2014-2015 Catalog 
    Sep 25, 2024  
2014-2015 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions – All



  • NURS 206 - Health Assessment

    3 hours
    This course will build on the knowledge attained in the foundational science courses with emphasis on the well individual. Content includes assessment of major body systems across the life span. Time will be spent in the Virtual Learning Center perfecting assessment skills. The course will culminate with the student performing a complete history and physical. Prerequisite(s): NURS 202  and admission to nursing program. Corequisite(s): NURS 205 . UG
  • NURS 226 - Pharmacology for Nurses I

    2 hours
    Provides a foundation of pharmacological concepts and principles. Assessment and evaluation of medication administration along with symptom evaluation and the diagnostics related to drug therapy for the long term client. Prerequisite(s): NURS 202  and admission to nursing program or permission of the instructor. Corequisite(s): NURS 205  and NURS 206 . UG
  • NURS 315 - Fundamentals of Nursing II

    4 hours
    This course will build on the content presented in Fundamentals of Nursing I. Clinical skills are expanded and refined in the Virtual Learning Center along with an off-campus clinical site. A plan of care will be developed for selected individuals utilizing beginning clinical judgment and the nursing process. Prerequisite(s): NURS 205 , NURS 206 , NURS 226 , and FACS 126 . UG
  • NURS 327 - Pharmacology for Nurses II

    2 hours
    Assessment and evaluation of medication administration along with symptom evaluation and the diagnostics related to drug therapy for the acute client. Prerequisite(s): NURS 205 , NURS 206 , NURS 226 , BIOL 330  and FACS 126 . Corequisite(s): NURS 315 . UG
  • NURS 335 - Community Health and Population-Focused Care

    2 hours
    The theoretical foundation of the nurse’s role in the health and well-being at a local, state, and national level. Health promotion, health prevention, and health maintenance of individuals, families, aggregates communities, and populations are assessed. Strategies of health education, health promotion, and illness prevention are analyzed to meet the needs of the community health nurses’ clients. Discussions include the role, function, and structure of health care systems in the United States. The effects of the environment on health are investigated, and modification of risk factors in aggregates and populations are examined, along with principles of epidemiology. The role of the community health nurse in disaster management is explored. Observations in the community are assigned in Adult Health I. Prerequisite(s): NURS 315 , NURS 327 , NURS 340 , NURS 342 , NURS 388 , FACS 126 , SOCY 120 , COMM 105 , MATH 120 . Corequisite(s): NURS 466 . UG
  • NURS 340 - Transcultural Family Nursing

    3 hours
    Focuses on developing insights into the diverse cultural venue. An emphasis is on transcultural nursing and its contribution to holistic healthcare. Theories related to both the family and transcultural nursing will be explored. The assessment element of the nursing process is discussed in relation to the nurses’ role to provide cultural competent care. Prerequisite(s): acceptance into the nursing program and COMM 105 , SOCY 120 . UG
  • NURS 342 - Mental Health Nursing

    4 hours
    Presents the theoretical and clinical foundation of ethical and professional nursing care to individuals and small groups experiencing acute and chronic behavioral problems. The needs of individuals with mental illness as they impact the family and the community will be discussed. Students will apply the principles of therapeutic communication and the nursing process in this diverse setting. Selected therapeutic groups will be observed and group assignments completed. Prerequisite(s): NURS 205 , NURS 206 , NURS 226 , FACS 126 . UG
  • NURS 349 - Adult Health Nursing I

    5 hours
    Provides a strong theoretical and clinical basis for holistic nursing care needs of patients with a chronic disease. A variety of clinical areas provide the students with a diverse patient population in order to highlight evidence-based interventions. Clinical judgment and skills are developed by refining the nursing analysis of the patient’s history and symptom severity, establishing rationale and priority for nursing and collaborative interventions, and evaluating patient response to various treatment modalities. Prerequisite(s): NURS 315 , NURS 327 , NURS 340 , NURS 342 , NURS 388 , FACS 126 , SOCY 120 . UG
  • NURS 378 - Childbearing Family Health

    4 hours
    The theoretical foundation of nursing care for the childbearing family during pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, intrapartum, postpartum, and neonatal periods is the focus of this course. Women’s health issues and genetic considerations are addressed as they relate to the childbearing family. Community resources appropriate for the childbearing family are explored. Nursing research, cultural, sociopolitical, and legal aspects applicable to the childbearing family are studied. ANA and AWONN standards are addressed. Students will spend time in the clinical setting observing and providing care for the childbearing family. Prerequisite(s): NURS 315 , NURS 327 , NURS 340 , NURS 342 , NURS 388 , FACS 126 , SOCY 120 . UG
  • NURS 388 - Gerontology and Palliative Care

    2 hours
    This course will focus on nursing care of the geriatric patient. Current theories of aging, health promotion, and maintenance for geriatric patients, and management of common geriatric health problems will be emphasized. Palliative care across the life span will also be studied, including ethical, legal, and sociocultural concerns. The role of the professional nurse will be explored. Prerequisite(s): NURS 205 , NURS 206 , NURS 226 . UG
  • NURS 415 - Child Health Nursing

    4 hours
    Provides a theoretical and clinical practice foundation for nursing care of children and adolescents. Family-centered care is the patient-centered approach in providing nursing care to the acute and chronically ill child and adolescent. An emphasis on evidence based practice, quality improvement measurements, and patient safety principles are used as a framework to study nursing theory. The 2008 Pediatric Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice is the foundation for theory and clinical practice. Development of clinical reasoning is emphasized in this course. Prerequisite(s): NURS 349 , NURS 378 , NURS 388 NURS 450 NURS 466 . Corequisite(s): NURS 439 . UG
  • NURS 439 - Adult Health Nursing II

    5 hours
    Continues topics of Adult Health Nursing I, with an emphasis on analyzing the holistic nursing care needs of patients with a chronic disease who are now demonstrating co-morbid sequelae. Strong development of clinical judgment, skills, and critical thinking and the safe application of evidence-based practice remain the essential focus of the course. Prerequisite(s): NUR 335 , NUR 349 , NURS 466 . UG
  • NURS 449 - Adult Health Nursing III

    5 hours
    Exposes the learner to the complex and delicate care needs of the patient experiencing end-of-life symptom severity, co-morbidities, and complications. Evaluation of the patient’s response to critical treatment modalities are peer reviewed. Prerequisite(s): NUR 378 , NURS 415 , NURS 439 , NURS 450 , NURS 466 . Corequisite(s): NURS 456 . UG
  • NURS 450 - The Global Community

    2 hours
    The role of the nurse in preserving and promoting health in diverse global communities is presented. Students will discuss health promotion, health prevention, and health maintenance of the global communities. Populations are assessed and evaluated in relation to health care access and sociopolitical, socioeconomic, and cultural forces. The effects of the global environment on health are analyzed and modification of risk factors in aggregates is explored, along with principles of epidemiology. The theoretical experience from the Community Health and Population Focused Care and this course will culminate with a student led project in the community. Prerequisite(s): NUR 315 , NURS 327 , NURS 335 , NURS 340 , NUR 342 , NURS 378 , NURS 388 , NURS 466 , FACS 126 , SOCY 120 , COMM 105 , MATH 120 . Corequisite(s): second required intercultural course. UG
  • NURS 456 - Leadership and Trends in Nursing

    4 hours
    Studies of leadership theory and organizational structure of our present health care system at the national and local levels are analyzed.  Collaborative strategies are investigated to impact healthcare teamwork and national patient safety initiatives.  Commonly encountered administrative and professional dilemmas, including patient issues are student researched and presented utilizing evidence based practice and quality improvement strategies; students will apply ethical decision-making models to these situations in preparation for their transition into the role of the professional nurse.  A leadership shadow experience exposes the student to some of the challenges typically experienced by the nurse administrator, director or manager.  Students will prepare a professional portfolio. Prerequisite(s): NURS 335 , NURS 349 , NURS 415 , NURS 439   Corequisite(s): NURS 449 , NURS 478   UG
  • NURS 457 - Leadership and Trends in Nursing I

    2 hours
    This course will didactically cover the concepts of management; delegation, scheduling, budgeting, conflict management and interprofessional communication. The perception of good following behaviors as preparation for management responsibilities is investigated. The clinical component will involve the student nurse in tasks of creating appropriate patient assignments for a clinical team and consequently leading that team. Prerequisite(s): NUR 335 , NUR 349 . UG
  • NURS 458 - Leadership and Trends in Nursing II

    2 hours
    This course will investigate and compare the theories of transformational and transactional leadership. The understanding of a nurse’s role as patient advocate in ethical dilemmas will be investigated. Collaboration will be an essential task while the student nurse is introduced to his/her responsibility in political awareness as the representative of our discipline will enhance the investigation process. The clinical component of the course is to shadow a variety of nursing leaders in the hospital environment, carefully observing and documenting key indicators for their decision making process. Discussion will enhance the debriefing process of optimal understanding. Prerequisite(s): NURS 378 , NURS 439 , NURS 450 , NURS 457 , NURS 466  UG
  • NURS 466 - Nursing Research

    3 hours
    This course focuses on research as a team process. Students will discuss the ethical, moral, legal, and professional concerns pertinent to the research process. Emphasis is on the importance of life-long learning as a foundation for evidence-based nursing practice and research utilization. Students will critique selected research articles. Prerequisite(s): NUR 315 , NURS 327 , NURS 340 , NURS 342 , NURS 388 , FACS 126 , MATH 120 , SOCY 120 . UG
  • NURS 478 - Synthesis and Capstone in Nursing

    3 hours
    The practice course places the student with an experienced RN Preceptor who helps the student with their continued development of patient analysis, professional team communication, documentation, clinical judgment and critical thinking, and prioritizing and delegating. Students complete 120 clinical hours and attend a weekly seminar which provides opportunity for a shared debriefing of clinical experiences. A program-end HESI review course assists with final preparation for the NCLEX as entry into practice. Successful completion of the HESI predictor test is required for graduation approval. Prerequisite(s): NURS 415 , NURS 439 . Corequisite(s): NURS 449 , NURS 456 . UG
  • NURS 499 - Topics in Nursing

    1-3 hours
    Provides opportunity for individual attention to selected topics of interest in the field of nursing, or to expand on topics covered in other nursing courses.. This course will provide flexibility and allow responsiveness to the dynamic and rapidly changing field of nursing. Hours to be arranged. Prerequisite(s): all Level II nursing courses and approval of the Department Chair. UG

Organizational Leadership

  • MOL 600 - Introduction to Graduate Study of Organizational Leadership

    1 hour
    The academic skills and learning techniques required to achieve success in graduate-level studies are discussed. Topics include theories of self-management, evaluation of personal academic strengths, decision-making and communication skills, study-group and team dynamics, time management, and other related issues. A grade of B or higher in this course is required. GR
  • MOL 601 - Leading, Learning, and Communicating in an E-World

    3 hours
    Students gain insight into how technology is impacting the way organizations and individuals lead, communicate, collaborate, share knowledge and information, and build ever-expanding communities of learning. Also addressed are issues involved in leading organizations through the process of change as new technologies are implemented in the workplace. GR
  • MOL 602 - Leadership Theories and Practices

    3 hours
    Drawing from the behavioral and social sciences to examine leadership theories, models, and practices, learners will make inventories of personal leadership behaviors and create individual leadership development plans. Development of leadership portfolios begins, as do collaborative learning team projects which focus on leadership issues/problems or change initiatives within organizations. GR
  • MOL 604 - Organizational Culture and Politics

    3 hours
    Examines behavioral science theory, as well as various factors that influence the culture of an organization, and focuses on the importance of utilizing an understanding of culture to build a well-performing organization. Learners will study the importance of social skills and managerial intelligence in organizations and analyze organizations from the perspective of internal political systems. GR
  • MOL 606 - Organizational Ethics, Values, and the Law

    3 hours
    An overview of the importance of ethical and values-based foundations of organizations, as well as the legal environments in which they operate. Learners will acquire greater understanding of and appreciation for the impact of values, ethical behavior, and diverse legal and regulatory requirements on the shaping of leadership style and organizational performance. GR
  • MOL 608 - Developing a Multicultural Perspective

    2 hours
    Learners will work to develop a multicultural perspective relative to an organization and its employees by examining how organizations function in a variety of cultures and explores organizational behavior theories as viewed by different cultures. Learner awareness of the implications of cross-cultural issues to an organization, as well as to society as a whole, is enhanced. GR
  • MOL 612 - Leading High-Performance Teams

    3 hours
    Research, theories, and models of team performance, including the design and implementation of high-performance leadership in organizations, are explored. Assessments, simulations, and case studies will be utilized by learners to gain further insight into personality types, power and influence, trust-building, risk-taking, communication styles, motivational strategies, and team dynamics. GR
  • MOL 614 - Coaching, Mentoring, and Resolving Conflicts

    3 hours
    Survey of theories, models, and best practices related to mentoring and coaching employees toward higher levels of performance. Learners examine sources of conflict between supervisors and subordinates, as well as between/among peers, with a focus on methods of resolving such conflicts for the betterment of individual, team, and organizational performance. GR
  • MOL 616 - Leading Change and Transformation

    3 hours
    A look at the context of change and potential barriers to organizational change efforts. Learners are introduced to a variety of change interventions and best leadership practices to promote employees’ acceptance of and enthusiasm for change. The leader as change agent is emphasized, with attention given to techniques for human resources, process, and techno-structural and strategic interventions to facilitate organizational transformations. GR
  • MOL 618 - Financial Environment of Organizations

    3 hours
    Financial interpretation skills necessary to knowledgably read financial statements and understanding of how the results of leaders’ decisions can impact their organizations’ fiscal performance are topics presented. Course includes basic accounting concepts, fundamentals of finance, budgetary concepts, project cost-benefit analysis, and the general business environment, and how to assess the financial well-being of an organization. GR
  • MOL 620 - Performance-Based Evaluation Systems

    3 hours
    Methods of assessing individual and group performance are presented, with an emphasis on rewards systems to motivate employees to higher levels of achievement. Learners will acquire the ability to develop individual and team evaluations based on measurable outcomes that support organizational goals and objectives, as well as correlate performance standards with financial rewards and other forms of recognition. GR
  • MOL 622 - Strategic Leadership: Planning, Problem-Solving, and Decision-Making

    3 hours
    Examines models and best practices for organizational strategic planning, including leaders’ roles in the planning process and in implementing the plan at various operational levels. Various methods for analyzing and solving problems, as well as decision-making strategies, are discussed for utilization as change in organizations’ operations becomes necessary. GR
  • MOL 625 - Capstone Seminar in Organizational Leadership

    3 hours
    Learners make individual presentations regarding their leadership portfolios. In addition, collaborative learning team projects are reported to the cohort in the form of executive summaries supported by PowerPoint or other similar visual presentation. Verbal critiques of the projects are provided by other members of the cohort. GR

Pastoral Leadership

  • PAST 600 - Theology and Ministry

    3 hours
    The purpose of this course is to understand the significance of theologically formed patterns of ministry and pastoral leadership, and to develop theologically reflected models for ministry. Special attention will be given to the issues of ecclesiology as they relate to theological leadership. GR
  • PAST 610 - Christian Leadership

    3 hours
    A focused learning conversation among friends exploring the spiritual foundations, the primary influences, the relational context, current literature and authorities of the theory of leadership, and the priority principles and best practices of effective Christ-like leadership. Class members will apply this holistic view of leadership to the context of ministry in which they currently serve or may serve in the future. GR
  • PAST 620 - Life Management and Personal Renewal

    3 hours
    Explores the significance of spiritual development and personal renewal in the life of a leader, with attention to practice and implementation as well as strategies for modeling and teaching healthy patterns as leaders. GR
  • PAST 630 - Pastoral Leader as Prophet

    3 hours
    Explores the central content of the Christian message, especially as a theological vision of soteriology/holiness and the role of the pastoral leader as the primary theologian for a local congregation. GR
  • PAST 640 - Preaching and Worship as Pastoral Leadership

    3 hours
    Consideration of the critical roles of the pastoral leader as primary preacher and worship leader. Attention will focus on the critical interaction between theology in practice and confession and how it is formed in practices of worship. GR
  • PAST 650 - The Teaching Church

    3 hours
    A comprehensive approach to developing the local church as a teaching community. Attention will focus on assessment and planning of effective and wholistic teaching processes. GR
  • PAST 660 - Pastoral Leader as Priest

    3 hours
    Examines the critical role of the pastoral leader in defining the shape, or patterns, of the Christian life. This includes consideration of the proper biblical understanding of the Christian life, the Pastor as model/mentor, and the church as a community of formation. GR
  • PAST 670 - The Church as a Community of Formation

    3 hours
    Explores the dynamics of the church as a community which forms by the patterns and practices it cultivates and encourages. Attention is given to identifying the characteristics of Christian life and character that can and should be encouraged and formed by the life of the community. GR
  • PAST 680 - The Church in the World

    3 hours
    Focus on the intersection of the church (as a Kingdom community) and the world. Examination of the competing value systems and formation of an approach to developing a church that effects transformation in its community and world. GR
  • PAST 690 - Pastoral Leader as King

    3 hours
    This course will consider the role of the pastoral leader as an organizational leader. Attention will be given to Kingdom values which should be embodied in the organizational structures of the local church and development of an approach to effecting those values in the local church. GR
  • PAST 700 - Visionary Leadership

    3 hours
    The task of pastoral leadership to effectively communicate and perpetuate a vision of Kingdom community is the focus. Study includes identification of core values and definition of mission, as well as strategies for effectively casting vision for a local church. GR
  • PAST 710 - Development of a Ministry Plan

    3 hours
    An application project integrating the coursework and ideas of the program of study into a specific and comprehensive plan for congregational leadership and development. GR


  • PHIL 201 - Introduction to Philosophy

    3 hours
    A survey of traditional topics and systems of philosophy. UG
  • PHIL 301 - Logic

    3 hours
    An analysis of the logical use of language. The emphasis is placed upon integrity, clarity, and precision in argument. UG
  • PHIL 320 - Epistemology

    3 hours
    An examination of prominent theories of knowledge and belief, both historical and contemporary. In addition, principles derived from the theories will be used to compare and contrast the epistemologies of science and religion. Prerequisite(s): PHIL 201 . UG
  • PHIL 325 - World Religions

    3 hours
    A study of the religions of the world. The course may survey the major religions or discuss selected ones. UG
  • PHIL 330 - Introduction to Christian Ethics

    3 hours
    Students will be introduced to Christian ethics from its theological and philosophical perspectives. Special attention will be given to the elements of Christian moral deliberation and to the application of Christian ethics to contemporary issues. UG
  • PHIL 351 - Ancient and Medieval Philosophy

    3 hours
    An historical survey of the principal ideas of ancient and medieval philosophers. Prerequisite(s): PHIL 201 . UG
  • PHIL 352 - Modern Philosophy

    3 hours
    An historical survey of the major philosophers and philosophical movements ranging from the Enlightenment through the twentieth century. Prerequisite(s): PHIL 201 . UG
  • PHIL 422 - History of Political Philosophy

    3 hours
    Same as PSCI 422 . Prerequisite(s): PHIL 201 . UG
  • PHIL 430 - Augustine

    3 hours
    Same as THEO 430 . UG
  • PHIL 444 - Islamic Studies

    3 hours
    Islamic Studies engages in the study of Islam as a textual tradition and practiced faith inscribes in history and particular cultural contexts. Provides an introduction to the origin and history of the Islamic movement. Special focus given to Muhammad, the Qur’an as revelation, the contemporary practice of the Islamic faith, Islam and power, contemporary manifestations of Islam, and Islam’s relationship to Christianity and the West. UG
  • PHIL 451 - Philosophy of Religion

    3 hours
    An inquiry into the nature of religious phenomena, the philosophical significance of the idea and reality of God, the relationship of faith to reason, and the meaning of religious language through readings in and discussions of the writings of philosophers who have made unusually important contributions to the field. Prerequisite(s): PHIL 201  or permission of the instructor. UG
  • PHIL 460 - Postmodern Philosophy

    3 hours
    An inquiry into the principle ideas of Postmodern Philosophy. Same as PSCI 460 . UG
  • PHIL 489 - Individual Reading and Research in Philosophy

    1-4 hours
    Independent reading and research on a topic agreed upon by the instructor and of special interest to the student. Normally, such study involves a set of short papers and/or culminates in a research paper of substantial length. UG
  • PHIL 499 - Topics in Philosophy

    1-4 hours
    A specialized analysis of a traditional topic, a philosopher, or a movement or problem involving individualized research and philosophical dialogue. Prerequisite(s): PHIL 201 . UG

Physical Education

  • PED 170 - Adult Wellness

    3 hours
    This course is designed to provide an understanding and personal appreciation of the relationship of chemical independence, nutritional intake, physical activity, and stress management to health, so that adults select an appropriate personal lifestyle necessary to produce optimal lifelong health and well-being. CS
  • PED 500 - First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

    3 hours
    The course consists of teaching and demonstrating vital and practical applications and necessary steps in administering emergency first aid care to an injured person, including the issues related to bleeding, shock, splinting, bandaging, and CPR methodology. Appropriate certification may be achieved upon satisfactory completion of this course. GR
  • PHED 108 - Golf

    1 hour
    A course outlined for beginning players. Emphasis is placed on the development of fundamental skills. UG
  • PHED 121 - Conditioning

    1 hour
    Designed for students to plan and carry out their own personal fitness programs in the ONU fitness center. Emphasis on cardiovascular and resistance/strength training. UG
  • PHED 123 - Conditioning for Varsity Athletes

    1/2 hour
    A credit of ½ hour is earned by intercollegiate varsity sport participants at the completion of their sport season. A maximum of two hours may be earned. UG
  • PHED 126 - Nutrition, Health, and Fitness

    3 hours
    Same as FACS 126 . Includes a fitness laboratory component. UG
  • PHED 131 - Tennis

    1 hour
    A course outlined for beginning players. Emphasis is placed on the development of fundamental skills. UG
  • PHED 169 - Survey of Anatomy and Physiology

    4 hours
    Same as BIOL 169 . UG
  • PHED 190 - Wellness

    3 hours
    This course combines lecture, discussion, and experimental activities that assist students in their understanding and development of a healthy lifestyle. Emphasis is placed on the components and behaviors that promote lifelong, positive outcomes in the five dimensions of wellness: physical, emotional, intellectual, social, and spiritual. Includes a fitness laboratory component. Varsity Athletic participants and ROTC cadets register for 2 hours without the fitness lab. UG
  • PHED 210 - Teaching Rhythms and Aerobics

    1 hour
    Techniques and procedures for teaching secondary level rhythmic activities and aerobics. For department majors and minors only. UG
  • PHED 211 - Teaching Basic Aquatic Skills

    1 hour
    Progression levels of stroke readiness, stroke development, stroke proficiency for the following aquatic primary skills: backstroke, elementary backstroke, side stroke, breast stroke, butterfly and free style will be taught. Procedures for proper safety precautions for in the water and on the deck will be emphasized. For department majors and minors only. UG
  • PHED 219 - Theory of Coaching

    2 hours
    A study and discussion into team organization, team selection, training, game preparation, travel budget, and coaches’ decorum. Special emphasis will include the game in a Christian perspective and establishing a personal coaching philosophy. UG
  • PHED 221 - Coaching Basketball

    2 hours
    An intensive study of the rules and problems relative to the development of successful offensive and defensive play. For department majors and minors only. UG
  • PHED 222 - Coaching Track and Field

    2 hours
    The study and practice of the various coaching techniques in track skills, methods of training and conditioning, and the methods of administering track meets. For department majors and minors only. UG
  • PHED 223 - Coaching Baseball/Softball

    2 hours
    This course combines the rules and coaching techniques of baseball and softball. For department majors and minors only. UG
  • PHED 224 - Coaching Football

    2 hours
    A study of rules, coaching techniques, and problems relative to the development of successful offensive and defensive play. For department majors and minors only. UG
  • PHED 227 - Team Sports Officiating

    2 hours
    A study of techniques, team play, rules, and rule interpretation with emphasis on proper mechanics and judgment in officiating. Practical experience obtained. For department majors and minors only. UG
  • PHED 228 - Coaching Weight Training

    2 hours
    This course provides a general understanding of the administration process of a weight training program, of strength training principles, and a practical knowledge of how to perform and teach the major exercises of weight training. For department majors and minors only. UG
  • PHED 231 - Coaching Volleyball

    2 hours
    This course provides the student with an understanding of the fundamental skills, strategies, and rules of volleyball. Also covered are practice planning, conditioning, and team selection. For department majors and minors only. UG
  • PHED 232 - Coaching Soccer

    2 hours
    This course provides the student with an understanding of the fundamental skills, strategies, and rules of soccer. Also covered are practice planning, conditioning, and team selection. UG
  • PHED 241 - First Aid and Emergency Care

    2 hours
    Vital and practical applications and procedures in caring for an injured person, including safety, Heimlich method in choking, splinting, and bandaging. CPR and first aid certification may be achieved upon satisfactory completion of this course. UG
  • PHED 242 - Foundations of Health Education

    3 hours
    An introduction to the field of health education. The history, theories, and contemporary issues in health education are examined. UG
  • PHED 243 - Personal and Community Health

    2 hours
    The study includes essentials of personal and community health. Fundamentals of health science, scientific prevention of illness, and dynamics of health in the individual and family are studied. For departmental teaching majors and minors or permission of instructor. UG
  • PHED 246 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I

    4 hours
    Same as BIOL 246 . UG
  • PHED 247 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II

    4 hours
    Same as BIOL 247 . UG
  • PHED 260 - Individual Sports Skills

    3 hours
    Emphasis is placed on acquiring basic skills and teaching methods in a variety of individual sports. For department majors and minors only. UG
  • PHED 270 - Team Sports Skills

    3 hours
    Emphasis is placed on acquiring basic skills and teaching methods in a variety of team sports. For department majors and minors only. UG
  • PHED 274 - Outdoor Education

    2 hours
    Course is designed to provide students with the knowledge to organize and teach outdoor activities. Emphasis is placed on lifetime activities the community values as leisure and recreation. UG
  • PHED 305 - Human Sexuality

    3 hours
    Same as SOCY 305 . Offered alternate years. UG
  • PHED 310 - Curriculum Design in Physical Education

    3 hours
    A study of curriculum and various methods used in teaching physical education for both regular and special populations. Prerequisite(s): PHED 260 , PHED 270  and admission to Teacher Education Program. UG
  • PHED 315 - Drug/Chemical Use and Abuse

    3 hours
    Same as SOCY 315 . Offered alternate years. UG
  • PHED 325 - School Health Programs

    3 hours
    Proper health and safety practices are studied with emphasis on the materials that should be taught in a secondary school health class. Prerequisite(s): PHED 243 . UG
  • PHED 352 - Assessment and Evaluation of Physical Education

    3 hours
    Introduction to scientific assessment and evaluation, special studies, research projects, and instrumentation applied specifically to physical education for both regular and special populations. Prerequisite(s): admission to Teacher Education Program. UG
  • PHED 360 - Physiology of Exercise

    4 hours
    Study of the effects of exercise on various systems of the human body. Includes lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite(s): PHED 169  or BIOL 246 /PHED 246  and PHED 247 . UG
  • PHED 367 - Methods and Materials in Physical Education for the Elementary School

    2 hours
    A study of curriculum and various methods used in teaching physical education in grades K-6. The course includes lesson and unit planning, organizational procedures and methods used in teaching basic movement, stunts and tumbling, rhythms, and sports skills. Includes a field experience. Prerequisite(s): admission to Teacher Education Program UG
  • PHED 370 - Adaptive Physical Education

    3 hours
    A course designed to acquaint the student with the principles of planning and conducting an adaptive physical education program to meet the needs of handicapped students. The public laws and their applications to the physical educator are included. Includes a practicum experience for teacher education majors. Prerequisite(s): Prerequisite (for PE majors): admission to Teacher Education Program. UG
  • PHED 375 - Community Health Programs

    2 hours
    Organization and administration in local, state, and national health agencies; their purposes and functions are studied. An overview of methods for meeting community health needs and for solving community health programs. Prerequisite(s): PHED 243 . UG
  • PHED 385 - Middle/Secondary PE Methods

    3 hours
  • PHED 410 - Curriculum and Evaluation of Health Education

    3 hours
    Issues related to designing curriculum in health education, including analysis of topics and methods of organizing and executing instruction. Students will develop a curriculum guide for use in secondary school health education programs. Prerequisite(s): PHED 325 , PHED 385, admission to Teacher Education Program. UG
  • PHED 472 - Kinesiology

    3 hours
    A blending of muscle and bone anatomy and biomechanics in the study of the human body in motion. Useful for the coach, clinician, and physical educator. Requirement for Physical Education majors. Prerequisite(s): PHED 169 . UG

Physical Science

  • PHSC 102 - General Physical Science

    3 hours
    A broad survey course designed for students from majors that do not require any other physical science course. Major unifying themes and concepts from astronomy, chemistry, geology, atmospheric science, and physics are emphasized. Two hours lecture and two hours lab per week. Students receiving credit for PHSC 110  or GEOL 140  cannot take PHSC 102  for credit. Offered every fall and spring. UG

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