2014-2015 Catalog 
    Sep 25, 2024  
2014-2015 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions – All


Military Science

  • MSCI 221 - Leadership and Problem-Solving

    2 hours
    This course builds on the fundamentals introduced in the first-year curriculum. Using practical exercise, cadets must increasingly apply communications and leadership skills to solve increasingly complex problems. The course concludes with a major leadership and problem-solving case study that draws on virtually all of the classroom instruction received in the first two semesters of the Basic Course. The course also includes one weekend field training exercise, weekly leadership laboratories, and physical training. Upon completion of this semester, cadets should be well grounded in the fundamental principles of leadership, and be prepared to intensify the practical application of their studies during the Advanced Course. Corequisite(s): MSCI 022 . UG
  • MSCI 222 - Small Unit Leadership and Tactics

    2 hours
    Basic Course capstone that focuses principally on officership, providing an extensive examination of the unique purpose, roles, and obligations of commissioned officers. It includes a detailed look at the origin of the Army’s institutional values and their practical application in decision-making and leadership. Introduces fundamentals and principles of small unit tactics. Upon completion of this semester, cadets will possess a fundamental understanding of both leadership and officership. They will be able to apply this understanding in real-world situations, and be mentally and physically prepared to shoulder the responsibility of a commissioned officer in the U.S. Army. Includes one weekend field training exercise, weekly leadership laboratories, and physical training. Corequisite(s): MSCI 022 . UG
  • MSCI 225 - Leader’s Training Course

    4 hours
    An alternative to the Basic Course above, this course offers a possibility for students who have not considered ROTC until late in their sophomore year an opportunity for a scholarship and entry into the Advanced Course. The sole purpose for attending is to qualify for the Advanced Course. Students contract prior to attending, and, therefore, must be American citizens to attend. This is a 28-day summer training course conducted at Fort Knox, Kentucky. It is designed to teach the fundamentals of soldiering and leadership. Students gain personal confidence through practical, hands-on exercises, including land navigation, rifle marksmanship, first aid, individual and unit tactics, obstacle courses, and rappelling. Includes a military stipend of approximately $500. UG
  • MSCI 230 - Northern Warfare

    1 hour
    A two week course conducted in Alaska. Provides training in cold weather survival and small unit tactics. This course trains squad and platoon level leaders in the knowledge/skills required to successfully conduct small unit operations in a cold, snow-covered environment. Emphasis is placed on the effects of cold on personnel and material, use of basic cold weather clothing and equipment, winter field craft, snowshoe/ski techniques, and winter/cold regions navigation and route planning. Attendees will receive comprehensive instruction/training materials enabling them to implement basic cold weather and ski training programs within their units. Cold weather risk management procedures are stressed throughout the course. Grading is pass/fail. Prerequisite(s): successful completion of MSCI 221  and MSCI 222  and approval of the Department of Military Science. UG
  • MSCI 235 - Air Assault Operation

    1 hour
    A two week course conducted at an Army installation in the continental United States which provides students with training in helicopter operations. It includes sling loading and rappelling. Students are required to submit an After Action Review (AAR) discussing the practical applications of Air Mobile and Air Assault Operations in modern warfare. Grading is pass/fail. Prerequisite(s): successful completion of MSCI 221  and MSCI 222  and approval of the Department of Military Science. UG
  • MSCI 240 - Airborne Operations

    1 hour
    A three week course conducted at Fort Benning, Georgia. This course trains students in military ski diving techniques with practical applications. Students are required to submit an After Action Review (AAR) discussing the practical applications of Airborne Operations in modern warfare. Grading is pass/fail. Prerequisite(s): successful completion of MSCI 221  and MSCI 222  and approval of the Department of Military Science. UG
  • MSCI 331 - Tactical Leadership Development I

    4 hours
    Focus of instruction is on leadership competencies using small unit operations as the primary mode of instruction. Cadets assume leadership positions within the Rolling Thunder Battalion, and actually apply the theory they have learned in the Basic Course by planning and executing small unit training. The semester begins with instruction in the Leadership Development Process (LDP) used throughout the academic year and at the Leader Development and Assessment Course (LDAC) to assess and develop leadership. Cadets will focus on troop-leading procedures, motivational theory, small unit training, operations orders, and risk assessment. Course includes weekly leadership lab, one weekend field training exercise, and physical training. Prerequisite(s): Basic Course credit Corequisite(s): MSCI 022 . UG
  • MSCI 332 - Tactical Leadership Development II

    4 hours
    A continuation of MSCI 331  emphasizing doctrinal leadership and tactical operations at the small unit level. It includes opportunities to plan and conduct individual and collective skill training for offensive operations to gain leadership and tactical experience. This critical semester synthesizes the various components of training, leadership, and team-building taught over the last three years, and prepares cadets for their summer experience at LDAC. Course includes weekly leadership lab, two weekend field training exercises, and physical training. Prerequisite(s): MSCI 331  Corequisite(s): MSCI 022 . UG
  • MSCI 336 - Nurse Summer Training Program

    2 hours
    Advanced three-week practicum for leadership development in nursing. Nurses will train at one of several Army hospitals throughout the United States and Europe. Approximately $700 in military pay, with transportation, room, and board provided. Optional for Army ROTC Advanced Course Nursing students. Prerequisite(s): MSCI 331  and MSCI 332 . UG
  • MSCI 337 - Cadet Troop Leadership Training

    2 hours
    This two week course conducted at an Army Installation in the continental United States or overseas provides firsthand experience in an Army unit. Students learn about military life and the duties of a lieutenant. This is a four week internship with the Army in which students apply the Army’s 16 Leadership Dimensions while working under the direct supervision of a senior Army Officer. Students will receive an Officer Evaluation Report (DA Form 67-9) at the end of the internship. Students will be required to submit an After Action Review (AAR) illustrating how he/she applied the 16 Leadership Dimensions during the internship. Prerequisite(s): successful completion of MSCI 331 , MSCI 332 , and MSCI 338  and approval of the Department of Military Science. UG
  • MSCI 338 - Leader Development and Assessment Course

    4 hours
    Approximately 3,500 cadets nationwide will attend LDAC at Fort Lewis, Washington, each year. An Advanced Course requirement, LDAC provides an opportunity to live and work with other cadets from around the country for 32 days. LDAC is a performance-based environment in which cadets can exercise their leadership skills in a variety of field and garrison activities, and cadre can assess leadership potential. Military pay approximately $1,100. Prerequisite(s): MSCI 332 . (Optional four hours credit). UG
  • MSCI 380 - Fundamentals of Emergency Management

    3 hours
    Same as SOWK 380 . UG
  • MSCI 441 - Junior Officer Leadership I

    4 hours
    Focusing on leadership, management, and ethics, MSCI 441  begins the final transition from cadet to lieutenant. The course focuses cadets, early in the year, on attaining apprentice-level knowledge and proficiency in several critical areas they will need to operate effectively as Army officers, including coordinating activities with staffs, counseling theory and practice within the “Army Context,” training management, and ethics. Cadets will continue to sharpen these skills as they perform their roles as cadet officers in the Rolling Thunder Battalion and after commissioning. At the end of this semester, cadets should possess the fundamental skills, attributes, and abilities to operate as competent leaders in the cadet battalion and confidently communicate to subordinate cadets their preparedness to shoulder the responsibilities entrusted to them. Course includes weekly leadership lab, one weekend field training exercise, and physical training. Prerequisite(s): MSCI 332   Corequisite(s): MSCI 022 . UG
  • MSCI 442 - Junior Officer Leadership II

    4 hours
    A continuation of MSCI 441 , MSCI 442  completes the transition from cadet to lieutenant. As a follow-up to the ethics instruction in MSCI 441 , the course starts with a foundation in the legal aspects of decision-making and leadership. The next modules reinforce previous instruction on the organization of the Army, introduce how to organize for operations from the tactical to strategic level, and introduce administrative and logistical management issues that focus on the fundamentals of soldier and unit-level support. The final module that introduces new information focuses on the often confusing process of changing duty stations and reporting to a new unit. Upon completion of this semester, the cadets will be prepared to shoulder the responsibility of being a commissioned officer in the U.S. Army. Course includes weekly leadership lab, one weekend field training exercise, and physical training. Prerequisite(s): MSCI 441  Corequisite(s): MSCI 022 . UG
  • MSCI 443 - American Military History

    3 hours
    Introduces cadets to American military history using principles of warfare, threads of continuity, battle analysis, and oral biographies. This course is required for commissioning. Prerequisite(s): Contracted cadet in sophomore, junior, or senior standing, or approval of instructor. UG
  • MSCI 445 - Ranger Challenge Preparation

    1 hour
    An eight week course conducted on campus at Alfred Fortin Villa (ROTC building) that provides hands-on experience in preparation for the intense and rigorous training of the Army Ranger Course. This course is available to enrolled Military Science cadets. Students learn military mountaineering skills, advanced land navigation skills, and advanced survival skills. The course also includes advanced and intense physical training. It concludes with a three-day regional competition at Marseilles Training Center in Marseilles, Illinois involving Army ROTC programs from up to 20 colleges and universities. Students may only be admitted after competing in the Army Physical Fitness Test. Students will be required to submit a written paper using the U.S. Army’s After Action Review (AAR) format in which they analyze the effectiveness of their pre-competition training and competition strategies in terms of the actual performance outcomes. They will also attend a breakfast seminar and participate in a roundtable discussion. Maximum enrollment is 22. Grading is pass/fail. Course can be taken maximum 4 times. Prerequisite(s): approval of the Department of Military Science. UG

Modern Languages

  • MLAN 102 - Arabic Language and Culture

    3 hours
    An elementary course of the Arabic language that focuses on the listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills while introducing the cultural aspects of the Arab world. UG
  • MLAN 104 - Chinese Language and Culture

    3 hours
    An elementary course of the Chinese language that focuses on the listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills while introducing the cultural aspects of the Chinese people. UG
  • MLAN 105 - Italian Language and Culture

    3 hours
    An elementary course of the Italian language that focuses on the listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills while introducing the cultural aspects of the Italian people. UG


  • MUAP 050 - Studio Class

    0 hours
    All students enrolled in 111 or 311 levels of applied study are required to take Studio Voice (MUAP 050), Studio Piano (MUAP 060 , or Studio-Other Applied (MUAP 070 ). Weekly studio classes are held by each applied instructor. Provides exposure to appropriate literature as well as opportunities to perform. UG
  • MUAP 060 - Studio Class

    0 hours
    All students enrolled in 111 or 311 levels of applied study are required to take Studio Voice (MUAP 050 ), Studio Piano (MUAP 060, or Studio-Other Applied (MUAP 070 ). Weekly studio classes are held by each applied instructor. Provides exposure to appropriate literature as well as opportunities to perform. UG
  • MUAP 070 - Studio Class

    0 hours
    All students enrolled in 111 or 311 levels of applied study are required to take Studio Voice (MUAP 050 ), Studio Piano (MUAP 060 , or Studio-Other Applied (MUAP 070). Weekly studio classes are held by each applied instructor. Provides exposure to appropriate literature as well as opportunities to perform. UG
  • MUAP 109 - Applied Study - Wind, String, Percussion

    2 hours
    Private instruction for non-Music majors/minors in the following areas:

    MUBN - Bassoon
    MUCL - Clarinet
    MUEU - Euphonium
    MUFL - Flute
    MUGU - Classical Guitar
    MUHD - Harpsichord
    MUHN - Horn
    MUHP - Harp
    MUOB - Oboe
    MUOR - Organ
    MUPE - Percussion
    MUPN - Piano
    MUSA - Saxophone
    MUSB - String Bass
    MUTB - Trombone
    MUTR - Trumpet
    MUTU - Tuba
    MUVA - Viola
    MUVN - Violin
    MUVC - Violincello
    MUVO - Voice

    Content and literature will be determined by the individual professor as appropriate to the ability level of each student. The 309 level is for non-Music majors/minors who have completed four semesters at the 109 level. Placement by the School of Music.

  • MUAP 111 - Applied Study - Wind, String, Percussion

    2 hours
    Private instruction for Music majors and minors in the following areas:

    MUBN - Bassoon
    MUCL - Clarinet
    MUEU - Euphonium
    MUFL - Flute
    MUGU - Classical Guitar
    MUHD - Harpsichord
    MUHN - Horn
    MUHP - Harp
    MUOB - Oboe
    MUOR - Organ
    MUPE - Percussion
    MUPN - Piano
    MUSA - Saxophone
    MUSB - String Bass
    MUTB - Trombone
    MUTR - Trumpet
    MUTU - Tuba
    MUVA - Viola
    MUVN - Violin
    MUVC - Violincello
    MUVO - Voice

    Content and literature will be determined by the individual professor as appropriate to the ability level of each student. Students who enroll for either 111 or 311 level of Applied Study must concurrently enroll in MUAP 070 . A performance exam is required at the end of each semester of study. Placement by the School of Music.

  • MUAP 150 - Choreographic Stage Movement

    2 hours
    Applied study of the principles of choreography for the stage, including stand-alone works and presentations within musical productions. Includes elements of stage deportment, standard terminology, movement, body placement, muscle development, and flexibility. UG
  • MUAP 200 - Recital Lab

    0 hours
    All Music majors are required to complete Recital Lab every semester of enrollment. Music minors are required to complete four semesters. Majors are required to attend 12 recitals per semester and minors are required to attend 6 recitals per semester. Attendance is taken by scanning ONU student ID cards at each event. UG
  • MUAP 225 - Upper-Division Hearing

    0 hours
    Students pursuing any concentration in Music must successfully complete the Upper-Division Hearing. Students are to complete this process at the end of the fourth semester of college-level study, typically at the end of the sophomore year. The hearing includes both a public performance in the primary Applied emphasis and an interview with the full School of Music faculty. Students may only enroll in 300-level music courses upon successful completion of the Upper-Division Hearing process. UG
  • MUAP 309 - Applied Study - Wind, String, Percussion

    2 hours
    Private instruction for non-Music majors/minors in the following areas:

    MUBN - Bassoon
    MUCL - Clarinet
    MUEU - Euphonium
    MUFL - Flute
    MUGU - Classical Guitar
    MUHD - Harpsichord
    MUHN - Horn
    MUHP - Harp
    MUOB - Oboe
    MUPE - Percussion
    MUDS - Drum Set
    MUSA - Saxophone
    MUSB - String Bass
    MUTB - Trombone
    MUTR - Trumpet
    MUTU - Tuba
    MUVA - Viola
    MUVN - Violin
    MUVC - Violincello

    Content and literature will be determined by the individual professor as appropriate to the ability level of each student. The 309 level is for non-Music majors/minors who have completed four semesters at the 109 level. Placement by Music Department.

  • MUAP 311 - Applied Study - Wind, String, Percussion

    2 hours
    Private instruction for Music majors and minors in the following areas:

    MUBN - Bassoon
    MUCL - Clarinet
    MUEU - Euphonium
    MUFL - Flute
    MUGU - Classical Guitar
    MUHD - Harpsichord
    MUHN - Horn
    MUHP - Harp
    MUOB - Oboe
    MUPE - Percussion
    MUDS - Drum Set
    MUSA - Saxophone
    MUSB - String Bass
    MUTB - Trombone
    MUTR - Trumpet
    MUTU - Tuba
    MUVA - Viola
    MUVN - Violin
    MUVC - Violincello

    Content and literature will be determined by the individual professor as appropriate to the ability level of each student. Students who enroll for either 111 or 311 level of Applied Study must concurrently enroll in MUAP 070 . A performance exam is required at the end of each semester of study. Placement by Music Department. Prerequisite(s): completion of four semesters of 111-level Applied Study in one emphasis and successful completion of the Upper-Division Hearing.

  • MUAP 350 - Choreographic Stage Movement

    2 hours
    Applied study of the principles of choreography for the stage, including stand-alone works and presentations within musical productions. Includes elements of stage deportment, standard terminology, movement, body placement, muscle development, and flexibility. UG
  • MUAP 395 - Junior Recital

    2 hours
    A well-balanced program of representative works from the Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and 20th century repertoires to be performed in public. Thirty minutes in duration. Only for those with a Music Performance concentration. Recitals must be approved during a pre-recital hearing by a three member committee from the Applied Study area. Prerequisite(s): permission of the Applied professor and successful completion of the Upper-Division Hearing. UG
  • MUAP 490 - Senior Seminar

    1 hour
    Designed to integrate previous studies in music, this capstone course explores the art of music and its connection to contemporary culture and the Christian faith. Refinement of the student’s analytical and writing skills will be stressed through discussion of various topics and the presentation of individual projects. Other considerations include preparation for the Graduate Record Examination, graduate study, and professional career preparation in academic or church settings. UG
  • MUAP 495 - Senior Recital

    2 hours
    A well-balanced program of representative works from the Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and 20th century repertoires to be performed in public. Recitals must be approved during a pre-recital hearing by a three member committee from the Applied Study area. The program should demonstrate a broader grasp of repertoire and technique than the Junior recital. Time requirements:

    General Music 30 minutes
    Music Ministry 30 minutes
    Music Education 30 minutes
    Performance 60 minutes
    Prerequisite(s): permission of the Applied professor and completion of the Piano Proficiency Exam; MUAP 395  (Music Performance only). UG
  • MUAP 496 - Senior Composition Project

    2 hours
    Students majoring in Music Composition will complete a substantive project related to the major in lieu of the Senior Recital. The project should be approved by the Music faculty. UG
  • MUCH 350 - Church Music Administration

    2 hours
    This course is designed to expose students to issues inherent in the administration of a church music program. Concepts to be covered include, but are not limited to, budgets, program recruitment/graded choirs, running a sound system, building acoustics, and staff reports. Offered alternate years. Prerequisite(s): successful completion of the Upper-Division Hearing. UG
  • MUCH 377 - Music in Worship

    2 hours
    Explores Biblical and philosophical foundations of worship, and the relationship and use of music in the workings of the church. Prerequisite(s): successful completion of the Upper-Division Hearing (Music majors); MUTH 130  (Music minors); FINA 101  and sophomore standing for other majors. UG
  • MUCH 379 - Music in the Church Service

    2 hours
    The study of aspects of church music that will prepare the student for a ministry in music in the local church. Materials and methods of church service design will be examined. Offered alternate years. Prerequisite(s): MUCH 377 . UG
  • MUCH 480 - Supervised Conducting Practicum

    1 hour
    A course designed to give the student practical conducting experience. Includes ensemble conducting in a supervised peer setting. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite(s): MUED 276 , successful completion of the Upper-Division Hearing, and permission of the supervising ensemble conductor. UG
  • MUCH 487 - Supervised Music Ministry Internship

    2 hours
    Placement will be made in a church setting, which will provide practical training and serve as a culminating experience for those concentrating in church music; to be supervised cooperatively by a full-time music pastor and a member of the School of Music faculty. Activities may include some or all of the following: choir-directing, congregational singing, working with children’s music, directing a teen choir, directing the church orchestra, arranging for and participating in special music, and selecting music for all of the above. Prerequisite(s): MUCH 377   or MUCH 379 ; completion of the Piano Proficiency Exam. UG
  • MUED 177 - Music Drama Production

    ½-2 hours
    A course designed to enable students to study and participate in the workings of the production of music drama. Credit shall be given to students based on the quality of their involvement as well as the amount of time. Up to two hours of credit may be earned in one semester. The faculty member responsible for the course will determine how much credit can be given. May be repeated for credit. UG
  • MUED 180 - Percussion Instruments Class

    2 hours
    Study and development of fundamental skills needed for teaching percussion in a school setting. Methods and materials for school classes will be discussed. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite(s): MUTH 120 . UG
  • MUED 200 - Introduction to Instrumental Music for Voice Majors

    2 hours
    A course designed to provide functional knowledge of the brass, percussion, string, woodwind families, and fretted instruments. Such areas as breathing, hand position, embouchure, and fingerings will be addressed. Required of those who concentrate in Music Education and select the voice emphasis. UG
  • MUED 240 - Introduction to Music Technology

    2 hours
    Introduction to computer uses and software with music applications including notation and sequencing software; basic knowledge of MIDI and uses of synthesizers; understanding of tone production techniques with electronic instruments; exploration of Internet and other resource options. UG
  • MUED 276 - Beginning Conducting

    2 hours
    A study of basic techniques in conducting, analysis, and score-reading, involving both choral and instrumental music. Lab experience will be included. Prerequisite(s): MUTH 120 . UG
  • MUED 280 - String Instruments Class

    2 hours
    Study of violin, viola, cello, bass. Correct fingering, bowing, and positions. Methods and materials for school classes will be discussed. Prerequisite(s): MUTH 120 . UG
  • MUED 281 - Marching Band Techniques

    1 hour
    This course is designed to give students background in the planning, charting, and executing of pregame and half-time marching band routines, including marching band philosophy, equipment needed, scheduling rehearsals, and plans for working with flag corps, rifle team, and drum major. UG
  • MUED 350 - Choral Literature and Conducting

    2 hours
    Students will make a broad survey of appropriate choral literature for ensembles, both school and church. Genre-specific issues, development of choral tone, performance practice, chamber works, score preparation, and manual realization of scores will be stressed. Offered alternate years. Prerequisite(s): MUED 276  and successful completion of the Upper-Division Hearing; admission to the Teacher Education program. UG
  • MUED 351 - Instrumental Literature and Conducting

    2 hours
    Students will make a broad survey of appropriate instrumental literature for ensembles, both school and church. Genre-specific issues, performance practice, chamber works, score preparation, and manual realization of scores will be stressed. Prerequisite(s): MUED 276  and successful completion of the Upper-Division Hearing; admission to the Teacher Education program. UG
  • MUED 376 - Advanced Conducting

    2 hours
    Continuation of MUED 276 . Specific attention will be given to the application of conducting gestures to standard choral and instrumental literature, appropriate for educational and church situations. Offered alternate years. Prerequisite(s): MUED 276  and successful completion of the Upper-Division Hearing. UG
  • MUED 377 - Music Drama Production

    ½-2 hours
    A course designed to enable students to study and participate in the workings of the production of music drama. Credit shall be given to students based on the quality of their involvement as well as the amount of time. Up to two hours of credit may be earned in one semester. The faculty member responsible for the course will determine how much credit can be given. UG
  • MUED 380 - Woodwind Instruments Class

    2 hours
    Study of clarinet, oboe/bassoon, and saxophone. Correct fingering, tonguing, breathing, intonation, and development of embouchure. Various approaches to technical difficulties and development of technique. Methods and materials for school classes will be reviewed. Offered alternate years. Prerequisite(s): MUTH 120 . UG
  • MUED 381 - Brass Instruments Class

    2 hours
    A study of the fundamental theory of brass instruments and correct embouchure. The development of the ability to play one brass instrument acceptably, and familiarity with the special techniques of the other instruments. Prerequisite(s): MUTH 120 . UG
  • MUED 460 - General Music Methods

    3-4 hours
    An orientation course to assist the student in formulating a philosophy of music education (nonperformance) for grades 1-12. Curriculum building, unit planning, lesson planning, materials of instruction, and current methods will be examined. An overview of the historical background and philosophical influences on present practice will be included. The physical and psychological characteristics of the elementary school child and the needs and challenges of the student with special needs will be addressed. The multicultural aspect of music and the application of this pluralism to the teaching of music will be provided. Included in the course will be a pre-student teaching experience in the elementary general music classroom. All those concentrating in Music Education must enroll in four hours in order to complete the required 45-hour field experience in a public-school setting. Offered alternate years. Prerequisite(s): successful completion of the Upper-Division Hearing and admission to the Teacher Education program. UG
  • MUED 465 - Middle/Secondary Methods

    3 hours
    An orientation course designed to give Music Education students exposure to various philosophies and practices used in school performance-course settings. Characteristics, developmental issues, and administrative topics associated with teaching in middle school, junior high, and high school settings will be addressed. Students will complete a 45-hour practicum experience in a public school setting. Prerequisite(s): successful completion of the Upper-Division Hearing and admission to the Teacher Education program. UG
  • MUED 470 - Advanced Conducting and Score Study

    2 hours
    Emphasizes advanced techniques of manual realization as applied to standard repertoire appropriate to the student’s primary concentration. A one hour lesson per week. Prerequisite(s): MUED 276 , MUCH 350 /351 or MUED 376 , and permission of the professor.  May be repeated. UG
  • MUED 480 - Supervised Conducting Practicum

    1 hour
    Same as MUCH 480 . UG
  • MUGU 102 - Beginning Guitar

    1 hour
    Class guitar instruction. Open to students without prior musical knowledge or guitar skills. Geography of the guitar, hand/finger positions, music notation, and basic theory as needed. This course does not fulfill applied study requirement for music majors. Placement by guitar faculty. UG
  • MUGU 107 - Class Guitar

    2 hours
    Class guitar instruction. Open to students with elementary knowledge of music and prior experience with the guitar. Emphasis on music reading, chord structure, strumming techniques, and style. Placement by guitar faculty. UG
  • MULT 168 - Apollo Choir

    0-1 hour
    After qualifying by audition, students of any department may participate in the numerous ensembles offered by the School of Music. All who concentrate in Music are required to participate in at least one ensemble each semester. Freshmen and sophomores will enroll in the ensemble course under the MULT 168  -MULT 198  series of numbers. Juniors and seniors will enroll under the upper-division numbers MULT 368  -MULT 398 . Ensembles are 0-1 hour credit each semester. Students should note that several ensembles below do not fulfill the ensemble requirements for music majors and minors. UG
  • MULT 178 - Ensemble Brass Consort (does not fulfill ensemble requirement)

    0-1 hour
    After qualifying by audition, students of any department may participate in the numerous ensembles offered by the School of Music. All who concentrate in Music are required to participate in at least one ensemble each semester. Freshmen and sophomores will enroll in the ensemble course under the MULT 168  -MULT 198  series of numbers. Juniors and seniors will enroll under the upper-division numbers MULT 368  -MULT 398 . Ensembles are 0-1 hour credit each semester. Students should note that several ensembles below do not fulfill the ensemble requirements for music majors and minors. UG
  • MULT 179 - Ensemble Jazz Band

    0-1 hour
    After qualifying by audition, students of any department may participate in the numerous ensembles offered by the School of Music. All who concentrate in Music are required to participate in at least one ensemble each semester. Freshmen and sophomores will enroll in the ensemble course under the MULT 168  -MULT 198  series of numbers. Juniors and seniors will enroll under the upper-division numbers MULT 368  -MULT 398 . Ensembles are 0-1 hour credit each semester. Students should note that several ensembles below do not fulfill the ensemble requirements for music majors and minors. UG
  • MULT 181 - Ensemble University Orchestra

    0-1 hour
    After qualifying by audition, students of any department may participate in the numerous ensembles offered by the School of Music. All who concentrate in Music are required to participate in at least one ensemble each semester. Freshmen and sophomores will enroll in the ensemble course under the MULT 168  -MULT 198  series of numbers. Juniors and seniors will enroll under the upper-division numbers MULT 368  -MULT 398 . Ensembles are 0-1 hour credit each semester. Students should note that several ensembles below do not fulfill the ensemble requirements for music majors and minors. UG
  • MULT 182 - Ensemble Concert Singers

    0-1 hour
    After qualifying by audition, students of any department may participate in the numerous ensembles offered by the School of Music. All who concentrate in Music are required to participate in at least one ensemble each semester. Freshmen and sophomores will enroll in the ensemble course under the MULT 168  -MULT 198  series of numbers. Juniors and seniors will enroll under the upper-division numbers MULT 368  -MULT 398 . Ensembles are 0-1 hour credit each semester. Students should note that several ensembles below do not fulfill the ensemble requirements for music majors and minors. UG
  • MULT 184 - Ensemble Orpheus Choir

    0-1 hour
    After qualifying by audition, students of any department may participate in the numerous ensembles offered by the School of Music. All who concentrate in Music are required to participate in at least one ensemble each semester. Freshmen and sophomores will enroll in the ensemble course under the MULT 168  -MULT 198  series of numbers. Juniors and seniors will enroll under the upper-division numbers MULT 368  -MULT 398 . Ensembles are 0-1 hour credit each semester. Students should note that several ensembles below do not fulfill the ensemble requirements for music majors and minors. UG
  • MULT 185 - Ensemble Handbell Choir (does not fulfill ensemble requirement)

    0-1 hour
    After qualifying by audition, students of any department may participate in the numerous ensembles offered by the School of Music. All who concentrate in Music are required to participate in at least one ensemble each semester. Freshmen and sophomores will enroll in the ensemble course under the MULT 168  -MULT 198  series of numbers. Juniors and seniors will enroll under the upper-division numbers MULT 368  -MULT 398 . Ensembles are 0-1 hour credit each semester. Students should note that several ensembles below do not fulfill the ensemble requirements for music majors and minors. UG
  • MULT 188 - Ensemble Concert Band

    0-1 hour
    After qualifying by audition, students of any department may participate in the numerous ensembles offered by the School of Music. All who concentrate in Music are required to participate in at least one ensemble each semester. Freshmen and sophomores will enroll in the ensemble course under the MULT 168  -MULT 198  series of numbers. Juniors and seniors will enroll under the upper-division numbers MULT 368  -MULT 398 . Ensembles are 0-1 hour credit each semester. Students should note that several ensembles below do not fulfill the ensemble requirements for music majors and minors. UG
  • MULT 189 - Ensemble Marching Band

    0-1 hour
    After qualifying by audition, students of any department may participate in the numerous ensembles offered by the School of Music. All who concentrate in Music are required to participate in at least one ensemble each semester. Freshmen and sophomores will enroll in the ensemble course under the MULT 168  -MULT 198  series of numbers. Juniors and seniors will enroll under the upper-division numbers MULT 368  -MULT 398 . Ensembles are 0-1 hour credit each semester. Students should note that several ensembles below do not fulfill the ensemble requirements for music majors and minors. UG
  • MULT 192 - Ensemble Wind Ensemble

    0-1 hour
    After qualifying by audition, students of any department may participate in the numerous ensembles offered by the School of Music. All who concentrate in Music are required to participate in at least one ensemble each semester. Freshmen and sophomores will enroll in the ensemble course under the MULT 168  -MULT 198  series of numbers. Juniors and seniors will enroll under the upper-division numbers MULT 368  -MULT 398 . Ensembles are 0-1 hour credit each semester. Students should note that several ensembles below do not fulfill the ensemble requirements for music majors and minors. UG
  • MULT 193 - Ensemble Chamber Ensemble (does not fulfill ensemble requirement)

    0-1 hour
    After qualifying by audition, students of any department may participate in the numerous ensembles offered by the School of Music. All who concentrate in Music are required to participate in at least one ensemble each semester. Freshmen and sophomores will enroll in the ensemble course under the MULT 168  -MULT 198  series of numbers. Juniors and seniors will enroll under the upper-division numbers MULT 368  -MULT 398 . Ensembles are 0-1 hour credit each semester. Students should note that several ensembles below do not fulfill the ensemble requirements for music majors and minors. UG
  • MULT 194 - Ensemble Gospel Choir (does not fulfill ensemble requirement)

    0-1 hour
    After qualifying by audition, students of any department may participate in the numerous ensembles offered by the School of Music. All who concentrate in Music are required to participate in at least one ensemble each semester. Freshmen and sophomores will enroll in the ensemble course under the MULT 168  -MULT 198  series of numbers. Juniors and seniors will enroll under the upper-division numbers MULT 368  -MULT 398 . Ensembles are 0-1 hour credit each semester. Students should note that several ensembles below do not fulfill the ensemble requirements for music majors and minors. UG
  • MULT 197 - Ensemble University Strings

    0-1 hour
    After qualifying by audition, students of any department may participate in the numerous ensembles offered by the School of Music. All who concentrate in Music are required to participate in at least one ensemble each semester. Freshmen and sophomores will enroll in the ensemble course under the MULT 168  -MULT 198  series of numbers. Juniors and seniors will enroll under the upper-division numbers MULT 368  -MULT 398 . Ensembles are 0-1 hour credit each semester. Students should note that several ensembles below do not fulfill the ensemble requirements for music majors and minors. UG
  • MULT 198 - Ensemble Symphonic Band

    0-1 hour
    After qualifying by audition, students of any department may participate in the numerous ensembles offered by the School of Music. All who concentrate in Music are required to participate in at least one ensemble each semester. Freshmen and sophomores will enroll in the ensemble course under the MULT 168  -MULT 198  series of numbers. Juniors and seniors will enroll under the upper-division numbers MULT 368  -MULT 398 . Ensembles are 0-1 hour credit each semester. Students should note that several ensembles below do not fulfill the ensemble requirements for music majors and minors. UG
  • MULT 280 - Twentieth Century Popular Music

    2 hours
    A course designed to acquaint students with the development and theory of twentieth century American folk, jazz, Broadway, film score, and popular music. Students will examine the development of each genre, and provide an analysis of the variant musical structures. Prerequisite(s): FINA 101 . UG
  • MULT 295 - Music History I

    2 hours
    History of Western Musical Development from the Greek through the late Renaissance; concentration from Leonin through the Gabrielis. UG
  • MULT 300 - Organ Literature

    2 hours
    This course includes a survey of organ literature from the Renaissance through 20th-century compositions. Emphasis is placed on stylistic differences in each period and registration commonly associated with each style of composition. A study of the organ of different countries and periods for which the literature was composed is included. UG
  • MULT 301 - World Musics

    3 hours
    A study of representative music systems of the world, the function of these musics within the cultures of which they are a part, and a comparison of these phenomena with their Western counterparts. Seeks to provide an understanding of non-Western music systems as a means to appreciating the ethnic diversity in our pluralistic society. Open to all students; no prior musical training is necessary. UG
  • MULT 302 - Organ Pedagogy

    2 hours
    Different methods of technique training, choice of registration for different styles of literature, and source materials for various levels of organ training are included. The student will be given practical experience in coaching an organ student under the guidance of an organ faculty member. UG
  • MULT 304 - Piano Literature

    2 hours
    A survey of the historical, stylistic, and formal aspects of piano literature from 1700 to the present. Prerequisite(s): two semesters of MUPN 111  or permission of the instructor. UG
  • MULT 305 - Piano Pedagogy

    2 hours
    A course designed to prepare the advanced pianist for successful teaching in the private studio or the piano lab. The course includes a collective survey of currently available teaching method books, a study of the principles of good teaching, and instruction in the business procedures necessary for the self-employed music teacher. Prerequisite(s): two semesters of MUPN 111  or permission of the instructor. It is strongly recommended that students emphasizing Piano in the Music concentration substitute this course for two hours of upper-division Applied study. UG
  • MULT 335 - Brass, Woodwind, String, and Percussion Instrument Pedagogy and Literature

    2 hours
    This course is specific to the student’s major applied instrument. Student must make arrangements with his applied instructor and the Dean of the School of Music. UG
  • MULT 368 - Apollo Choir

    0-1 hour
    After qualifying by audition, students of any department may participate in the numerous ensembles offered by the School of Music. All who concentrate in Music are required to participate in at least one ensemble each semester. Freshmen and sophomores will enroll in the ensemble course under the MULT 172 -MULT 198  series of numbers. Juniors and seniors will enroll under the upper-division numbers MULT 368  -MULT 398 . Ensembles are 0-1 hour credit each semester. Students should note that several ensembles below do not fulfill the ensemble requirements for music majors and minors. UG
  • MULT 370 - Vocal Literature and Pedagogy

    2 hours
    The study of vocal literature will include songs from the major periods and languages of music history, folk songs, musical theatre selections and other works that would be appropriate for the beginning voice student. Current voice publications will be surveyed. Fundamentals of voice production will be examined in order to give the student an overview of the teaching of singing. Prerequisite(s): successful completion of the Upper-Division Hearing. UG
  • MULT 378 - Ensemble: Brass Consort (does not fulfill ensemble requirement)

    0-1 hour
    After qualifying by audition, students of any department may participate in the numerous ensembles offered by the School of Music. All who concentrate in Music are required to participate in at least one ensemble each semester. Freshmen and sophomores will enroll in the ensemble course under the MULT 168  -MULT 198  series of numbers. Juniors and seniors will enroll under the upper-division numbers MULT 368  -MULT 398 . Ensembles are 0-1 hour credit each semester. Students should note that several ensembles below do not fulfill the ensemble requirements for music majors and minors. UG
  • MULT 379 - Ensemble: Jazz Band

    0-1 hour
    After qualifying by audition, students of any department may participate in the numerous ensembles offered by the School of Music. All who concentrate in Music are required to participate in at least one ensemble each semester. Freshmen and sophomores will enroll in the ensemble course under the MULT 168  -MULT 198  series of numbers. Juniors and seniors will enroll under the upper-division numbers MULT 368  -MULT 398 . Ensembles are 0-1 hour credit each semester. Students should note that several ensembles below do not fulfill the ensemble requirements for music majors and minors. UG
  • MULT 381 - Ensemble: University Orchestra

    0-1 hour
    After qualifying by audition, students of any department may participate in the numerous ensembles offered by the School of Music. All who concentrate in Music are required to participate in at least one ensemble each semester. Freshmen and sophomores will enroll in the ensemble course under the MULT 168  -MULT 198  series of numbers. Juniors and seniors will enroll under the upper-division numbers MULT 368  -MULT 398 . Ensembles are 0-1 hour credit each semester. Students should note that several ensembles below do not fulfill the ensemble requirements for music majors and minors. UG
  • MULT 382 - Ensemble: Concert Singers

    0-1 hour
    After qualifying by audition, students of any department may participate in the numerous ensembles offered by the School of Music. All who concentrate in Music are required to participate in at least one ensemble each semester. Freshmen and sophomores will enroll in the ensemble course under the MULT 168  -MULT 198  series of numbers. Juniors and seniors will enroll under the upper-division numbers MULT 368  -MULT 398 . Ensembles are 0-1 hour credit each semester. Students should note that several ensembles below do not fulfill the ensemble requirements for music majors and minors. UG
  • MULT 384 - Ensemble: Orpheus Choir

    0-1 hour
    After qualifying by audition, students of any department may participate in the numerous ensembles offered by the School of Music. All who concentrate in Music are required to participate in at least one ensemble each semester. Freshmen and sophomores will enroll in the ensemble course under the MULT 168  -MULT 198  series of numbers. Juniors and seniors will enroll under the upper-division numbers MULT 368  -MULT 398 . Ensembles are 0-1 hour credit each semester. Students should note that several ensembles below do not fulfill the ensemble requirements for music majors and minors. UG
  • MULT 385 - Ensemble: Handbell Choir (does not fulfill ensemble requirement)

    0-1 hour
    After qualifying by audition, students of any department may participate in the numerous ensembles offered by the School of Music. All who concentrate in Music are required to participate in at least one ensemble each semester. Freshmen and sophomores will enroll in the ensemble course under the MULT 168  -MULT 198  series of numbers. Juniors and seniors will enroll under the upper-division numbers MULT 368  -MULT 398 . Ensembles are 0-1 hour credit each semester. Students should note that several ensembles below do not fulfill the ensemble requirements for music majors and minors. UG
  • MULT 388 - Ensemble: Concert Band

    0-1 hour
    After qualifying by audition, students of any department may participate in the numerous ensembles offered by the School of Music. All who concentrate in Music are required to participate in at least one ensemble each semester. Freshmen and sophomores will enroll in the ensemble course under the MULT 168  -MULT 198  series of numbers. Juniors and seniors will enroll under the upper-division numbers MULT 368  -MULT 398 . Ensembles are 0-1 hour credit each semester. Students should note that several ensembles below do not fulfill the ensemble requirements for music majors and minors. UG
  • MULT 389 - Ensemble: Marching Band

    0-1 hour
    After qualifying by audition, students of any department may participate in the numerous ensembles offered by the School of Music. All who concentrate in Music are required to participate in at least one ensemble each semester. Freshmen and sophomores will enroll in the ensemble course under the MULT 168  -MULT 198  series of numbers. Juniors and seniors will enroll under the upper-division numbers MULT 368  -MULT 398 . Ensembles are 0-1 hour credit each semester. Students should note that several ensembles below do not fulfill the ensemble requirements for music majors and minors. UG
  • MULT 392 - Ensemble: Wind Ensemble

    0-1 hour
    After qualifying by audition, students of any department may participate in the numerous ensembles offered by the School of Music. All who concentrate in Music are required to participate in at least one ensemble each semester. Freshmen and sophomores will enroll in the ensemble course under the MULT 168  -MULT 198  series of numbers. Juniors and seniors will enroll under the upper-division numbers MULT 368  -MULT 398 . Ensembles are 0-1 hour credit each semester. Students should note that several ensembles below do not fulfill the ensemble requirements for music majors and minors. UG
  • MULT 393 - Ensemble: Chamber Ensemble (does not fulfill ensemble requirement)

    0-1 hour
    After qualifying by audition, students of any department may participate in the numerous ensembles offered by the School of Music. All who concentrate in Music are required to participate in at least one ensemble each semester. Freshmen and sophomores will enroll in the ensemble course under the MULT 168  -MULT 198  series of numbers. Juniors and seniors will enroll under the upper-division numbers MULT 368  -MULT 398 . Ensembles are 0-1 hour credit each semester. Students should note that several ensembles below do not fulfill the ensemble requirements for music majors and minors. UG
  • MULT 394 - Ensemble: Gospel Choir (does not fulfill ensemble requirement)

    0-1 hour
    After qualifying by audition, students of any department may participate in the numerous ensembles offered by the School of Music. All who concentrate in Music are required to participate in at least one ensemble each semester. Freshmen and sophomores will enroll in the ensemble course under the MULT 168  -MULT 198  series of numbers. Juniors and seniors will enroll under the upper-division numbers MULT 368  -MULT 398 . Ensembles are 0-1 hour credit each semester. Students should note that several ensembles below do not fulfill the ensemble requirements for music majors and minors. UG
  • MULT 395 - Music History II

    2 hours
    Continuation of MULT 295 . Western musical development in the Baroque, pre-Classical and Classical eras; concentration from Monteverdi through Beethoven. Prerequisite(s): MULT 295  and successful completion of Upper-Division Hearing. UG
  • MULT 396 - Music History III

    2 hours
    Continuation of MULT 395 . Western musical development from the Romantic era through the present day; concentration from Schubert through Phillip Glass. Prerequisite(s): MULT 395 . UG
  • MULT 397 - Ensemble University Strings

    0-1 hour
    After qualifying by audition, students of any department may participate in the numerous ensembles offered by the School of Music. All who concentrate in Music are required to participate in at least one ensemble each semester. Freshmen and sophomores will enroll in the ensemble course under the MULT 168  -MULT 198  series of numbers. Juniors and seniors will enroll under the upper-division numbers MULT 368  -MULT 398 . Ensembles are 0-1 hour credit each semester. Students should note that several ensembles below do not fulfill the ensemble requirements for music majors and minors. UG
  • MULT 398 - Ensemble Symphonic Band

    0-1 hour
    After qualifying by audition, students of any department may participate in the numerous ensembles offered by the School of Music. All who concentrate in Music are required to participate in at least one ensemble each semester. Freshmen and sophomores will enroll in the ensemble course under the MULT 168  -MULT 198  series of numbers. Juniors and seniors will enroll under the upper-division numbers MULT 368  -MULT 398 . Ensembles are 0-1 hour credit each semester. Students should note that several ensembles below do not fulfill the ensemble requirements for music majors and minors. Offered alternate years. Includes peer teaching in a lab setting. UG
  • MUOR 109 - Organ

    2 hours
    Instruction for non-Music majors/minors. Organ methods by Roger Davis and Wayne Leupold. Repertoire includes J.S. Bach’s Eight Little Preludes and Fugues; pieces by Mendelssohn, Buxtehude, Pachelbel, and Rheinberger; and hymn-playing in three and four voices. The 309 level emphasizes larger works by these composers, anthem accompaniments, free harmonizations, and improvisation. Four semesters of MUOR 109  must be completed prior to enrolling in MUOR 309 . Placement by permission of the instructor. UG
  • MUOR 111 - Organ

    2 hours
    Private instruction for Music majors and minors. Organ methods by Roger Davis and Wayne Leupold. Repertoire includes J.S. Bach’s Eight Little Preludes and Fugues; pieces by Mendelssohn, Buxtehude, Pachelbel, Rheinberger, and contemporary composers; easier hymn arrangements; and hymns in three and four voices. A final examination is required at the end of the semester. Students enrolled in this level must concurrently enroll in MUAP 060  (Studio Piano). Placement by permission of the instructor. UG
  • MUOR 309 - Organ

    2 hours
    Instruction for non-Music majors/minors. Organ methods by Roger Davis and Wayne Leupold. Repertoire includes J.S. Bach’s Eight Little Preludes and Fugues; pieces by Mendelssohn, Buxtehude, Pachelbel, and Rheinberger; and hymn-playing in three and four voices. The 309 level emphasizes larger works by these composers, anthem accompaniments, free harmonizations, and improvisation. Four semesters of MUOR 109  must be completed prior to enrolling in MUOR 309 . Placement by permission of the instructor. UG

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