2024-2025 Catalog 
    Oct 18, 2024  
2024-2025 Catalog

School of Education


  Associate Dean; School of Education
B.A., 2002, Olivet Nazarene University
M.A., 2008, San Jose State University
Ed.D., 2016, Liberty University

  Director of Ed.D., Ethical Leadership Program; Professor of Education
B.A., 1992, Olivet Nazarene University
M.A.E., 1996, Governors State University
Ed.D., 2006, Argosy University


  Coordinator, Graduate READ Education Program
B.S., 1985, Eastern Illinois University
M.A.E., 1988, Governors State University
Ed.D., 1995, Nova Southeastern University
M.A., 2002, Governors State University
M.A., 2008, Concordia University

  Associate Professor of Education
B.S., 1989, Illinois State University
M.S., 1995, Northern Illinois University
M.A., 2013, Governors State University
Ed.D., 2019, Northcentral University

  Program Coordinator, CIED, TLED, and LBS1 Programs
B.A., 1998, Concordia University
M.A., 2004, Concordia University
Ed.D., 2012, University of Phoenix

AMY MACCRINDLE (2019) part-time
  Program Coordinator, ESL, BILN, ELL Programs
B.M., 2007, Trinity University
M.S.Ed., 2008, Northwestern University
M.S.Ed., 2011, Capella University
M.S.Ed., 2013, Purdue University
Ed.D., 2017, Concordia University

  Assistant Professor of Education
B.A., 2003, Olivet Nazarene University
M.S., 2010, Erikson Institute Graduate School

  Director of Teacher Education Program; Assistant Professor of Education
B.S., 1999, Illinois State University
M.S., 2014, Northern Illinois University
M.S., 2016, University of St. Francis

  Assistant Professor of Education
B.A., 2006, Wheaton College
M.A., 2011, Concordia University

  Associate Professor of Education
B.S., 1978, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana
M.A., 1997, Olivet Nazarene University
M.A., 2011, Olivet Nazarene University

AMY FLYNN (2023)
  Assistant Professor of Education
B.A., 2004, Millikin University
M.A., 2007, St. Xavier University

Teacher Education Department Specialists

Art - Mary Beth Koszut
English - Beth Schurman
Mathematics - Darl Rassi
Music - Sonya Comer
Physical Education - Lauren Rouse
Biological and Physical Science - 
Social Studies - Lori Fulton
Spanish - Nancy Bonilla

The major aim of the School of Education is the preparation of students for effective teaching in preschool, elementary, and secondary schools and to provide in-service opportunities for practitioners to enhance their pedagogical skills. The School of Education is responsible for the coordination of all teacher education programs at the University, both the undergraduate and graduate levels and the Child Development undergraduate degree program.

Teacher Education at Olivet Nazarene University makes use of the total educational resources of the University, is the concern of the entire faculty, and is under the direction of the faculty. Accordingly, Teacher Education is coordinated through designated officers, the Teacher Education Executive Committee, Teacher Education faculty and other policy-making bodies of the University. The Education Program Provider commonly known as the EPP at Olivet Nazarene University prepares candidates to enter or to continue in the richly diverse teaching profession through offering well-conceived and sound academic programs in a distinctive Christian environment. Preservice licensure programs integrate a solid liberal arts core with specialized theoretical/pedagogical/clinical offerings, while graduate degree programs focus on in-service teachers’ professional growth and development. All Unit programming is designed to produce graduates who become “Professionals Influencing Lives.” Because of the continual effort to coordinate the activities of the School of Education and the academic departments that offer Teacher Education programs, the prospective teacher is encouraged to confer with advisers from both the School of Education and the department of his/her chosen major field.

Teacher Education Outcomes

Students admitted to, and retained in, the teacher education program are expected to demonstrate suitable growth in the habits, attitudes, skills, and personal qualities specified in the institutional objectives. They constitute the general objectives of teacher education.

Within the framework of the general objectives of the University, the faculty has formulated specific outcomes of teacher education. These outcomes specify qualities considered essential for teachers. The faculty expects that the Teacher Education graduate will be a person who demonstrates:

  1. Knowledge of the historical development of the professional and foundational issues and arguments underlying education’s practices, as well as understanding of the importance of integrated learning across disciplines.
  2. Knowledge of subject-matter content and the ability to integrate content with pedagogy appropriate to the candidate’s field of study.
  3. Knowledge of human development and motivation, theories of learning, and pedagogy.
  4. Effective communication skills, critical and creative thinking abilities, and other skills crucial to reflective decision making.
  5. Knowledge and skills in the use and integration of technology appropriate to the candidate’s field of study.
  6. Practical abilities to implement the skills, techniques, and strategies associated with student learning and effective leadership.
  7. Intellectual, social, ethical, and other personal attributes of reflective decision making in professional settings.
  8. Commitment to lifelong professional development and general learning.
  9. Ability to skillfully accommodate diversity of many kinds in professional practice, including ethnic, racial, economic, and that of the exceptional learners, including the ability to adapt professionally to developments in global society.
  10. Ability to foster and maintain collaborative efforts with clientele within institutions and in the community, and commitment to active citizenship in the service of a Christ-centered character.

General Education for Teachers

All professional education and content-area coursework, including general education courses, that form part of an application for licensure, endorsement, or approval must be passed with a grade no lower than “C-” or better.

The general education requirements for teachers are generally the same as those of other students in the University. However, specific courses have been designated as requirements in certain teacher education programs, as listed below.

  1. Elementary, Early Childhood, and Special Education majors are required to complete all general education courses with a “C-” or better grade. Group I - Christian Living courses are exempt from this grade requirement. In addition, Elementary and Early Childhood Education majors must complete the following specific general education courses:  BIOL 105   or BIOL 125 , PHSC 102 , and ESS 140 , MATH 111 , MATH 112 , MATH 114 , and MATH 116 , PSCI 223 , and either 1) a two-semester sequence of foreign language or 2) three hours of an international culture course. (Note: Special Education majors take EDUC 333 .)
  2. General Education requirements for Special Education majors are the same as Elementary and Early Childhood programs except MATH 114  and MATH 116  are not required.
  3. Secondary and K-12 Education majors are required to earn a grade of “C-” or better in the following general education courses: ENGL 109 , ENGL 207 /ENGL 208 /ENGL 209 /ENGL 210 , COMM 105 , PSCI 223 , MATH 103  or higher, and either 1) a two-semester sequence of foreign language or 2) three hours of an international culture course.
  4. Several secondary/K-12 programs have specific general education courses that require a “C-” or better grade:
    Art Education - MULT 100  
    Music Education - ART 100  
    Physical Education -PHED 175   

Students should reference specific program and grade requirements at http://www.olivet.edu/degree-requirements/.

Admission to Teacher Education

Admission to the University neither implies nor guarantees acceptance into the Teacher Education program. Preparation for teaching is a privilege and not a personal right. The University may discourage any individual from attempting to complete preparation for a career in education if, in the opinion of the Teacher Education faculty, he or she fails to meet acceptable professional and personal standards.

Students desiring an undergraduate major in education must first be received into the teacher education program of the University by action of the Teacher Education Committee, must declare that intention by the end of the sophomore year, and must have, and continue to maintain, a 2.50 grade point average in all college work, and a 2.75 grade point average in the major field.

All professional education, general education courses for teachers, major, endorsement, and supporting courses require a grade of “C-” or better for teacher licensure and graduation for all Teacher Education majors.

Candidates are advised that teacher licensure in the state of Illinois is currently undergoing many changes. The program listed in the Catalog may need revision as a student proceeds through his or her undergraduate career. The student should maintain close contact with his or her adviser in the School of Education to ensure eligibility for licensure upon graduation.

Admission to the Teacher Education program of the University is necessary for admission to special methods courses in education and to student teaching. Application is usually made during the sophomore year; later application may result in delays in progress through the professional education courses. Application forms may be found on Taskstream. Applications for the Teacher Education program will be screened by the Teacher Education Program Director, acted upon by the Teacher Education Committee, and reported to the Teacher Education faculty. Factors that are weighed in considering applications are personality, emotional stability, character, scholarship, physical health, integrity, competence in communication, and professional interest. The following requirements must be met for admission:

  1. Completion of 30 hours of coursework with at least a 2.50 grade point average.
  2. Clearance by the Office of Student Development.
  3. Grades of “C-” or above in ENGL 109 - College Writing I .
  4. Grade of “C-” or above in MATH 111  (Elementary, Special Education, and Early Childhood Programs) or MATH 103 MATH 131 , or MATH 147  (Secondary and K-12 Programs).
  5. Grades of “C-” or better in their professional education courses as determined by the student’s major: EDUC 140 , EDUC 195 , EDUC 200 , EDUC 214 , and EDUC 280 .
  6. Satisfactory recommendations from one faculty member, and a good character reference.
  7. Successfully pass Level I portfolio/interview.

In submitting references, students should be sure to include the names of faculty advisers. The evidence of professional interest may be considered questionable for students who have not availed themselves of opportunities for work with youth groups, in church school teaching, or of other opportunities for assisting children and youth to grow.

Teacher candidates who enroll in graduate level education programs or continuing studies programs are automatically admitted into the Teacher Education Program during the admission process.

Pre-Student Teaching Field Experiences

Pre-student teaching field experiences, school observation and participation are required in some of the education courses taken prior to student teaching. Students are required to pass a background check prior to participation in field experiences. The minimum number of pre-student teaching hours for Secondary Education and K-12 Education majors exceeds 90 clock hours. Secondary Education, K-12 Spanish Education, Physical Education and Art Education students meet this requirement through EDUC 175 , EDUC 275 , and EDUC 375 .  While earning the field experience hour requirement, Secondary and K-12 Education candidates will meet other field experience requirements expectant in EDUC 376 EDUC 381 /EDUC 382 /EDUC 383 /EDUC 384  or EDUC 386 . Physical Education students meet these requirements through PHED 367 PHED 370 , and PHED 385 . Music Education students do so in EDUC 376 , MUED 450 , MUED 452 , and MUED 454 . Art education students meet this requirement through EDUC 376 , EDUC 388 , and EDUC 472 .

Elementary education majors must complete a minimum of 140 pre-student teaching clock-hours. Elementary Education majors complete field experiences in EDUC 175 , EDUC 275 , and EDUC 375 . While meeting the field experience hours requirement, Elementary Education candidates will meet other field experience requirements expectant in EDUC 321 , EDUC 339 , EDUC 347 , EDUC 367 , EDUC 371 , and EDUC 376 . Early Childhood Education majors must complete a minimum of 140 pre-student teaching hours in EDUC 175 , EDUC 275 , and EDUC 375 . While meeting the field experience hours requirement, Early Childhood Education candidates will meet other field experience requirements expectant in EDUC 210 , EDUC 320 , EDUC 330 , EDUC 359 , EDUC 367 , and EDUC 376 . Special Education majors must complete a minimum of 155 pre-student teaching clock-hours. Special Education majors complete field experiences in EDUC 175 , EDUC 275 , and EDUC 375 . While meeting the field experience hours requirement, Special Education candidates will meet other field experience requirements expectant in EDUC 321 , EDUC 339 , and EDUC 376 . They also complete field experience requirements in SPED 311 , SPED 312 , SPED 321 , SPED 331 , and SPED 316 .

Students are to keep records of pre-student teaching clinical experiences, together with signatures of supervising personnel, on forms provided for this purpose by the School of Education. These records are kept in the student’s folder in the School of Education office, and are considered in connection with admission to the teacher education program and in placement for student teaching.

Students enrolled in any education course that includes a field experience must successfully complete the field experience requirements of the course and turn in all required paperwork before credit can be given. If an equivalent course has been completed at another educational institution and the student wishes to transfer the field experience hours, the student must request the credit granting institution to send documented evidence of the field experience hours to Olivet. No credit will be given for field experience hours that are not equivalent (i.e., hours, assignments) to those outlined in the course syllabi or Teacher Education Handbook. This documentation will be kept in the student’s file in the School of Education office. An unsatisfactory pre-student teaching experience evaluation will result in an incomplete for the course until the field experience is successfully completed and all the required paperwork is submitted for approval.

Admission to Student Teaching

Students should submit applications for student teaching by November 15 prior to the school year in which they expect to do student teaching.

Prerequisites to student teaching involve previous admission to the Teacher Education program of the University, the satisfactory completion of all required coursework in the program except EDUC 493  or SPED 457 , and a passing score on the Illinois Subject-Matter Knowledge Content test. In addition each candidate for student teaching must be approved by the Education Preparation Program before he or she can be registered and assigned. The approval of the candidate’s major department, successfully passing the Level II portfolio/interview, an overall grade point average of 2.50 or better, a grade point average of 2.75 or better in the major field for Secondary Education and K-12 Education majors, or a grade point average of 2.75 or better in the professional education courses for Elementary, Early Childhood, and Special Education majors, are required.

Transfer of student teaching credit earned at another college must have prior approval of the program director, the Associate Dean of the School of Education, and the Registrar.

Student Teaching, Employment, Athletics, and Coursework

As a general practice, the University discourages students from employment on or off campus during student teaching. Students are strongly discouraged from taking any classes with the exception of EDUC 493  or SPED 457  while student teaching. Supervising teachers in the schools view student teaching as an internship that should demand the total involvement of the beginning teacher. Thus, the student teacher should be free from other responsibilities that might detract or drain energy from teaching. Students who, for any reason, wish to work or take other coursework during the student teaching experience must petition the Teacher Education Program Director for permission to do so. The Teacher Education Program Director will review the petition and determine the status of the petition. The Teacher Education Program Director may ask the Teacher Education Committee to review and determine the status of the petition.

As a general practice, the University discourages students from competing in intercollegiate athletics during student teaching. Supervising teachers in the schools view student teaching as an internship that should demand the total involvement of the beginning teacher. Thus, the student teacher should be free from attending practices and competing in sport contests that might detract or drain energy from teaching. Student athletes who, for any reason, wish to compete in athletics during the student teaching experience must petition the Teacher Education Program Director for permission to do so. The Teacher Education Program Director will review the petition and determine the status of the petition. The Teacher Education Program Director may ask the Teacher Education Committee to review and determine the status of the petition.

Student Teaching and the Professional Semester

The requirement of credit hours in student teaching is 12. The semester that involves mostly student teaching and corresponding professional courses is known as the “Senior Professional Semester.” Students and advisers must plan ahead and reserve designated professional courses and other courses arranged to facilitate student teaching for that semester.

All students registered for student teaching must take EDUC 493  or SPED 457  concurrently with student teaching. All students completing student teaching through Olivet must meet the standards of the University’s Teacher Education program entrance and student teaching admission requirements, including passing the Illinois Subject Matter test prior to the first day of student teaching.

Student Teaching Placement

When a student teaching placement is canceled by the student so late that the supervising teacher cannot take another student teacher for the given school year, the student’s account will be charged for the payment of the honorarium to the supervising teacher.

If a request for placement in another setting is initiated by the student teacher, a full honorarium will be paid by the student to the supervising teacher according to how close the change is made to the student teaching period. If such change is initiated by the teacher, principal, University supervisor and/or the Teacher Education Program Director , the student will be charged the student teaching fees.

A student teacher from Olivet is placed at a site in the area where a contractual agreement has been made with the local school district for such a placement. While the student has the opportunity to express his or her preference for a site, the final decision for placement will be made by the Teacher Education Program Director .

Teaching: Securing Credentials

Each public school teacher is required by law to hold a valid certificate/license issued by the state in which he or she teaches.

To obtain Illinois licensure by entitlement, an Olivet graduate must have completed one of Olivet’s state-approved Teacher Education programs, all of which meet the minimum Illinois requirements. Illinois standards currently state that “all professional education and content-area coursework that form part of an application for licensure, endorsement, or approval must be passed with a grade no lower than ‘C-’ or better.”

In addition, applicants must pass the subject matter knowledge (Content Test), and the edTPA. Upon completion of the academic program and passing the edTPA, the student should obtain and complete the appropriate licensure forms available in the School of Education Handbook. Once the University’s licensure officer submits entitlement information to the Illinois State Board of Education, the applicant will be notified to complete an electronic application for licensure. Anyone who has been convicted of a felony for a sex and/or narcotics crime may not be licensed for teaching in Illinois.

Applications and information about certification in other states are available in the Office of the Registrar, the library, and the School of Education office. For a specific state’s certification requirements and procedures, see the Associate Dean of the School of Education. These applications are usually completed during the final semester of the student’s senior year. Information regarding endorsement areas is available in the School of Education office. Students may also refer to the Teacher Education Handbook for a list of endorsement areas and options they may wish to consider.

Educational Job Search

The University maintains a Career Center to assist students and recent graduates in securing positions in which they are interested and for which they are qualified. Career Development assists all undergraduate teacher education students with the job search process in collaboration with the School of Education.

Students begin their first teaching résumé in EDUC 140 . The process is continued in EDUC 493  or SPED 457 . As part of EDUC 493 /SPED 457 , the Director of Career Development makes a class presentation and distributes materials for beginning the job search. The presentation includes instruction in résumé writing, cover letters, applications, self-managed credential files, interviewing, portfolios, etc. Students begin the informal job search at that time. As a course assignment in EDUC 493 /SPED 457 , students write an application letter and a professional résumé. Teacher vacancy listings are posted regularly to HireOlivetians.com; additional teaching-related links are available on http://www.olivet.edu/career-services/.

Curriculum Center Library

The Curriculum Center Library is located on the lower level of Benner Library. This collection includes school textbooks, the juvenile collection, teaching aids, pamphlets, resource units, and other instructional materials selected as resources for students planning to become teachers. These materials are available for examination and use by students and faculty. The Curriculum Center Library is supervised by the Special Collections Librarian.

School of Education Office

While teacher education is a function of the total university, represented by the Teacher Education faculty, the various administrative details connected with the program are coordinated through the School of Education office. Here, students may pick up various forms to be filled out and return them for filing; various reference forms and rating scales are sent out from and returned to this office; and, in general, it serves as a center for Teacher Education activities.

Title II Certification Pass Rate Data

ONU’s Teacher Education Unit seeks to prepare candidates who will be “Professionals Influencing Lives:” through a strong knowledge foundation; proficiency in curriculum, instruction, and evaluation; a high level of professionalism; and a Christ centered character. The Unit seeks to prepare candidates who view teaching as a noble profession, a lifelong pursuit, and a continual search for excellence.

The U.S. Congress has asked the U.S. Department of Education to require all colleges and universities with teacher education programs to release certification test pass rates of program completers. In recent years, ONU Teacher Education Students have passed the academic content test and the edTPA assessment with pass rates in the upper 90 percent. In most recent Title II data, 100 percent of graduates passed the academic content test; and due to COVID the edTPA has been waived the past two years. Complete Title II information may be obtained through Olivet’s Associate Dean of the School of Education.

Professional Education Requirements for Teacher Education Programs

All professional education, general education courses for teachers, major, endorsement, and supporting courses require a grade of “C-” or better for teacher licensure and graduation. Successful passing of a Specific Content-Area test is required prior student teaching. Effective September 2015, all teacher education programs require submittal of the edTPA for graduation and a passing score on the edTPA prior to licensure.

Secondary School Programs

Professional Education Courses. 33 hours, including these required professional education courses for prospective secondary teachers.

Subject Matter Specialization

In addition to the professional education courses, students planning to teach in secondary schools must be prepared for licensure in one of the following teaching fields:

  Major Hours
  English 37
  Mathematics 36
  Science 58-64
  Social Sciences 42

See departmental listings  for specific requirements. It is strongly recommended that secondary education majors complete a teaching minor in another area and/or meet requirements for endorsements to teach other areas in addition to their major field of study. A grade of “C-” or better is required in all courses applied to endorsement areas.

Middle-School Endorsement

Students majoring in Elementary, Secondary, K-12, or Special Education may choose to obtain subsequent middle school (5-8) endorsements or other subsequent endorsements (i.e., Special Education, English as a Second Language, etc.). As of December 2019, these endorsements can generally be obtained by completing 18 semester credits including methods and passing the content exam in the credential area. A grade of “C-” or better is required for endorsement courses. See the Teacher Education Handbook, or consult with the Teacher Education Licensure Officer for more information concerning middle school endorsements.

Master’s Degree Programs

Master’s degree programs in education are offered through Olivet’s School of Education. These programs, designed for licensed teachers seeking advanced study or additional endorsements, are described in section for Graduate and Continuing Studies.

K-12 Programs

Olivet offers programs that enable students to attain K-12 licensure in art, music, physical education, and Spanish. The professional education courses for these programs follow:

