2014-2015 Catalog 
    Sep 25, 2024  
2014-2015 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions – All


Physical Science

  • PHSC 110 - Physical Science for Elementary Teachers

    4 hours
    An introduction to physics and chemistry designed for Elementary and Early Childhood Education majors. Basic concepts applicable to the elementary school setting will be emphasized. The laboratory focuses on experiments that can be used by the teacher to illustrate the essentials of the disciplines. Laboratory safety, scientific methodology, and problem-solving are important topics. Offered every fall and spring. Prereq/Corequisite(s): EDUC 150 . Three hours lecture, two hours laboratory. UG


  • PHYS 121 - College Physics I

    4 hours
    Mechanics, sound, fluids, thermodynamics. A non-calculus course for life scientists and general education. Emphasis is on life science applications. Prerequisite(s): MATH 131  or its equivalent. Three lecture periods and two laboratory hours per week. UG
  • PHYS 122 - College Physics II

    4 hours
    Continuation of PHYS 121 . Electricity, magnetism, optics, and atomic and nuclear physics. Prerequisite(s): PHYS 121 . UG
  • PHYS 201 - General Physics I

    5 hours
    Mechanics, fluids, waves, sound thermodynamics. A calculus based course for physical scientists and engineers. Corequisite(s): MATH 147  or equivalent. Four lecture periods and two laboratory hours per week. UG
  • PHYS 202 - General Physics II

    5 hours
    A continuation of PHYS 201 . Optics, electricity, magnetism, atomic physics, modern physics. Prerequisite(s): PHYS 201 . UG

Political Science

  • PSCI 101 - Introduction to Political Science

    3 hours
    Offers a factual and conceptual foundation for the study of political science. Topics addressed will include basic political theory, political structures, political behavior, and basic approaches to methodology in gathering and analyzed information on the practice of politics. UG
  • PSCI 220 - Introduction to Law

    3 hours
    Formulated in an interdisciplinary way, this course provides students with a foundational understanding of the nature and function of law in the Anglo-American tradition. By studying the jurisprudential, historical, institutional, and professional dimensions of this legal tradition, students will gain a deep appreciation for America’s constitutional heritage premised on “higher law” principles, the nation’s commitment historically to the rule of law under God, and the central role of law in creating a just society in the modern era. UG
  • PSCI 221 - Foundations of International Relations

    3 hours
    This course studies the structure and organization of the global, international system. Special attention will be paid to the role of international organizations and international law. Behavior between states will be examined within their larger global context. This course will examine the historical interaction between states and the differing models of state interaction over time. UG
  • PSCI 223 - American Government

    3 hours
    A study of the structure and functions of the federal government in the United States. Fulfills the teacher education requirement for passing the U.S. Constitution test. UG
  • PSCI 280 - Law and Western Culture

    3 hours
    This course examines the historical development of legal theory and the rule of law in Western culture from ancient times through the American Founders, including antecedents from the Hebrews, Greeks, Romans, early Church, medieval period, Reformation and Renaissance, English common law, British colonial period, and early American Republic. Employing an interdisciplinary approach, the course basically traces the classical and Judeo-Christian roots of Western law and legal theory, focusing in particular on the natural or higher law background of the common law, the origins and growth of liberty of conscience, the inherent tension between maintaining order and promoting liberty in a democracy, the role of religion in a free society, and the delicate task of reconciling a commitment to religious freedom, while also insuring an institutional separation between church and state. It is recommended that students pursuing the legal studies minor take PSCI 290 - Law, Justice, and Culture Institute  in place of this course. UG
  • PSCI 290 - Law, Justice, and Culture Institute

    3 hours
    Sponsored by the Center for Law and Culture at Olivet Nazarene University, the Law, Justice and Culture Institute is an exciting academic experience held at Olivet during its May-term. The Institute is approved as a three-credit course in Olivet’s curriculum and therefore leads to credit for students visiting from other schools in the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU), as well as those visiting from institutions not in the CCCU. Thus far, 14 Council institutions have formally endorsed the LJC Institute. The Institute’s purpose is to inspire students to serve God faithfully in public life, particularly in the strategic fields of law, government, and politics, by providing worldview instruction in the Judeo-Christian tradition. Students are introduced to the concept of transcendent moral truth in the Western legal tradition and challenged to integrate the biblical understanding of justice into their lives and career callings. In addition, by exploring the concept of law and justice among the ancient Hebrews, the natural law foundations of the United States Constitution, and the grand legal issues posed by Nazism and the Nuremberg Trial, students begin to formulate a Christian jurisprudence. Prerequisite(s): Recommended PSCI 220 . UG
  • PSCI 315 - Federal Seminar

    1-3 hours
    Same as SSCI 315 . This course does not satisfy the requirement for American government for teacher education majors. UG
  • PSCI 343 - American National Politics

    3 hours
    This course covers both the constitutional and the non-constitutional elements of American national government. The first half of the course examines the federal government’s structure, including the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, in addition to civil rights and civil liberties. The second half covers the history and development of political parties, elections, and campaigns; the voting process; and political behavior. UG
  • PSCI 344 - American Public Policy

    3 hours
    A study of the major domestic policy issues in American national politics. Students will be exposed to a variety of viewpoints regarding contemporary issues such as health care, energy and toxic waste, the national debt, homelessness, public education, etc. The ethical dimensions of these issues are integrated into the course. Major emphasis is also placed on understanding the public policy process at the national, state, and local levels. Offered in alternate years. UG
  • PSCI 352 - Christianity and Politics

    3 hours
    An historical analysis of the ways Christians have participated in culture. Particular emphasis will be placed on an examination of the major, contemporary Christian voices in American politics and the terms of the ethical debates that are taking place. The course is designed to answer the question: What is a Christian view of politics? Offered in alternate years. UG
  • PSCI 360 - Politics of Russia

    3 hours
    Same as HIST 360 . UG
  • PSCI 373 - Christian Courage in Public Life

    3 hours
    Focusing on law and public policy, this course employs an interdisciplinary, liberal arts approach in examining five different ways in which various Christian traditions have historically related to or engaged culture. In particular, it looks at the life and writings of British statesman William Wilberforce, an evangelical Anglican, as a model for thoughtful, Christian engagement in the realms of law, government and politics today. Emphasizing the need for Christians to be courageous and to exemplify civic virtue, the course equips students with an appreciation for the Anglo-American constitutional heritage and its commitment to the rule of law under God, and challenges them to confront calamitous issues such as global terrorism and the emergence of a naturalistic “culture of death” in America. Prerequisite(s): Recommended PSCI 352 . UG
  • PSCI 379 - The Developing World

    3 hours
    Same as HIST 379 . UG
  • PSCI 385 - Selected Topics in Political Science

    3 hours
    This course is a senior-level history/political science course in which the professor or professors chooses a topic, event, or development and structure a one-time course around that specific interest. The topic will be given in the schedule of courses when the course is offered. Prerequisite(s): one foundational course in Political Science or permission of instructor. UG
  • PSCI 390 - Historiography

    4 hours
    Same as HIST 390 . UG
  • PSCI 422 - History of Political Philosophy

    3 hours
    A survey of the significant political philosophies and theories within the Western tradition. A major focus will be placed on understanding the present state of Western civilization, rooted in its philosophical and ethical context. Part I of this course will cover ancient political philosophy, including pre-Socratic, Greek, Hellenic, and Stoic philosophy. Part II covers medieval political philosophy, including the philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas. Part III covers modern political philosophy from the early Renaissance through contemporary postmodern political philosophy. UG
  • PSCI 447 - American Constitutional Law

    3 hours
    Includes the study of the origin, adoption, and the Supreme Court’s interpretation of the federal Constitution in such areas as judicial review, federalism, separation of powers, interstate commerce, contract clause, taxing powers, due process clause, equal protection of the laws, and civil liberties. Recommended for all Pre-Law students. Offered alternate years. Prerequisite(s): HIST 231 , PSCI 223 , or consent of instructor. UG
  • PSCI 455 - First Amendment and American Democracy

    3 hours
    One of America’s most enduring contributions to Western civilization is a written constitution securing fundamental liberties as bulwarks against governmental tyranny. The most precious of these liberties-those of religion, speech, press, and assembly–are protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Historically, the Constitution and the fundamental rights which it protected emerged from a venerable “higher law” tradition which stressed the rule of law under God and the existence of inalienable rights given by the Creator. This course explores the historical development of the American constitutional heritage, focusing in particular on the political theory and case law underlying the freedoms of speech, press, and assembly. Prerequisite(s): Recommended PSCI 447 . UG
  • PSCI 460 - Postmodern Political Theory

    3 hours
    The students will study the most recent significant developments in postmodern political theory. The students will study the arguments of political theorists in the post-Enlightenment age, focusing on the work of theorists in the past 20 years. The students will also be challenged to think about postmodern political theory from a Christian perspective. UG
  • PSCI 465 - American Heritage of Religious Liberty

    3 hours
    According to a growing consensus of scholars, one of America’s most enduring contributions to Western civilization, indeed to all of humanity, is its constitutional commitment to religious liberty, particularly as reflected in the religion clauses of the First Amendment. This course examines the historical development and judicial interpretations of the religion clauses, especially the establishment clause. Students who successfully complete this course will develop a deep appreciation for America’s historical and constitutional commitment to religious freedom, begin to formulate a Christian worldview that incorporates a proper understanding of the institutional roles of church and state and recognizes the importance of religious freedom in achieving a just society, and learn how to be a more effective Christian citizen and witness in a society committed to religious freedom and pluralism. Prerequisite(s): Recommended PSCI 447 . UG
  • PSCI 471 - Senior Seminar in Political Science

    2 hours
    Same as SSCI 471 . Prerequisite(s): PSCI 390 . UG
  • PSCI 475 - Jurisprudence

    3 hours
    Relying heavily on primary source documents, this rigorous course examines the lives and thought of the great legal philosophers and jurists in the Western legal tradition from ancient to modern times. Beginning with the ancient near eastern antecedents to Hebrew law in the Torah, the course then covers the legacies of Greek thinkers such as Plato and Aristotle, Roman leaders such as Cicero and Justinian, and early and medieval Christian theologians such as St. Augustine and Thomas Aquinas. After exploring the Hebraic, Greco-Roman and early Christian influences on the Western legal tradition, the course focuses on the emergence of the Anglo-American legal heritage, forged largely by concepts emerging from the Reformation, Renaissance and Enlightenment. Students wrestle with the writings of “higher law” theorists such as Thomas Hooker, John Locke, William Blackstone, Edmund Burke, and several American Founders, as well as the writings of the utilitarian and legal positivist thinkers such as Jeremy Bentham, Thomas Paine, John Stuart Mill, John Austin, and John Rawls. Prerequisite(s): PSCI 220 ; PSCI 280  or PSCI 290 . UG
  • PSCI 490 - Political Internship

    1-6 hours
    This course offers supervised opportunities for senior students to work in a variety of paid and volunteer internship opportunities in local, state, or national government during the school year or in the summer. Each internship is arranged in consultation with the student. UG
  • PSCI 494 - Readings in Political Science

    1-4 hours
    Same as HIST 494 . UG

Practical Ministries

  • PRM 306 - Principles of Management

    3 hours
    Management issues are explored from the perspectives of human resource administration and business management. Human resource administration topics include authority and ethics, conflict management, and team-building (utilizing the Myers Briggs Type Indicator and congregational life theory). Business management topics include financial, personnel, and time management. CS
  • PRM 310 - Discipling

    3 hours
    Learners will be able to (1) effectively live a discipling lifestyle and (2) are empowered to plan and implement disciple-making strategies within their respective appointments. The model is Jesus, whose purpose was to make disciples and whose disciples continued to focus on this purpose. At the heart of their life and work was Christian community, where focus was maintained and purpose fulfilled through strategic planning that resulted in practical steps of action in developing an ever-expanding network of discipling relationships. CS
  • PRM 316 - Worship and Preaching

    3 hours
    This course explores the nature of worship in terms of its theology and its historical development. The components and dynamics of corporate worship are examined with particular attention given to the place of preaching. Contemporary and cultural factors influencing worship are examined. CS
  • PRM 360 - Youth and Family Ministry

    3 hours
    The needs of churched and unchurched people in the context of today’s culture are examined, along with the possibility for corps growth through effective programming for all ages. Particular attention is given to the developmental stages and self-esteem issues within the community of faith. CS
  • PRM 364 - Non-Profit Retailing for Mission Advancement

    3 hours
    This course will explore the fundamental concepts, methodologies and processes of thrift store operation.  Topics include mission and ministry of non-profit retailing, qualities and characteristics of effective administration/managers, store management (planning, budget controls), human resource responsibilities and challenges of competition in the marketplace.  Course will center on the variety of ways for starting and running a thrift store and how each contributes to effective business decision in retail, service and mission. CS
  • PRM 402 - Organizational Behavior

    3 hours
    This course examines organizations on the individual, group, and external environment levels. Emphasis is placed on current organizational and leadership theories. Learners also learn to analyze organizations as an open system. Topics of discussion include group dynamics, communication and interpersonal relations, strategic planning, goal-setting, change management, and volunteer administration. The course looks at both secular and Biblical styles of leadership. CS
  • PRM 403 - Spiritual Formation and Personal Development

    3 hours
    Topics in both personal and corporate spiritual formation that impact the totality of one’s life and work are explored. Additionally, attention is given to problems that may cause leaders to bring into question their call to ministry and impede their spiritual and ministry formation. CS
  • PRM 410 - Counseling

    3 hours
    Principles and practices of Christian and pastoral counseling are reviewed with emphases on counseling for common personal and emotional issues including depression, addiction, stress and anxiety, grief, managing anger and forgiveness. Special attention is given to ethical issues, counseling parameters, intercultural competence and counseling issues with co-occurring disorders. Students learn self-awareness and self-care techniques along with short term intervention strategies. CS
  • PRM 417 - Community Relations

    3 hours
    Salvation Army services and programs cannot be carried out in any community without adequate resources. This seminar examines four key elements for developing a successful program that generates the needed resources: public relations/marketing, grant- and proposal-writing for funding, fund raising, and community relationships. CS
  • PRM 421 - Faith in Action Through Social Work

    3 hours
    Social work is a caring ministry. This course integrates Christian faith with social work theory and practice. Topics to be covered are (1) the Biblical basis for social work, (2) the history of social work, (3) social work and Christian values and ethics, (4) social work practice, (5) case management, and (6) crisis intervention. Salvation Army policies and procedures are also reviewed as they relate to the caring community services ministries. There is a 45-hour social work component with this course. CS
  • PRM 426 - Dynamics of Intercultural Ministry

    3 hours
    Explores the fundamentals of intercultural communication and implications for social interactions.  The course will cover a variety of topics, emphasize self-reflection, and engage participants in experiences designed to develop competencies for leadership in multicultural settings. CS
  • PRM 432 - Chaplaincy for Crisis Response

    3 hours
    Providing effective chaplaincy ministry to individuals, families, and communities following critical incidents and in times of crisis requires special training, skills, and understanding of the unique role of the chaplain. This course builds on the basic crisis intervention principles taught in the required prerequisite courses and prepares participants to provide chaplaincy services in a variety of settings with diverse population groups. The focus is on strategic chaplaincy intervention for the immediate post-incident response, along with long-term assistance in connecting survivors with critical support systems throughout the journey of recovery. CS
  • PRM 471 - Family Dynamics and Intervention

    3 hours
    An introduction to the systems approach in understanding family dynamics. Topics presented include (1) structural and cultural variations, (2) Biblical and theological foundations, (3) ministry program development, (4) life-cycle assessment, and (5) the application of theoretical concepts for practical ministry. CS
  • PRM 602 - Organizational Behavior

    3 hours
    A look at organizations on the individual, group, and external environment levels. Emphasis is placed on current organizational and leadership theories. Learners also learn to analyze organizations as an open system. Topics of discussion include group dynamics, communication and interpersonal relations, strategic planning, goal-setting, change management, and volunteer administration. The course looks at both secular and Biblical styles of leadership. GR
  • PRM 603 - Spiritual Formation and Personal Development

    3 hours
    Learners will explore topics in both personal and corporate spiritual formation that impact the totality of one’s life and work. Additionally, attention is given to problems that may cause leaders to bring into question their call to ministry and impede their spiritual and ministry formation. GR
  • PRM 606 - Principles of Management

    3 hours
    Management issues are explored from the perspectives of human resource administration and business management. Human resource administration topics include authority and ethics, conflict management, and team-building (utilizing the Myers Briggs Type Indicator and congregational life theory). Business management topics include financial, personnel, and time management. GR
  • PRM 610 - Discipling

    3 hours
    The purpose of this course is to develop learners who (1) effectively live a discipling lifestyle and (2) are empowered to plan and implement disciple-making strategies within their respective appointments. The model is Jesus, whose purpose was to make disciples and whose disciples continued to focus on this purpose. At the heart of their life and work was Christian community, where focus was maintained and purpose fulfilled through strategic planning that resulted in practical steps of action in developing an ever-expanding network of discipling relationships. GR
  • PRM 616 - Worship and Preaching

    3 hours
    The nature of worship is examined in terms of its theology and its historical development. The components and dynamics of corporate worship are discussed, with particular attention given to the place of preaching. Contemporary and cultural factors influencing worship are examined. GR
  • PRM 617 - Community Relations

    3 hours
    Salvation Army services and programs cannot be carried out in any community without adequate resources. This seminar examines four key elements for developing a successful program that generates the needed resources: public relations/marketing, grant- and proposal-writing for funding, fund raising, and community relationships. GR
  • PRM 621 - Faith in Action Through Social Work

    3 hours
    Social work is a caring ministry. This course integrates Christian faith with social work theory and practice. Topics to be covered are (1) the Biblical basis for social work, (2) the history of social work, (3) social work and Christian values and ethics, (4) social work practice, (5) case management, and (6) crisis intervention. Salvation Army policies and procedures are also reviewed as they relate to the caring community services ministries. There is a 45-hour social work component with this course. GR
  • PRM 626 - Dynamics of Intercultural Ministry

    3 hours
    Explores the fundamentals of intercultural communication and implications for social interactions.  The course will cover a variety of topics. emphasize self-reflection, and engage participants in experiences designed to develop competencies for leadership in multicultural settings. GR
  • PRM 632 - Chaplaincy for Crisis Response

    3 hours
    Providing effective chaplaincy ministry to individuals, families, and communities following critical incidents and in times of crisis requires special training, skills, and understanding of the unique role of the chaplain. This course builds on the basic crisis intervention principles taught in the required prerequisite courses and prepares participants to provide chaplaincy services in a variety of settings with diverse population groups. The focus is on strategic chaplaincy intervention for the immediate post-incident response, along with long-term assistance in connecting survivors with critical support systems throughout the journey of recovery. CS
  • PRM 635 - Counseling

    3 hours
    Principles and practices of Christian and pastoral counseling are reviewed with emphases on counseling for common personal and emotional issues including depression, addiction, stress and anxiety, grief, managing anger and forgiveness. Special attention is given to ethical issues, counseling parameters, intercultural competence and counseling issues with co-occurring disorders. Students learn self-awareness and self-care techniques along with short term intervention strategies. GR
  • PRM 660 - Youth and Family Ministry

    3 hours
    Examines the needs of churched and unchurched people in the context of today’s culture. The possibility for corps growth through effective programming for all ages is discussed, with particular attention to the developmental stages and self-esteem issues within the community of faith. GR
  • PRM 664 - Non-Profit Retailing for Mission Advancement

    3 hours
    This course will explore the fundamental concepts, methodologies and processes of thrift store operation.  Topics include mission and ministry of non-profit retailing, qualities and characteristics of effective administration/managers, store management (planning, budget controls), human resource responsibilities and challenges of competition in the marketplace.  Course will center on the variety of ways for starting and running a thrift store and how each contributes to effective business decision in retail, service and mission. GR
  • PRM 671 - Family Dynamics and Intervention

    3 hours
    The systems approach in understanding family dynamics is introduced. Topics presented include (1) structural and cultural variations, (2) Biblical and theological foundations, (3) ministry program development, (4) life-cycle assessment, (5) and the application of theoretical concepts for practical ministry. GR
  • PRM 698 - Ministry Practicum

    2 hours
    Learners are offered an opportunity for research and development in a specific area of ministry in which learners are directly related. Research should be practically applied in the learner’s area of ministry. It is expected that this experience requires 80-90 hours of preparation. The practicum is to be approved by the program coordinator. GR
  • PRM 699 - Thesis

    4 hours
    Learners complete a thesis, with approval of the Graduate Committee. The subject must be directly related to the learner’s current ministry or the learner’s own personal ministry objectives. The thesis must demonstrate the learner’s ability to design, execute, and report on independent research. See the section on “Research Options” in Chapter 9 for further explanation of thesis design and expectation. GR


  • PSY 200 - Lifespan Development

    3 hours
    This course gives an overview of theory and research on human development in physical, cognitive, and social-emotional domains from conception to death. This course is not intended for psychology majors. CS
  • PSY 204 - Industrial/Organizational Psychology

    3 hours
    This course helps learners understand the factors that influence human behavior in organizational settings. Emphasis is placed on scientific analysis of individual processes, group processes, and organizational structure and design. Topics addressed include research methodology, attitude determinants, communication, performance determinants and evaluations, decision-making, and leadership. CS
  • PSYC 101 - Introduction to Psychology

    3 hours
    An introduction to the scientific study of mind, brain, and behavior. A variety of content areas will be covered including psychological disorders, therapy and treatment, neuroscience, learning and conditioning, memory, theories of personality, sensation and perception, motivation and emotion, human development, social relationships and influence, research methods used to study human and animal behavior, and careers within psychology. UG
  • PSYC 200 - Lifespan Development

    3 hours
    This course gives an overview of theory and research on human development in physical, cognitive, and social-emotional domains from conception to death. For non-majors only. UG
  • PSYC 202 - Educational Psychology

    3 hours
    Same as EDUC 249 . UG
  • PSYC 203 - History and Systems of Psychology

    3 hours
    A history of the field of psychology with particular emphasis on the theoretical development from the prescientific era to the present time. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 101 , PSYC 211  or PSYC 212 . UG
  • PSYC 211 - Child Developmental Psychology

    3 hours
    A study of human physical, intellectual, emotional, perceptual, social, and personality development from conception to puberty. It is recommended that PSYC 211  precede PSYC 212  if both courses are taken. UG
  • PSYC 212 - Adolescent and Adult Developmental Psychology

    3 hours
    A study of human physical, intellectual, emotional, perceptual, social, and personality development from puberty to death. It is recommended that PSYC 211  precede PSYC 212  if both courses are taken. UG
  • PSYC 214 - Early Adolescent Development

    3 hours
    Same as EDUC 214 . Does not apply to Psychology major or minor. UG
  • PSYC 222 - Psychology of Human Communication

    3 hours
    Same as COMM 203 . UG
  • PSYC 233 - Group Dynamics

    3 hours
    Same as COMM 235 . UG
  • PSYC 241 - Statistics

    4 hours
    Same as MATH 241 . UG
  • PSYC 320 - Sports Psychology

    3 hours
    Same as EXSS 320 . UG
  • PSYC 321 - Social Psychology

    3 hours
    This course considers the social factors that operate in influencing the behavior of the individual. Emphasis is given to the description and evaluation of the methods of measurement and techniques of investigation for the social psychologist. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 101 . UG
  • PSYC 323 - Human Diversity

    3 hours
    This course seeks to enhance understanding of an individual’s identity, development, and culture from the perspectives of gender, ethnicity, religion, age, socioeconomic level, and disabilities. UG
  • PSYC 324 - Industrial/Organizational Psychology

    3 hours
    A survey of the theory, research and strategies used in business, industry, and government in the following areas: (1) personnel selection, assessment and training; (2) human engineering, motivation, work efficiency, and job satisfaction; (3) organizational structure and dynamics; (4) leadership and supervisory training; and (5) employee counseling. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 101 . UG
  • PSYC 331 - Basic Research and Statistics

    4 hours
    A survey or the methods of gathering, interpreting, and communicating research data. Topics include measurement and scaling techniques; naturalistic observation, case study, survey, correlational and experimental methods; non-parametric statistics, test, and single-factor analysis of variance; report-writing, graphical reporting of data, and bibliographical sources; and computer data and database searches. UG
  • PSYC 332 - Advanced Research and Statistics

    3 hours
    The study of advanced experimental methods and designs, the application of parametric statistics through three-factor analysis of variance, bibliographical sources and report writing, and the use of computers in research. Research experiences are included. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 331 . UG
  • PSYC 343 - Learning and Behavior Modification

    3 hours
    A survey of the basic types of learning and the variables that influence the learning process. Emphasis is placed on the theoretical and applied aspects of human behavior change. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 331  is recommended. UG
  • PSYC 345 - Physiological Psychology

    3 hours
    This course acquaints students with the neurological and glandular bases of learning, sensation, perception, and behavior. Laboratory experiences are included. UG
  • PSYC 346 - Cognitive Psychology

    3 hours
    An in-depth study of the mental structures, processes, and strategies that enable one to process the vast amount of information encountered each day, and to respond in an appropriate manner to the demands of daily living. Topics will include the history and methods of cognitive psychology, cognitive development, attention, perception, memory, cognitive learning, concept formation, language, thinking, reasoning, problem solving, and creativity. Theory, research, lab demonstrations, and applications will be included. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 101 , PSYC 331  is recommended. UG
  • PSYC 361 - Theories of Personality

    3 hours
    A study is made of the conceptualizations of personality that are acceptable to the various theoretical positions. Also, consideration is given to the many factors that affect the personality development of the individual. Emphasis is placed on what is considered normal personality. Prerequisite(s): Recommended PSYC 203 . UG
  • PSYC 362 - Psychological Testing

    3 hours
    The assessment of human characteristics such as mental abilities, attitudes, aptitudes, learning disabilities, vocational interests, and personality traits and abnormalities. Emphasis is given to how psychological inventories are constructed, utilized, and evaluated. Students will take and interpret various tests. Prerequisite(s): four psychology courses; PSYC 361  is recommended. UG
  • PSYC 365 - Crisis Intervention

    3 hours
    Same as SOWK 365 . UG
  • PSYC 398 - Psychology Seminar

    1 hour
    This course is required of all Psychology majors in either their junior or senior year. It includes a series of lectures, panel discussions, guest speakers, and field trips covering issues such as vocations in psychology, graduate programs, application strategies, current issues, and ethics. UG
  • PSYC 433 - Quantitative Research Project

    1-3 hours
    A departmentally approved quantitative research project designed, conducted, analyzed, and reported by the student. Fall enrollment in the course is expected, though the project continues through spring semester. Prerequisite(s): six Psychology courses, including PSYC 331 , PSYC 332 . Note: This course may be repeated if the new research project is an extension of the previous project that addresses different research questions or if it addresses a completely different research topic. UG
  • PSYC 461 - Counseling Process and Technique

    3 hours
    A study of the process of psychological counseling with emphasis on effective counselor characteristics, the initial session, facilitative relationship, goals, strategies, termination, ethical issues within counseling, and the development of a personal counseling model. Application will be made to interest areas such as crisis intervention, pastoral counseling, marriage and family counseling, social work, and personnel services. Prerequisite(s): four Psychology courses. UG
  • PSYC 467 - Psychotherapy

    3 hours
    A survey of the major concepts and practices in contemporary psychotherapy and counseling. Emphasis will be given to psychoanalysis; individual psychology; transactional analysis; and person-centered, existential, gestalt, rational-emotive, reality, and behavior therapies. Attention will be given to the development of effective therapist characteristics and a personal therapy model. Prerequisite(s): four Psychology courses, including PSYC 203 , PSYC 361 . UG
  • PSYC 468 - Abnormal Psychology

    3 hours
    A comprehensive study of the various types of personality and behavioral abnormalities, including their etiology, symptoms, dynamics, and treatment. A comparison is made between normal and maladaptive functioning. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 101 . UG
  • PSYC 474 - Group Counseling

    3 hours
    As paraprofessionals, scores of psychology graduates lead therapy groups in state hospital, community hospital, and agency settings. Therapy group goals, leadership techniques, and treatment and evaluation strategies will be explored. The practices and effectiveness of various models representing the major schools of thought in psychology will be compared. Attention also will be given to the history and varieties of self help groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous. Prerequisite(s): seven Psychology courses; PSYC 461 , PSYC 467  required; PSYC 233  recommended. UG
  • PSYC 478 - Professional Issues

    1 hour
    A study of (1) mental health services, including history, agencies, practitioner roles, professional organizations, and credentialing; (2) principles of referral, advocacy, and case management; and (3) professional, legal, and ethical responsibilities in professional counseling, especially as related to Illinois law. UG
  • PSYC 479 - Supervised Practicum

    1-5 hours
    The student will work in an approved agency under the supervision of a professionally trained staff member. For each credit taken, a total of 45 hours must be completed. Placement will be arranged according to the interests of the student. Open only to senior Psychology majors. UG
  • PSYC 600 - Research and Program Evaluation

    3 hours
    Survey of methods of gathering, analyzing, interpreting, and communicating research data. Topics include psychological measurement and scaling techniques, the various types of research methods and designs, ethics in research, report writing, graphical reporting of data, and bibliographical sources in psychology. Learners must find a researchable problem, develop a testable hypothesis, review and critique the literature, and develop an appropriate method, design, and statistics. GR
  • PSYC 601 - Human Growth and Development

    3 hours
    A study of human physical, cognitive, emotional, social, and personality development and needs from conception to death. Factors contributing to functional and dysfunctional physical, cognitive, interpersonal, and vocational development are emphasized. GR
  • PSYC 602 - Lifestyle and Career Development

    3 hours
    Discusses the interface of persons of diverse genders, cultures, socioeconomic levels, and the world of work. Includes global theoretical perspectives, as well as practical counseling issues, such as career-planning and decision-making, interest and aptitude assessment, training and equipping, motivation, career resources, résumé and interview optimization, holding a job, career interrelationships with family and other life roles, dismissals, and retirement. GR
  • PSYC 603 - Psychological Assessment

    3 hours
    The selection, administration, interpretation, and communication of psychological tests, with promotion of sound psychometric principles. Concepts such as central tendency, reliability and validity, norms, standard scores, and variability are addressed. The basic assumptions, procedures, techniques, and instruments in the assessment of human characteristics, such as mental abilities, attitudes, disabilities, vocational interests, personality traits, and abnormalities, are explored. Both individual and group assessments are included, as well as legal and ethical issues, and issues of diversity. GR
  • PSYC 604 - Abnormal Psychology

    3 hours
    A study of the various types of personality and behavioral abnormalities, including their etiology, symptoms, dynamics, and treatment. The emphases are on training practitioners in differential diagnosis using the latest diagnostic and statistical manual and the ICD classification system and on increasing awareness of the most effective forms of therapy for a particular disorder. A required part of this course is a concurrent weekly practicum experience in a setting in which learners can diagnose and interact with persons who are mentally ill or developmentally disabled. GR
  • PSYC 607 - Social and Cultural Foundation

    3 hours
    The purpose of this course is to provide an understanding of issues and trends in a multicultural and diverse society, including characteristics of individuals, couples, families, racial/ethnic groups, and communities. The course examines the impact of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, physical and mental characteristics, and other areas of diversity on personal, social, and academic development. One’s own social and cultural background are analyzed. Tolerance (political perspective) and value (spiritual perspective) of differences are emphasized. GR
  • PSYC 610 - Counseling Theory and Techniques I

    3 hours
    A study of basic interviewing and counseling skills and the facilitative relationship. The course explores theories of development, dysfunction, and treatment using traditional and brief models applied to both prevention and intervention with diverse individuals. Counseling approaches include psychodynamic, Adlerian, person-centered, existential, behavioral, cognitive, and reality therapies. GR
  • PSYC 611 - Counseling Theory and Techniques II

    3 hours
    The learner will explore contemporary and/or specialized theories, including Gestalt, psychodrama, family systems, crisis intervention, multicultural, and other developmental and community counseling theories. GR
  • PSYC 619A - Counseling Practicum I

    1 hour
    The supervised practicum experience(s) requires completion of a minimum of 100 clock hours. Requirements include a minimum of 40 hours of direct service with clients (at least one-fourth of these hours should be in group work). Additional requirements include at least one hour of individual supervision and 1½ hours of group supervision per week. The 100 hours can be completed over one or two semesters. A grade of B or better is required. Students will complete the practicum experience in the Olivet Nazarene University Counseling Lab. GR
  • PSYC 619B - Counseling Practicum II

    1 hour
    This course is a continuation of practicum over a second semester to refine skills and complete required hours. A grade of B or better is required. GR
  • PSYC 621 - Addictions and Compulsive Behaviors

    3 hours
    Explains the interviewing, assessment, intervention, case management, and optimal resources for clients with substance abuse, eating disorders, and love and sexual addictions. Etiological, reinforcing, and therapeutic family dynamics are emphasized. A concurrent practicum is required that involves 10 hours of experience in various settings interacting with addiction clients. GR

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