of the Final Exams for MUTH 120  and MUTH 130 .
  • Exam consists of written theory, sight singing, and dictation.
  • Exam must be passed before taking the Upper-Division Hearing.

Upper-Division Hearing:

  • Applied Audition Recital (to be performed during the fourth semester of college-level applied study)
  • Completed application for the Teacher Education program (Music Education majors only)
  • Composition portfolio (Music Composition majors only)
  • Interview with Music faculty (refer to School of Music handbook)
  • Upper-Division Prerequisites:
    • Successful completion of the Basic Music Skills Exam
    • Cumulative GPA of 2.5
    • GPA of 2.75 in music courses
    • Grades of “C-” or higher in all required Music courses
    • Completion of the Piano Proficiency Exam, or enrolled in MUPN 108 /MUPN 110  in the semester of the Upper-Division Hearing

Students may declare a Music concentration only upon successful completion of the Upper-Division Hearing. This evaluation will be completed at the end of the fourth semester of college-level applied study. Transfer students with freshman or sophomore standing will complete the Upper-Division Hearing at the end of the fourth semester of college-level applied study. Students who transfer with junior standing must complete the Upper-Division Hearing at the end of their first semester of enrollment. Students who are unsuccessful in meeting the prerequisites and prescribed criteria will not be permitted to register for required upper-division Music courses and will be eligible for re-evaluation after one additional semester of study.

Music courses may be offered in specified sequence or on a rotating basis. Students should take notice of these requirements in order to complete Music concentrations in a timely manner.

Piano Proficiency Exam: Students pursuing any Music major must pass the Piano Proficiency Exam. Students may complete the exam as part of the class sequence ending with MUPN 108 , or by scheduling an exam with the permission of the Applied Piano instructor. Students must pass Piano Proficiency prior to Upper-Division Hearing, or be enrolled in MUPN 108 /MUPN 110  with a passing grade during the semester of the Upper-Division Hearing.