2017-2018 Catalog 
    Feb 12, 2025  
2017-2018 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Information

The most valuable element a student spends in college is time. One can earn more money, but cannot regain time nor spend it again.

A student can have only one freshman year in college. Therefore, the choice of the school environment, educational programs, attitudes, and associations becomes a more important element than the amount of money invested in a college education.

Olivet faculty and administrators are fully committed to providing the best possible education - with a Christian purpose. This is truly an affordable excellence worthy of a student’s time and money.

The education costs at Olivet are reasonable among Midwestern colleges or universities, and are made possible by generous support from the Nazarene districts that comprise Olivet’s educational region.

Olivet’s Business Office, Office of Financial Aid, and the Office of Admissions are prepared to aid students and parents in planning to meet the cost of their educational experience. Several plans or packages of financial aid are available to fit individual needs through a combination of payment plans, scholarships, grants, loans, and employment.

Financing the University

Olivet Nazarene University is an independent liberal arts university related to the Church of the Nazarene. Over 700 congregations in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin have individual educational budgets which are paid annually to the University. Last year, funds received from these churches came to more than $2 million.

Gifts from many alumni, friends, businesses, and foundations, along with the church support, enable the University to offer its high-quality education at a tuition charge below other independent liberal arts colleges in the area. A large number of corporate and foundation gifts are received each year, both in direct gifts and through matching gift programs with company employees.

Tuition, room, board, and fees from students make up a large portion of the operating budget of the University, unlike state universities and community colleges, which receive the major portion of operating funds from tax revenues.

Current Cash Gifts and Securities

Many friends of the University make cash gifts to the University throughout the year. Some gifts are for specific purposes, while others are for general needs. Gifts of securities and properties that have significantly increased in value are not only an asset to the University, but may also be beneficial for the donor in consideration of capital gains and income tax obligations.

All gifts to Olivet Nazarene University are eligible for consideration as income tax deductions.

Scholarship Gifts

Gifts for student scholarships may be made in two ways: (1) They may be used directly for student aid during the school year or (2) a capital fund can be maintained through the ONU Foundation, invested so that only the earnings of the gifts are awarded in scholarships each year. Gifts of $10,000 or more may be designated as a scholarship fund named in honor or memory of the donor or a selected individual.

Recipients of these scholarships are determined by the University’s Scholarship and Financial Aid Committee.

The ONU Foundation

The ONU Foundation is an endowment fund established from donations made by many individuals over several decades. The assets of more than $25 million are earning interest and dividends which are awarded in scholarships to qualifying Olivet students. Many of these scholarships are named for individuals and families. Applications are received from continuing Olivet students annually, and awards are made based on financial need, academic achievement, and other criteria stated in the scholarship funds.

Bequests, Gift Annuities, and Life Income Agreements

The ONU Foundation has a number of programs designed to assist people who wish to invest a portion of their life savings in education at Olivet. The Director of Development, Director of the Foundation, or Vice President of Finance of the University can give suggestions and counsel, together with a donor’s attorney.

General Expenses

The following is an itemized estimate of the cost of a regular course for one semester in the 2017-2018 school year:

1. General Fee   $495
  (Required for all students enrolled for seven hours or more. This covers student activities, facilities, student services, and student government.)  
2. Tuition Charges for 12-18 Hours  $16,975
  (For a student taking a full load of 18 hours, this is equivalent to a tuition charge of $944 per hour. For more than 18 hours, the charge is $944 per additional hour. For students taking a part-time load of less than 12 hours in a given semester, the tuition charge is $1,415 per hour.)  
  Applied Music Tuition Additional   
  Private:  $220

(piano, voice, organ, and orchestral instruments for one lesson per week, per semester)

   Class:  $80

(piano, voice, and orchestral instruments per course)

3. Room and Board (4 plans available at no additional cost*)  $3,950
  21 meals per week is $250 more per semester    
Total Tuition, Fees, Room/Board (semester)  $21,420
Total Tuition, Fees, Room/Board for a School Year (two semesters)  $42,840

* contact Office of Student Development for meal plan specifics 

Special Fees

Background Check $50
Credit Per Hour Resulting from Audit, Proficiency and Petitioned Credit $50
ID Card Replacement Charge $20
International Student Insurance (per semester, Subject to Change) est. $675
Key Replacement $30
Late Health Forms (required by Illinois state law) $25
Late Registration (one day late) $20
  Second Day and After, Per-Day Additional $5
Lockers, Per Semester $5
Returned Check Fee $20
Student Teaching Fee $300
Tests and Examinations: ACT and Proficiency, Per Test $35
Tuition Deposit $200

Methods of Payment

  1. A student is required to pay an enrollment deposit of $200 when applying for admission. The enrollment deposit is applied to the student’s account and will be refunded if the application for admission is not approved or if a refund is requested before May 1.
  2. Students assume the responsibility for all resulting tuition charges when classes are selected. Students are responsible for any late payment charges or collection costs that may be incurred if the student account is not paid as agreed. Students may cancel registration without penalty for an upcoming semester by submitting a notice of cancellation in writing to the Registrar’s Office prior to the first day of classes. All charges are due and payable at the time of registration at the beginning of each semester or term. Checks should be made payable to Olivet Nazarene University. It is helpful if the student ID number is on the check. An itemized statement will be made available online. Students may authorize parents or others to access their online account information.
  3. Where financial aid has been awarded, the percentage of down payment and payment of balance is calculated after deducting such awards. College work-study is not deducted, since it must be earned by hourly work. Acceptable methods of payment are as follows:
    1. Payment in full.
    2. Four installments of 25 percent (August 1st through November 1st for Fall and December 1st through March 1st for Spring). A late payment charge will be made to any remaining balance following the final payment date of each semester.
  4. Any financial arrangements between the University and its students will be binding only if such agreement is in printed or written form. Any arrangements concerning finances should be made with the Office of Student Accounts only.
  5. A 1 percent late payment charge will be added to any balance on a student account after the final payment date of the semester. Late payment charges will be reversed on financial aid once that aid is received on the student’s account. No one may participate in graduation, no degree will be conferred, nor credits transferred, until all accounts are paid in full. When clearing a student account for graduation or to receive a transcript, payment must be made by cashier’s check, certified check, credit card, or personal money order if immediate clearance is needed. If payment is made by personal check, a waiting period of 15 days is necessary for the check to clear the bank. Any student who has become delinquent through failure to make payment or proper arrangements may be disenrolled until such matters are satisfactorily taken care of with the Office of Students Accounts.
  6. Books and supplies must be paid for at the bookstore. The University accepts Visa, MasterCard, and Discover Card.
  7. For further information concerning payment of student accounts, contact the Office of Student Accounts in Miller Business Center, (815) 939-5245.

Room and Board

All students living in the residence halls are required to participate in one of the multiple meal plans. In case of withdrawal from the University, the board will be refunded on a prorated basis.

  1. Rooms are rented for full semesters only. Students vacating a room will be refunded on a pro-rated basis.
  2. For the convenience of students, telephone line service, which includes local calling (within an eight-mile radius), is provided in every student room. Students will be responsible to pay for all long-distance service and costs for calls outside the local calling area.
  3. The University is not responsible for personal property in case of theft, damage, or loss by fire. In many cases, a family homeowner’s insurance policy will provide some coverage for a student’s property away from home.
  4. Students are required to pay for any damage, other than ordinary usage, to room, furniture, or fixtures, including telephone equipment, during their occupancy of the room.
  5. Damage in a residence hall for which responsibility cannot be determined will be charged on a pro-rated basis to all residents during the semester. Persons known to be responsible for vandalism will be personally responsible for the full amount. Such amounts will not then be charged directly as a fine to the student’s account. Damage in a student’s room is chargeable to the residents of that room, or to the person(s) known to have caused the damage.

Student Insurance Coverage

Individual needs for insurance coverage are so varied that Olivet Nazarene University does not carry any personal health, accident, or property insurance for domestic students. A school provided health insurance is required for all international students.

It is the responsibility of all domestic students to provide his or her own personal insurance for medical, accident, property, and vehicles. In many instances, benefits of family medical and homeowners insurance policies extend to cover students while enrolled in college.

Students should check their own insurance agents or companies to be certain of coverage. Students must have a health and accident insurance program in effect while enrolled as a student at Olivet.

Vehicles used for student transportation must be fully covered by liability and property damage insurance at all times.

Withdrawals and Course Drops

If a student officially withdraws from the University, drops below 12 credit hours, or drops an overload, the following financial adjustments will apply.

  1. Refunds on Tuition, general fees, and certain other special fees as follows: ·
    • Week one - 100%
    • Week two - 90%
    • Week three - 75%
    • Week four - 50%
    • Week five - 25%
    • No refund of tuition or fees after week five of the semester.
  2. Room & Board: Pro-rata adjustment/refund on the unused portion as of the end of the week in which the student moves from campus for the first 14 weeks of the semester.

Refunds From a Student’s Account

When a student has a credit on his/her student account as a result of financial aid or overpayment, a refund of that credit may be requested. The student may request that refund in person by coming to the Cashier’s window and requesting cash ($200 daily limit) or check (direct deposit or paper). If a credit card transaction has been made to the account, the refund will be made to the credit card used to make payment. Credits greater than $5.00 for former students (no longer enrolled) will be refunded to a credit card or by check as noted above. A service charge of up to $5.00 will be made to close out a student account.

Student Financial Aid

Olivet Nazarene University believes that every qualified student should have an opportunity for a college education in a congenial Christian atmosphere. The University’s financial aid program is designed to help students achieve these goals.

The purpose of financial aid has been interpreted variously through the years. Financial aid has been used to (1) aid needy students, (2) attract those with demonstrated academic achievement or athletic skills, and (3) strengthen the mission of the institution.

The comprehensive financial aid program includes scholarships, grants, loans, and employment opportunities.

Need-based student aid is designed to provide monetary assistance to students who, without financial aid, would be unable to pursue a college degree. Educational institutions do not have unlimited funds to provide access and choice, and to ensure retention and academic success for all students facing economic barriers to post-secondary education. Because of the limitation of funds, and given the social value of awarding aid based on need, the demonstrated financial need has become the primary criterion in the awarding of financial aid.

Need-based financial aid is dependent on an equitable and consistent system of measuring need. Although the U.S. Department of Education has approved various need analysis systems for awarding federal financial aid, all of them are based on common assumptions.

The need analysis process is designed to provide objective measurements of a family’s ability to pay for higher education costs and related student expenses.

Key Assumptions Underlying Need-Based Student Aid

  1. Parents have the primary obligation to finance the education of their dependent children.
  2. The dependent student has a responsibility to help finance a college education since the student is the direct beneficiary of the education. Student contributions are derived from expected summer savings, earnings during the academic year, and other assets. ONU recommends that students save $2,000 during the summer months for the following academic year. This will reduce the amount needed by the family. If a student cannot reach this goal, they should plan to increase the amount needed by the family to cover the additional balance, through the use of PLUS Loans, Private Educational Loans, or payment plans.
  3. The independent student is responsible for financing his or her own education.
  4. The responsibility for educational funding shifts to society only after the family’s (both parent’s and student’s) resources have been determined to be insufficient to meet the costs of education. A measurement of a family’s financial strength must take into account that family’s income and assets, as well as its expenses and liabilities. Other factors, such as extraordinary expenses or the size of the family, may affect a family’s ability to pay, and therefore must be considered.
  5. To be consistent and equitable, the need analysis system must be an objective measurement of the family’s present financial strength. It does not evaluate what the family used to be or what it may be in the future. It does not make value judgments about the spending patterns of families. It can only assess, as consistently as possible, the objective data of “what is.”

The Office of Financial Aid is located in Miller Business Center. Financial aid counselors are readily prepared to advise students and parents concerning application for financial aid. Correspondence regarding financial aid should be addressed to the Director of Financial Aid, Olivet Nazarene University, One University Avenue, Bourbonnais, IL 60914-2345.

Financial Aid Application and Award Process

It is the responsibility of the student and parents to complete all the necessary application forms and procedures each year they wish to receive any type of financial aid.

ALL students seeking federal and/or Illinois State financial assistance by way of loan, grant, and work programs must complete the federal needs analysis application, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA application can be completed online at: http://www.fafsa.ed.gov.

Dependent students applying for financial aid must have their parent(s) supply information on the FAFSA.

A student’s initial eligibility for assistance rests largely on the basis of a satisfactory grade point average together with an analysis of the financial need. Future eligibility will also be affected by his or her academic standing and financial need. Refer to “Academic Regulations ” for additional information on good standing, retention, eligibility, and satisfactory progress for financial aid.

A federal processor authorized by the federal government is utilized to determine the federal financial need from the FAFSA.

When it is determined the student qualifies for a federal grant or scholarship, the grant or scholarship is awarded and does not require repayment. Federal loans are awarded on the basis of repayment, in most cases after graduation or when the student ceases to be enrolled at least half-time. Federal work programs are available to assist students in earning money to pay for some educational costs and are awarded on the basis of financial need. The student must obtain employment and earn these funds.

The FAFSA should be filed in the year the student plans to enroll. This form must be completed annually. Since the FAFSA requires IRS information from the immediate past year, the form may be filed no earlier than January 1, but should be filed as early thereafter as possible.

Applications received by March 1 will receive priority consideration for federal campus based funds (Federal Work Study and Federal Perkins Loans) until the funds have been exhausted. If requested, verification materials, including tax returns with schedules, and other required forms must be submitted before any federal funds will be applied to a student’s account. Applications for financial aid will be accepted after the above date; however, funding may be limited for these applicants. Awards will be made as long as funds are available.

Awards of financial aid, including University-based loan, grant, scholarship, and work-study funds, will be made only to students who have been accepted for admission or readmission to the University by the Office of Admissions.

A student aid report will be sent to the student in about four weeks from the date it was received by the federal processor. This report should be reviewed by the family and submitted directly to the Olivet Office of Financial Aid with any necessary corrections. The school aid code for Olivet is 001741.


Scholarships for students in Olivet’s traditional undergraduate programs are awards offered on the basis of academic ability, special talents, or the personal interest of donors. These awards carry no obligation for repayment. All Olivet scholarships require continuous full-time enrollment each semester in which they are received. A student dropping below full-time enrollment loses eligibility for ONU funding for that term. In addition, a student must make satisfactory academic progress and avoid being placed on financial aid suspension, as described in the Academic Regulations   section of this catalog, to receive any ONU funding. Any appeal of the loss of ONU funding may be made to the Director of Financial Aid, ONU Box 6007.

A number of scholarship awards are made available each year by Olivet Nazarene University. The total of all grants and scholarships combined with ONU grants/scholarships can never exceed the Direct Cost (tuition, fees, room and board). If the total of grants/scholarships exceeds the Direct Cost, ONU funding will be reduced to bring the total back to the Direct Cost.

A scholarship or grant involving ONU institutional or ONU Foundation funds offered by Olivet to an individual student is not transferable to any other school or educational program or to any other student enrolled at Olivet. This includes awards such as departmental scholarships, athletic scholarships, or any other scholarship or grant program that involves institutional or ONU Foundation funds.

Academic Scholarships:

The Olivet Scholarship: Based on high school academic performance and determined upon application to the University. The amount of the award varies based on high school academic performance and ACT/SAT scores, and is maintained per year by a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA. Transfer student awards are based on the previous college academic performance.

The Olivet Grant: Based on high school academic performance and determined upon application to the University. The amount of the award varies based on high school academic performance and ACT/SAT scores, and is maintained per year by a minimum cumulative 2.0 GPA. Transfer student awards are based on the previous college academic performance.

The ONU Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship: Based on being a transfer student who is a member of Phi Theta Kappa and determined upon application to the University. The amount of the award varies based on the previous college academic performance, and is maintained per year by a minimum cumulative 2.0 GPA.

Scholarship Regulations

  1. Only one academic scholarship may be awarded during any school year. The student’s cumulative grade point average is reviewed at the end of each academic year to determine eligibility to retain the scholarship. Students who are not making satisfactory academic progress are evaluated at that point, not at the end of the academic year. The grade point average must be satisfied at the beginning of each academic year. Summer credits and grades will be applicable in calculating scholarship eligibility.
  2. Freshmen need no formal scholarship application, as the award is made on the basis of high school transcripts or test scores. The highest composite score from any test taken before enrollment will be used. It is not permissible to combine the highest scores from several test sittings.
  3. Transfer students are awarded scholarships on the basis of previous college academic performance. Transfer students should send college transcripts to the Office of Admissions. Academic scholarships and GPA for transfer students are reviewed at the beginning of each academic year.
  4. If a scholarship is upgraded on the basis of ACT/SAT scores, the lesser scholarship is dropped.
  5. These awards are applied to Direct Cost (tuition, room/board, fees) for full-time undergraduate students only (maximum four years). Grants and other scholarships are applied to the school bill first. The annual amounts are subject to adjustment, with prior notification.
  6. The total of all grants and scholarships may not exceed the student’s Direct Cost (tuition, fees, room, board). If the total exceeds the Direct Cost, Institutional funds will be reduced to bring the total back to the Direct Cost. Olivet funds may never generate a credit balance on a student’s account and may not be used for off-campus living expenses or textbooks.

Nazarene Church Scholarships: Because Nazarene churches of the Central Educational Region support Olivet with more than $2 million annually, Olivet feels a special concern to assist the students of those churches to achieve their goals for Christian higher education.

The ONU Nazarene Advantage Scholarship: A student attending a Nazarene church is eligible for an additional $1,000 per year ($500 per semester) for each term the student is enrolled full-time.

Nazarene Senior Pastors and Full-time Associate Pastors: The ONU Pastor’s Children Scholarship is awarded in special recognition that a pastor’s family deserves. The student must be a dependent, living at home, and have never been married, and the parent must be a full-time pastor or full-time associate pastor of a Church of the Nazarene.

District Scholarships: The Nazarene Youth International organizations of 11 districts of the Central Education Region of the Church of the Nazarene offer several scholarships each to students from their district attending Olivet Nazarene University. Conditions under which these scholarships are granted may be obtained by corresponding with the District NYI presidents. Additionally, some districts have other scholarships which are offered under varying criteria. Information regarding these other scholarships offered should be obtained by corresponding with the district office. Many District Scholarships are matched by ONU, up to a total of $250 per semester, per student.

The Olivet Nazarene University Prize for Bible Knowledge (Bible Quizzing): Olivet Nazarene University awards an annual prize of up to $500 in tuition credit to the Nazarene high school student on each of the districts of the Central Educational Zone who best demonstrates his or her knowledge of an assigned portion of the Bible as a Bible quizzer, provided the district will add an equal or greater amount to the prize. The student is nominated by the district NYI council. This scholarship is not transferable to another student from the district. Olivet also gives a scholarship of $1,000 to the top quizzer at the Olivet Regional Quiz each year.

Church-Sponsored Scholarships: Many congregations of the Church of the Nazarene encourage young persons from their congregation to enroll at Olivet Nazarene University by offering general aid to all who enroll. Since the amount and terms of these awards vary, the conditions should be investigated with the pastor of the local church, followed by the notification of the ONU Office of Financial Aid.

Several scholarship opportunities are available through funds administered by the International Board of Education of the Church of the Nazarene:

The International Students Scholarship Fund is made available by Widmeyer and Yeatts. It is awarded on the basis of need to students from mission fields. Application is made through the Olivet Office of Financial Aid.

The General Superintendent Scholarship Fund makes $500 scholarship awards to students upon recommendation of the President, based on financial need. The student must be enrolled full-time. Priority is given to students preparing for full-time ministry. Application is made to the President of the University.

The Edna McCormack Memorial Scholarship Fund is awarded on the basis of need to students attending any of the Nazarene institutions of higher education. Application is made through the ONU Office of Financial Aid.

The Council of Education Scholarship Fund is available to students attending any of the Nazarene institutions of higher education, but the majority of awards must be made to those attending Nazarene Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Missouri. Application is made through the ONU Office of Financial Aid.

Students will receive the notice from the ONU Office of Financial Aid when these scholarships are open for application.


Federal Pell Grants: Awarded by the U.S. Department of Education to all students who qualify on the basis of need. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) used to determine eligibility for this grant may be filed online at: http://www.fafsa.ed.gov. Pell grant awards normally range from $605 to $5,645 per year.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG): Awarded to students with exceptional financial need with an EFC of Zero. The SEOG is awarded through the University from funds allocated to the school by the federal government. Awards are typically $1000 per year ($500 per semester).

Illinois Student Assistance Commission Monetary Award Program (MAP): The state of Illinois provides financial assistance to all residents of the state who show a need for college assistance. This grant may cover tuition and fees only. The current maximum yearly award is $4,720. The FAFSA form used to apply for federal aid applies to the Illinois state assistance as well. The award amounts are contingent upon legislative action and funding each year, and each year the State determines the deadline. Olivet recommends getting the FAFSA in by February 1 to increase the chance of receiving these funds.

Other State Grants: Residents outside the state of Illinois should inquire into the availability of state grants for college education which may be applied toward their education at Olivet. The states of Vermont, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey are among those who will permit students to transfer grants to out-of-state private schools.

Loan Funds

Perkins Loans: Olivet Nazarene University participates in this student loan program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education. A maximum of $15,000 in four years of undergraduate study may be awarded in these loans. A FAFSA must be submitted annually for evaluation of need. Until the ONU Annual Authorization of Perkins Loan funds (determined by the U.S. Department of Education) have been exhausted, the limited funds are available only to students who have borrowed the maximum Federal Direct Stafford Loan for that term.

Stafford Loans: There are two Federal Direct Stafford Loan programs, subsidized and unsubsidized. All students who wish to borrow through either of the Stafford Loan programs must complete the FAFSA each year. Ability to participate in the subsidized Stafford Loan program is based upon calculated need. A maximum of $23,000 during the time required to achieve an undergraduate degree may be borrowed by qualified dependent students.

Loans at the freshman level (0-29 credit hours completed) are limited to $5,500 per year, with no more than $3,500 of that amount subsidized. Loans at the sophomore level (30-59 credit hours completed) are limited to $6,500, with no more than $4,500 of that amount subsidized. Loans in the junior and senior years (60 or more credit hours completed) may be up to $7,500 per year, with no more than $5,500 of that amount subsidized. Neither the subsidized, unsubsidized, or a combination of the two may exceed these yearly limits for dependent students. Independent students may borrow at increased limits under the unsubsidized Stafford Loan program.

Federal PLUS Loans: This federal loan is available to credit-worthy parents for their child’s educational expenses. If a parent is denied a PLUS loan, the student may be eligible for additional Unsubsidized Stafford Loan funds. More detailed information may be obtained from the Olivet Office of Financial Aid.

Private Educational Loans: Outside loans are available based on a student’s creditworthiness, and may require a co-signer. More detailed information may be obtained from the ONU Office of Financial Aid.

Student Employment

ONU recommends that students save $2,000 during the summer months for the following academic year. This will reduce the amount needed by the family. If a student cannot reach this goal, he/she should plan accordingly, through the use of PLUS Loans, Private Educational Loans, or payment plans.

The University’s Counseling and Career Center office serves students and potential employers with referrals and job requests for both campus and community employment. Our students have earned a high reputation for reliable service in the Kankakee County business community.

Part-time employment is available primarily for those who need to earn expense money for personal needs. Types of jobs include secretaries, office workers, janitors, food service workers, data entry clerks, paper-graders, receptionists, chapel-checkers, store clerks, cashiers, and other miscellaneous types of work. In most cases, campus jobs require at least two successive hours free from classes on a daily basis.

Although a large number of students work during the regular school year, the University does not recommend that freshmen endeavor to work more than 10 hours a week during the first semester.

Approximately 700 students have employment in campus jobs during the school year. Priority for campus employment is given to those who qualify for Federal Work Study aid.

Federal Work Study: Campus work through the Federal Work-Study Program is available to students who qualify by way of the FAFSA. Awards are $1,000 per year. However, an eligible student could earn up to a maximum of $2,000 (gross) per academic year. This would require an average of 10 hours of work per week.

Veterans Benefits

To assist students who qualify for benefits from the Veteran’s Administration, Olivet has a counselor in the Office of Financial Aid who specializes in these programs. In addition, ONU is part of the federal Yellow Ribbon Program, which helps to fund the tuition for veterans in certain circumstances. The VA counselor can help determine eligibility.

Olivet Nazarene University Foundation Grants

ONU Foundation grants are made possible through the generous giving of donors who care about Olivet Nazarene University students. These grants are based on a student’s demonstrated financial need and academic performance at Olivet Nazarene University. Unless otherwise specified, all Foundation grants will be awarded to students who have completed one year of full-time coursework at Olivet - a minimum of 24 credit hours. Awards typically range in value from $250 to $1,500 per academic year. Applications for these scholarships will be distributed by the Office of Financial Aid in January to all eligible enrolled students. Completed applications must be returned to the Office of Financial Aid each year before March 1. Late applications will not be considered for awards. Awards are made for the full academic year in the spring preceding the start of the school year. One-half of the award will be paid each semester in which the student is enrolled on a full-time basis - a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester. Recipients must be in good academic standing and have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 to be eligible. An ONU Foundation grant is a gift that does not have to be repaid. However, students who are beneficiaries of these grants are encouraged to respond in future years by making similar gifts to the Olivet Nazarene University Foundation so that other students may also benefit.

Abraham Scholarship in Honor of Dr. John Hanson: awarded to worthy and needy students preparing for careers in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering.

Albrecht, Robert and Lois, Scholarship: awarded to worthy and needy students who are international students or children of missionaries.

Alden, George I., Trust Scholarship: available to engineering or science students based on demonstrated financial need; established by a grant from the George I. Alden Trust.

Allen, Lois Ann, Scholarship: for children of missionaries in financial need.

Alvarez, Fernando G. and Mildred, Scholarship: for worthy and needy students preparing for full-time ministry; given by their daughters, Edwina and Marsha.

Anthony, Stephen and Marilyn: awarded to junior or senior ministerial students from the Eastern Michigan District.

Associated Student Council Scholarship: awarded to a third- or fourth-year student who has served a minimum of one year on the Associated Student Council.

Aussem, Beth Anne (Jensen), Endowed Scholarship: available to psychology majors.

Bade, Kenneth Allen, Scholarship: awarded annually to music students majoring in organ.

Bailey, Tom, Memorial Scholarship: Awarded to worthy and needy students from NEI District preparing for full-time ministry.

Baldridge Family Scholarship: awarded to education majors with a preference for English, math or science education majors.

Ballmer, Verl and Naomi, Scholarship: awarded to worthy and needy students preparing to serve as full-time ministers or missionaries in the Church of the Nazarene.

Bankston, Donald and Michael, Scholarship: awarded to students who are studying music.

Basham, Rev. and Mrs. H.I., Scholarship: for incoming freshman communication major with a “B” average in high school; provided by Dr. Milton P. and Catherine E. Kale.

Bean, Calvin and Lenore, Scholarship: for sophomores, juniors, and seniors preparing for the ministry.

Beard, Rev. Arthur L. and Ferne L., Endowed Scholarship: awarded to worthy and needy theology, Christian ministry, teaching, pre-med, nursing and/or instrumental music junior or senior students with minimum 3.0 GPA.

Becke, Earl, Scholarship: for worthy and needy students with a business major.

Benner, Merl M. and Elma, Scholarship: for a worthy and needy graduate religion student.

Berry, Marion Messenger, Scholarship: for worthy and needy music students.

Biedenharn, Joseph H., Scholarship: equivalent of three semester hours to be awarded to a junior art major for use in senior year.

Bloom, Margaret E., Scholarship: for English or ministerial students.

Bower, Rosemary, Teaching Scholarship: awarded to education majors with preference to those planning to teach learning disabled students.

Boxell, A. Ralph, Scholarship: available to worthy and needy science students.

Boxell, A. Ralph, and Ruth Reader, Scholarship: available to students majoring in piano.

Brandenberg, William, Scholarship: for nursing students.

Bright, Rev. Merle M. and Madonna K., Scholarship: awarded to needy sophomore, junior, or senior pastoral ministry students.

Brozek, Walter “Charlie,” Scholarship: available to children of full-time Christian workers.

Buker Family Scholarship: awarded to students who are preparing for the ministry or a career in education.

Burbrink-Dunnington Ministry Scholarship: awarded annually to worthy and needy students preparing for Christian ministry.

Business/Economics Scholarship: for students majoring in business.

Campbell, D. Ray, Scholarship: for ministerial students or business majors.

Carmichael, Vernal and Mayme, Scholarship: available to worthy and needy business administration and/or music majors.

Carmony, Byron M., Scholarship: awarded to worthy and needy students with a preference to those pursuing a music degree.

Cassells, James and Ruth, Scholarship: available to a worthy student majoring in music; recommended by chair of the Department of Music provided by Marilyn Cassells.

Chappell, G., and E. Witthoff, Scholarship: available to worthy and needy students preparing for a career in medicine, preferably those planning for a career in missions.

Chicago Central District Impact Scholarship: available to graduating Impact members who have been on the team for at least three years and enrolled at ONU with a major in music or full-time ministry.

Class of 1962 Scholarship: awarded to worthy and needy junior or senior, with priority to descendants of the Class of 1962 or minorities.

Class of 1963 Scholarship: awarded to promising junior or seniors who would otherwise be in danger of discontinuing their education because of finances.

Class of 1984 Scholarship: for worthy and needy senior student; preference given to an heir of the Class of 1984.

Close, Shirley, Voice Scholarship: awarded annually to students majoring in vocal performance with the goal of pursuing a career as a classical singer in opera and/or oratorio.

Cole, John and Esther, Scholarship: for worthy and needy religion major.

Colling, Deborah Anne, Scholarship: awarded on basis of scholarship and potential for successful career in the biological, biochemical, or biomedical sciences.

Colling, Gerald M. and Faye, Scholarship: awarded to education, psychology, or natural sciences majors. Preference will be given to those who have a particular interest in teaching at a community college or in K-12 school administration.

Collins, Dr. Harvey, Scholarship: available to Art major of junior standing for use in senior year; requires 3.0 overall GPA and 3.5 art GPA; student must exhibit high-level of Christian discipleship; selection made by art faculty based on written testimony submitted by student.

Comandella, Edgar W., Scholarship: awarded to undergraduate and graduate non-traditional students preparing for full-time ministry.

Cook, James V. and Louise, Scholarship: for music students; provided by Dr. and Mrs. Ronald A. McMaster.

Cook, Perry A. and Florence L., Scholarship: for worthy and needy students preparing for missionary service.

Couchenour/Snider Scholarship: for worthy and needy ministerial students.

Crawford International Student Scholarship: available to freshmen and continuing students who are attending Olivet from a country outside the continental United States.

Crawford, James H., Memorial Scholarship: for worthy and needy students, with preference to children of Nazarene pastors.

Creighton Scholarship: awarded annually to worthy and needy business and education majors.

CSL Behring Educational Grant: available as funding for the CSL Behring internship program targeting science, engineering, business, or communication students and as scholarships for worthy and needy students.

Cunningham, Dr. Paul G., Scholarship: awarded to junior or senior pastoral ministry majors.

Dace, Allen and Virginia, Scholarship: awarded to religion majors.

Daugherty, John W. and Miriam Scholarship: awarded to worthy and needy juniors or seniors, with preferences to seniors preparing for careers in music ministry.

Davidson, David and Ethel, Endowed Scholarship: available to English or health-related major.

Dawes, Gordon W. and Frances V., Scholarship: for worthy and needy students preparing for the ministry or missionary service in the Church of the Nazarene.

Decker, Dr. Gerald L., Scholarship: to be awarded equally to two chemistry majors with highest academic record at close of junior year; established by Mrs. Decker.

Demaray, Dr. Coral and Harriet, Scholarship: for worthy and needy students majoring in Biblical literature.

Deright, Fay, Scholarship: awarded to worthy and needy students with a preference for those pursuing a degree in nursing or students from Auburn, Indiana, Church of the Nazarene or Grace Point Church of the Nazarene in Ft. Wayne, Indiana.

Dickey, Doris J., Missionary Scholarship: available to worthy and needy students who are from a foreign mission field or have expressed a strong interest and call into the mission field.

Dickey, Jenna Leigh, Vocal Music Scholarship: awarded to students who express an interest in, and show special aptitude and talent for, vocal music and fine arts.

Dickey, Dr. John Q., Sr., Pre-Med Scholarship: available to Pre-medical students who will pursue study in osteopathic/allopathic medicine/science.

Dickey, Dr. John Q., Sr., Scholarship: awarded to children of pastors from the Eastern Michigan District.

Dickey, Linda Crummer, Scholarship: available to worthy and needy students majoring in elementary education or business administration, or students of any major who are single custodial parents.

Diehl, Dr. James H., Scholarship: awarded to junior or senior pastoral ministry majors.

Dillman, Ruth Evelyn, and Mary Elizabeth Dillman Gates Scholarship: for worthy and needy students who are children of pastors or missionaries and are of sophomore, junior, or senior status.

Dillman, The Rev. Clifford K. and Bertha M., Scholarship: available to worthy and needy junior or senior student from Illinois planning for ministry.

Dillman, The Rev. Dr. Victor Eugene Scholarship: available to serious-minded and spiritually sensitive students planning to devote a lifetime of Christian service in any of its many facets/fields, and/or plan to complete a graduate social work program or qualify for professional state license.

Dishon, Clarence and Nora, Scholarship: awarded to students who are preparing for pastoral ministry.

Doud, Harvey E. and Mary Edna, Scholarship: for nursing students.

Dreisbach, Donald and Carol, Scholarship: awarded to worthy and needy students whose parents are serving as international missionaries.

Dykhouse Family Scholarship: awarded to worthy and needy students with preference for students from families engaged in full-time ministry in inner cities or missionary work.

Eimer Voice Scholarship: awarded to students majoring in voice.

Elson, Tricia Salerno: awarded to worthy and needy students preparing for careers in education or marine biology.

Emerson, Mark and Svea, Scholarship: awarded to students who do not have an academic scholarship, with preference to select science majors.

Erbes-Noah Harp Scholarship: awarded to worthy and needy orchestra/harp students.

Faist, James R. and Mary L.: awarded to worthy and needy business or ministry majors.

Felesena Family Scholarship: awarded annually to worthy and needy business and/or education students.

Foote, Rev. William G. and Reuhama E., Scholarship: awarded to worthy and needy English or elementary education majors.

Fowler, Clifford H., Scholarship: for nursing and science students.

Fowler, George F. and Dorothy M., Scholarship: available to nursing students, men pursuing a pastoral/evangelistic degree, or students from Shipshewana, Ind. Church of the Nazarene.

Frank, A.J., Scholarship: for worthy and needy ministerial students.

Frank, Don R. and Joanne L., Endowed Scholarship: available to worthy and needy students following the traditional undergraduate program for teacher certification.

Fruin, Ella M., Scholarship: available to female theological or missionary students.

Fry, Marion, Scholarship: for worthy and needy students from Wisconsin.

Galloway, George M. and Martha R., Scholarship: available to ministerial students or other worthy and needy students.

Gambill, Verne W., and Anita R. Tolbert, Endowed Scholarship: available to Nazarene pastors’ children majoring in education or pursuing pastoral ministry.

Garland, Eva, Scholarship: for worthy and needy students from Indianapolis, Clermont, and Monticello (Illinois) Churches of the Nazarene.

Gibson, Don, Scholarship: for worthy and needy students preparing for full-time ministry.

Gielselman, Glen and Helen, Memorial Scholarship: awarded to a junior or senior ministerial or business major.

Gilliam, Peggy L., Scholarship: available to a student from a single-parent home; alternatively, a student with special interest in piano.

Goodwin Scholarship: awarded to junior or senior accounting majors.

Grace Scholarship: available to worthy and needy students who are preparing for full-time ministry.

Grimsley, Nellie L., Scholarship: for students in preparation for definite overseas missionary service.

Grothaus, Jewell, Scholarship: for students majoring in instrumental music.

Hadley Family Scholarship: awarded to a junior or senior majoring in education or ministry.

Hale-Wilder Scholarship: available to voice majors by audition before the voice faculty and the chair of the Department of Music; provided by Robert Hale of Vedbaek, Denmark, and Dean Wilder, director of vocal instruction, William Jewell College.

Hansher, Marilyn B., Scholarship: available to students majoring in elementary education.

Harper, A.K. and Beatrice, Scholarship: available to business students who exhibit strong leadership potential.

Harshman, Boyd and Libby, Family Memorial Scholarship: available to five worthy and needy junior music majors for use in their senior year.

Henneberg, Megan Harms, Scholarship: available to nursing majors.

Hinkle, Elsie, Scholarship: for worthy and needy students in the School of Education.

Hodges, John Wesley and Grace Hodges Dillman Scholarship: available to undergraduate or graduate students pursuing studies in guidance counseling or teacher education.

Hollingsworth, Art and Bea, Scholarship: for worthy and needy ministerial students.

Holmes, Glenn and Janice Netzel, Scholarship: available to nursing students who exhibit high standards of academic scholarship and commitment to a Christ-centered nursing profession.

Hopkins Family Music Scholarship: awarded to outstanding music students who major on an orchestral instrument.

Hottinger, Jim and Sybil, Scholarship: awarded to worthy and needy veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces, residents of Canada or those pursuing degrees in music and the arts.

Howe, Kathryn Ruth, Scholarship: for worthy and needy elementary education majors.

Hultz, Ralph W. and Evelyn E., Scholarship: one-half available to handicapped students and one-half available to ministerial students.

Humble, Professor Harvey, Scholarship: available to worthy and needy students, with first preference to history majors.

Irwin-Jones, Linda, Scholarship: available to students from College Church of the Nazarene, Bourbonnais, Illinois.

Isaacs, Bill and Ruth, Scholarship: awarded to worthy and needy handicapped students.  If none apply, will go to a history or political science major.

Jarvis, Julian and Betty Jean, Scholarship: awarded to students from the Greencastle Church of the Nazarene and/or worthy and needy students.

Jaynes Family Scholarship: worthy and needy students who are current members of Danville First Church of the Nazarene (Illinois).

JEM Fund Scholarship: awarded to worthy and needy students from the state of Colorado with preference for those from the Greeley First Church of the Nazarene.

Johnson, Arndt J., Endowed Scholarship: preference given to descendants of Arndt Johnson; if none apply, then available to needy chemistry students.

Johnson, Cal and Vera, Scholarship: awarded annually for worthy and needy students with preference for those entering the fields of education, nursing, or chemistry.

Johnson, Calvin Keith and Connie, Scholarship: awarded to students majoring in chemistry.

Johnson, Donald and Marlene, Scholarship: awarded to students who are majoring in education.

Johnson, Otis L., Sr., Scholarship: awarded to worthy and needy students who are majoring in English.

Johnson, Ruth L., Scholarship: awarded to junior or senior students majoring in Christian ministry.

Johnson, Vorma Jean Memorial Scholarship: awarded to worthy and needy education majors.

Johnston, David and Joyce, Scholarship: awarded to students preparing for ministry.

Jones, David and John Hanson Scholarship: available to Premedicine or undergraduate nursing students preparing for missions service; funds provided by a grateful former student.

Jorden, Gunnell M., Scholarship: awarded to worthy and needy students majoring in English

Judy, Esther/Lamb, Marjorie, Scholarship: available to worthy and needy undergraduate students with preference given to adult students returning to school.

Kale, William H. Jr. and Naomi Ruth, Scholarship: available to junior and senior communication major with 3.0 GPA.

Kalemkarian, Katherine E., Scholarship: awarded to worthy and needy students majoring in fashion merchandising.

Kappa Sigma Nursing Scholarship: Available to nursing students.

Keck, Charlotte Shugart, Nursing Scholarship: awarded to junior-level nursing student for use in senior year; recipient selected by nursing faculty and approved by department chair.

Kelly, Hugh G., and Gladys E., Endowed Scholarship: available to students from Roxana Church of the Nazarene (Illinois) or to worthy and needy students.

Kelley, Brad and Karen, Scholarship: available to students planning a career in music arranging or composing.

Kesler, James O. II, Scholarship: available to junior or senior ministerial or missionary students holding membership in the Northwest Indiana District Church of the Nazarene.

Knight, Beatrice and James Melvin, and Mildred and Coleman Moore, Scholarship: available to worthy and needy students from southern United States.

Kochersperger, Terry L., Scholarship: available to engineering students.

Kranich, Wanda Fulmer and Virginia Kranich Vanceil Scholarship: awarded to organ, piano, or flute students preparing for music ministry or music education.

Kring, Robert M., Central Region NYI Scholarship: awarded equally to youth ministry majors and other declared majors from the Central Education Region.

Lagesse, Dotty: awarded to worthy and needy students with preference to those whose education will qualify them for service in healthcare organizations.

Langdon, Cindy, Scholarship: available to worthy and needy students from Richfield Church of the Nazarene (Michigan) or other worthy and needy students.

Larsen, Naomi, Scholarship: available to music majors based on music proficiency and need; selection made by music faculty.

Lee, C. Ross and Grace, Memorial Scholarship: available to students preparing for full-time ministry.

Liddell, Daniel Wesley, Scholarship: awarded to worthy and needy music students who are majoring in voice.

Logan, Richard B., Scholarship: available to junior or senior chemistry majors.

Lowe, Stephen J. and Ervin E., Scholarship: available to ministerial students.

Lucas, Francis and Kazue, Scholarship: available to ministerial students and students preparing for missionary service.

MacDonald, Robert, Scholarship: available to needy ministerial students.

Malcolm “Mac” Delbridge Ministerial Education Scholarship: available to junior and senior ministerial students with a local or district minister’s license from the Michigan District Church of the Nazarene.

Malliett, Lowell and Barbara, Scholarship: for international students.

Marangu, John and Leah, Scholarship: awarded to international students.

Martin, Dr. E.W. and Ardith, Scholarship: available to worthy senior students preparing for the ministry or missionary service.

Martin, Rev. Edwin C. and Pearl Richie, Scholarship: available to students preparing for Christian service.

Martinson, Jay, Scholarship: awarded to students pursuing a major in communication or its corresponding specializations.

McClain, Dr. Carl S. and Eunice, Scholarship: for worthy and needy English majors.

McCoy, Kenneth and Doris Sparrow Scholarship: available to worthy and needy pre-medical or nursing students with first preference to women students; given in memory of Russel J. Durienx, Class of 1937.

McCool, David L. and Marilyn J., Scholarship: for senior married students in good academic standing, who demonstrate a financial need.

McCormick, James and Pauline Scholarship:  for Social Work majors.

McKinney, Jim and Patricia, Endowed Scholarship: available to ministerial students or students preparing for full-time Christian service; preference given to students from Brazil First Church of the Nazarene (Indiana), then to other students.

McLendon, Hiram J., and Dorothy Fullenwider McLendon Scholarship: available to students interested in philosophy and/or students working with children either in a church or as a school psychologist.

Media Catalyst Communication Scholarship: awarded to students majoring in communication.

Meyer, Robert Paul, Scholarship: available to students with a physical handicap.

Meyer, William D. and Florence I., Scholarship: available to students with a disability.

Miller, Randal J. and Cathaleen, Scholarship: available to students majoring in broadcasting.

Miller-Werchan Scholarship: awarded to students who intend to be a Christian psychologist or Christian counselor.

Mitten, Dr. Lloyd G. and Thelma A., Scholarship: available to worthy and needy juniors and seniors majoring in business and economics.

Monroe, Michigan, Church of the Nazarene Scholarship: available to Dundee, Monroe, and Tecumseh, Michigan Church of the Nazarene students–freshmen to seniors.

Moore, Clarence T. and Jennie K., Scholarship: available to worthy or needy junior or senior ministerial student.

Moore, Rev. Norman L. and Mary, Scholarship: available for worthy and needy students, with preference for those preparing for pastoral ministry, chaplaincy, or missions.

Moore, Dr. Ray H., Scholarship: available to junior or senior students who are preparing for any type of music ministry.

Morgan Family Scholarship: available to students preparing for full-time ministry.

Mueller, Ethel, Scholarship: for worthy and needy Protestant students.

Mulder, David A., Scholarship: awarded to students who are preparing for the ministry, with preference for those who are entering the field of compassionate ministries.

Mumbower, Bessie Fern, Scholarship: for worthy ministerial students.

Myers, Carrie M., Scholarship: available to worthy and needy sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate ministerial student from Seymour First Church of the Nazarene (Indiana); established by Francis and Dorothy Myers and the Kocolene Oil Co. of Seymour, Indiana.

Myers, Delbert H., Scholarship: available first to worthy and needy sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate students from Seymour First Church of the Nazarene (Indiana), then to other worthy and needy students.

Myers, Rev. Joseph T. and Connie H., Scholarship: available to any student from Vermilion County, Illinois, or to ministerial students from the Chicago Central District Church of the Nazarene.

Nash, Dr. and Mrs. Forrest W., Scholarship: awarded to students who are preparing for full-time ministry.

Neal, Ada, Scholarship: available to nursing students.

Neubert, Alvin A. and Joy E., Scholarship: available to worthy nursing students.

Nielson, Joseph F. and Esther J., Scholarship: available to students majoring in social sciences.

Nielson and Young Scholarship: awarded to piano majors selected by the School of Music faculty resulting from the piano performance competition.

Noble, Joe M. and Evelyn, Scholarship: available to conducting students for use in final year of study; to be selected by the music faculty.

Oliver/Granger Scholarship: awarded to worthy and needy business and education majors.

ONU Congregational Ministry: awarded to students who are members of the Church of the Nazarene preparing for ministry service in a local congregation.

Ouwenga, Sharon and Warren, Scholarship: awarded to worthy and needy education majors.

Packer, Alma Fentress, Scholarship: available to students who have a definite call to missions.

Parrott, Leslie and Lora Lee, Scholarship: available to ministerial students who are excelling academically and need based.

Patterson, Vaughan L., Scholarship: available to a Kankakee County, Illinois, resident student; preference given to a Bradley-Bourbonnais Community High School graduate; in loving memory of Wanda M. Starasinich, mother of Mr. Patterson.

Peffer, Paul E. and Ruth O., Scholarship: for worthy and needy students majoring in business.

Pennington, Mark and Beth, Scholarship: awarded to undergraduate students from the Eastern Michigan District.

Perry, Dr. Ralph E. and Lorene E., Scholarship: for worthy and needy students preparing for a full-time career in pastoral ministry.

Peters, V. W., Scholarship: available to music majors.

Pickard, Verna O., Scholarship: for worthy and needy senior ministerial or missionary students.

Pitts, Jesse Branston, and Mary Hazel Scholarship: for students from Stinesville, Indiana, then other worthy and needy students in their sophomore, junior, or senior years.

Polston, William “Bud” and Nella, Scholarship: available to junior and senior business majors with a minimum 2.85 GPA on a 4.0 scale.

Prescott, Charles M. and Gladys L., Endowed Scholarship: for worthy and needy students with expressed potential of Christian service.

Purinton, Dr. W.S., Scholarship: for worthy and needy ministerial students.

Reader, George H.D., Scholarships: available to ministerial students.

Reams Family Scholarship: available to students majoring in geology, earth and space science education, or related fields.

Rector, Robert “Bob” Memorial Scholarship: awarded to business majors who are currently on the ONU baseball team.

Reed Graduate Scholarship: available to graduating ministerial seniors with high academic standing who are pursuing graduate work in religion at Olivet; established by Dr. and Mrs. Harold W. Reed.

Reed, Harold W. and Maybelle E., Scholarship: for worthy and needy undergraduate ministerial students; given in honor of Dr. and Mrs.Harold W. Reed.

Richardson Memorial Scholarship: awarded to students going into full-time ministry.

Roat, Ann Smith: awarded to students majoring in nutrition or dietetics.

Roberts, Rev. Carl H. and Esther, Scholarship: available to married ministerial students.

Roberts, Rex A. and Sarah Anna, Scholarship: available to children of ministers and evangelists.

Roby, Cecil L. and Darlene, Scholarship: for worthy and needy students majoring in business.

Rodger Family Scholarship: awarded to outstanding chemistry majors with a calling to attend medical school.

Rowe, Richard E. and Jeanette, Scholarship: for religion majors.

Sayes, Dr. J. Ottis: available to students pursuing the religion ordination track, with a preference for those majoring in Christian education, youth ministry, or children’s ministry.

Schaafsma, Terry and Dianne, Scholarship: available to athletic training students.

Schlamb, Audrey L., Scholarship: available to ministerial students.

Schneider, Rev. Albert and Beatrice, Scholarship: available for worthy and needy students with a preference for students preparing for full-time ministry or teacher education.

Schroeder, Richard V., Memorial Scholarship: awarded to worthy and needy students who are veterans of the US armed forces or who are pursuing a career in criminal justice or law enforcement.

Seaman, Ray I., Scholarship: available to students from West Michigan Avenue Church of the Nazarene (Battle Creek, Michigan) or needy students from the Michigan District.

Severance, Harold and Ruth, Scholarship: awarded to worthy and needy students preparing for full-time Christian service. A portion of the distribution to support the Preaching Ambassador Program.

Shaffer, Sandy Jo, Scholarship: for worthy and needy junior or senior business majors.

Silvers, W. L., Scholarship: available to worthy and needy student who is preparing for ministry.

Sloan, Robert and Janet, Family, Scholarship: awarded to students who are children of missionaries.

Smith, Evelyn “Cricket,” Scholarship: awarded to elementary education majors.

Smith, Sylvester and Leah, Scholarship: for worthy and needy married students preparing for the ministry or missionary service.

Snowbarger, Dr. Willis E., Scholarship: available to junior or senior history majors completing 15 hours of history, including three upper-division hours; requires overall GPA of 3.25 and history GPA of 3.5; selection to be made by Department of History.

Snowbarger, Willis E. and Wahnona R., Achievement Award: available to needy junior or senior student with 3.0 or greater cumulative GPA.

Social Work Scholarship: awarded to senior social work majors, based on Christian character and academic record.

Somers, Vaughn, Scholarship: available to junior music or ministerial students for use in senior year.

Sommer, Steven C., Scholarship: available to worthy and needy students majoring in social work.

Starr, Donald and Vada, Scholarship: awarded to students who are majoring in education.

Steinke, Lester L., Scholarship: available to a student not qualifying for any other scholarship, but who has an intense desire to receive an education; preference given to freshmen; given by Mrs. Lois Thomas in memory of her brother.

Stewart, Virgie, Scholarship: available to junior student with major in modern languages.

Stiles, Audrey L., Business Scholarship: available to worthy and needy business students who have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Stiles, Robert W., Music Scholarship: available to music students.

Strait, Dr. C. Neil, Scholarship: available for worthy and needy students from the Michigan District.

Strickland, Evert C., Scholarship: for worthy and needy students majoring in education; provided by Evert Strickland in memory of his brother, Rev. Raymond Strickland.

Strickler, Dr. Dwight and Esther, Scholarship: for worthy and needy science majors.

Sunberg, Charles and Carla, Scholarship: awarded to junior or senior female ministerial students.

Swinehart, Lynn D. and Mary (Moore), Scholarship: awarded to worthy and needy students who are accounting majors.

Taylor Business Scholarship: Awarded to students majoring in business and preferably from the state of Indiana.

Taylor, Sterling and Pauline (Rudd), Scholarship: available to upper-division education majors; established by Dr. Mary Margaret Reed in honor of her mother and father.

Thornton, Clarence and Georgia, Scholarship: for ministerial students from Wisconsin, with preference to a married student.

Toland, Don and Beverly, Scholarship: available to students preparing for a career in broadcasting.

Tompkins, Clara E., Scholarship: for worthy and needy students; preference given to students from Kankakee First Church of the Nazarene.

Tucker, J. Paul and Lenore, Scholarship: for worthy and needy ministerial students.

Turner, Dixie, Scholarship: available to elementary education majors.

Unger, Stephanie (Yates), Scholarship: award to a senior music education major who demonstrates musical excellence.

VanAken, Lynwood and Maxine, Scholarship: for worthy and needy music majors.

Vaughan, David A., Endowed Scholarship: available to nursing students.

Wagoner, Heather, Scholarship: awarded to a resident assistant.

Walker, Mary J., Scholarship: awarded to two sophomore, junior, or senior female students with a minimum GPA of 3.5; one from the Indianapolis District and one from the Eastern Michigan District.

Ward, C.W. “Butch” and Lil, Scholarship: awarded to student athletes preparing for a career in coaching.

Watson, Larry D., Ambassador Scholarship: for worthy and needy student athletes who demonstrate Christian character both on and off the court of competition.

Weber, Donald H. and Beverly A., Scholarship: available to children of missionaries or pastors, of junior or senior standing, with a 3.0 or greater GPA.

Weber, Julie A., Scholarship: available to students from the Flint Central Church of the Nazarene (Michigan).

Wesleyan-Arminian Studies Scholarship: awarded to an outstanding junior or senior theology or religious studies major.

White, Dr. S.S., Scholarship: available to upper-division theology students.

White, J. L. and Cumming, J. A., Scholarship: available to worthy and needy students preparing for ministry or missions.

Whitis, Noel L. and Ilene, Endowed Scholarship: available to religion and education majors.

Wickersham, Gordon C., Memorial Scholarship: awarded to full-time students who are a sophomore, junior or senior with a cumulative GPA or 3.25 or better and pursuing a major in Religion or Marketing - Public Relations.

Wilkinson, Bruce and Berdella: awarded to worthy and needy engineering students.

Williams, Mike and Dee, Scholarship: for worthy and needy students from Wisconsin.

Williams, Rev. and Mrs. Albert, Scholarship: available to ministerial students.

Williamson, Donald E. and Marilyn, Scholarship: available to freshmen through ONU graduate-level students approved by the scholarship committee.

Wisconsin District Church of the Nazarene Scholarship: awarded to each Olivet student whose parents are in full-time ministry on the Wisconsin District.

Wisner, Gerett, Scholarship: available to junior and senior nursing, ministerial, music, or other worthy and needy students.

Wissbroecker, Rayna, Memorial Scholarship: available to premedical student with preference for those pursuing a career in missions.

Woodruff, Dr. William and Mrs. Wanda, Scholarship: awarded annually to the principal cellist of the University orchestra, with a 3.0 GPA or higher and using their musical talents for the glory of God.

Yochim, Harold and Hilda: awarded to worthy and needy students whose parents are involved in full-time pastoral ministry.

The following scholarships are provided in memory or honor of various individuals, families, or groups and are available for worthy and needy students who otherwise meet criteria established by the ONU Foundation:

Abbott, Herbert E. and Edna Mae
Alumni Scholarship
Anonymous Endowment
Aukes, Harry
Austin, Sylvia L.
Barnhart, Wilma
Bearinger, Clayton and Ada
Beckman, Arthur
Bell, Donald H. and Faith N.
Better Day
Bontrager, Greg and Karen
Bredholt, R.D. and Lydia
Brodien, Edward and Elaine, Elmer and Doris Brodien
Buchholz, Sylvia May
Byrne, Mary Ann
Cheeseman, John
Chenoweth, Robert R. and Arlene J.
Choate, Elizabeth
Class of 1969
Clendenen, Rev. and Mrs. Carl B., Sr.
Cooper, Aubrey E. and Margaret A.
Cox, William A. and Anna R.
Culp Family
Davis, Lela M.
Dill, Helen and John
Donoho, Dr. John J. and Dr. Lora H.
Douglas, Fred E.
Eilander, Grace
Farmer, Howard and Adda
Floyd, Gary and Bonnie
Foor, Dennis W.
Ford, Francis Ruth
Fowler, Emmet G.
Friends of Olivet Nazarene University
Frost, Emma
Fulk, Dr. Paul F. and Brenda G.
Garton, Franklin Defoe and Thelma Irene
Giroux, Martha Craig
Glenn, Alice M.
Green, William and Mabel
Grill, Candace
Gustavsen, Donald N. and Irene
Gustin, Lester and Susan
Hardy, William H. and Emily E.S., Jr.
Hemstreet, Thomas and Doris
Hess, Dennis and Georgia
Hill, Edith V.
Holland, Nelda, D.
Howe, Laurence H.
Huffman, Larry K. and Dana T.
Jarvis, James E. and Elsie S.
Jarvis, Julian and Arlene
Johnson, Oscar and Bertha
Jones, Ira
Kariolich, Margaret J.
Kelley, Frank and Elizabeth
Kelley, Seldon Dee, Sr.
Keys, Gerald L. Sr. and Celeste F.
Kietzke, Hilmer and Virginia
King, Virginia
Langdon, Cindy
Leichty, Elvin and Marjorie
Lemna, Mr. and Mrs. William F.
Lind, Dr. Richard T.
Long, Wesley C.
Lundry, Russell
Marquart, Linford A.
Marroletti, L. Jean
Martinson, Milton and Myrna
McCreary, Glen
McHie, Richard H. and V. Aline
Meredith, Phil and Pat
Miller, Cecil and Grace
Mingus, James A. and Beverly E.
Mingus, James E. and Judy M.
Minor, Malvin and Christine
Mongerson, Harold and Gladys
Mongerson, John
Moore, Robert and Dottie
Munson, Della
Murdaugh, George W.
O’Bryant, Alan and Clinton
ONU Foundation Board of Directors
ONU Scholarship
Orpheus Memorial Scholarship
Ouwenga, Sharon and Warren
Park, Mildred I. (Roat)
Phillips, Marjorie L. McCoy and Harold E.
Reader, Paul H. and Delores A.
Reeves, Emily
Rexroth, Daniel D. and JoAnne
Reynolds, Mary Alice, Memorial Scholarship
Rice, Paul
Richards, Francis Edward and Minnie
Ringgenberg, Raymond R. and Mabel G.
Ritthaler, Virginia M.
Roat, Lydia Hendricker
Robbins, Forrest D. and Venice
Roth, Sharon
Ruzich, John and Lynnae
Shaw, George R. and Gertrude
Shipman, Sidney P. and Viola
Sims, Christopher
Springer, Frank E. and Rose M.
Sprunger, David and Frances
Stanley, Harry T. and Vera M.
Suits, Eva Irene
Sullivan, Mary
Taplin, Harry
Thomas, Dr. Weldon L. and Juanita M.
White, Frederick and Mildred
Whitehead, R.B. and Elma
Williams, Lula
Yanchick, Dennis J.
Yates, Jim and Ruth
Yotter Endowed
Zimmerman, Iris Eileen

These scholarships are provided for students who meet criteria established by the local church and the ONU Foundation:

Bay City, Michigan, First Church of the Nazarene
Brazil, Indiana, First Church of the Nazarene
Brighton, Michigan, Church of the Nazarene
Columbus, Indiana, First Church of the Nazarene
Decatur, Illinois First Church of the Nazarene
Detroit, Michigan, First Church of the Nazarene
Fort Wayne, Indiana, Grace Point Church of the Nazarene
Gregory, Michigan, Southwest Church of the Nazarene
Howell, Michigan, Church of the Nazarene
Indianapolis, Indiana, First Church of the Nazarene
Indianapolis, Indiana, Westside Church of the Nazarene
Kalamazoo, Michigan, Cross Community Church of the Nazarene
Kankakee, Illinois, First Church of the Nazarene
Kokomo, Indiana, Bon Aire Church of the Nazarene
Kokomo, Indiana, First Church of the Nazarene
Mackey, Michigan, Church of the Nazarene
Mason, Michigan, First Church of the Nazarene
Morenci, Michigan, Church of the Nazarene
Muskegon, Michigan, Lakes Community Church of the Nazarene
New Palestine, Indiana, Grace Harbor Church of the Nazarene
Perry, Michigan, Church of the Nazarene
Pittsfield, Illinois, Church of the Nazarene
Plymouth, Michigan, Church of the Nazarene
Portland, Michigan, Church of the Nazarene
Saginaw, Michigan, First Church of the Nazarene
St. Joseph, Michigan, First Church of the Nazarene
Warren, Michigan, The Woods Church of the Nazarene
Westbrook, Indiana, Grace Pointe Church of the Nazarene