2019-2020 Catalog 
    Feb 10, 2025  
2019-2020 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Policies-SGCS

Student Information and Policies - SGCS

Student’s Responsibility

The student is responsible for thorough knowledge of all regulations and procedures as published in the University Catalog. Failure to read this publication and comply with the regulations does not exempt the student from this responsibility. Enrollment at Olivet Nazarene University implies an understanding of and willingness to abide by the academic and administrative regulations.

Candidates for graduation who complete a prescribed course of study within the program cycle’s sequence or who complete all degree requirements within one year from the final date of the program cycle are expected to meet the requirements for graduation in force at the time of enrollment. Students who fail to meet program time limits are expected to meet the requirements for graduation in force at the time of that graduation.

Olivet Nazarene University’s Responsibility

Olivet Nazarene University policy prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, sex, age, color, creed, national origin or ethnic origin, marital status, or disability in the recruitment and admission of students and in the operation of all university programs, activities, and services.

In compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1989 and Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Amendment of 1989, Olivet Nazarene University clearly prohibits the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of drugs, alcohol, and unlawful substances by students and employees on University property or as any part of University activities.

Olivet Nazarene University is in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, which is designed to protect the privacy of educational records. Details about the policy and procedures are available in the Office of the Registrar.

Office Hours

1st Flr.      Monday through Thursday:  8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
                  Friday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
2nd Flr.   Monday through Friday:  8:a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

                  Monday through Thursday:  8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
                  Friday:  8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

                  Monday through Friday:  9a.m. to 5 p.m.

                  Monday through Friday:  8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

                  Monday through Thursday:  8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
                  Friday:  8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Traditional holidays are observed. Olivet Nazarene University and the School of Graduate and Continuing Studies are closed December 24 through January 1. Any special temporary changes in hours are posted on the voice mail and Learning Management systems.

Questions or Assistance

For questions or assistance, please contact the School of Graduate and Continuing Studies at 877.4.OLIVET.  Ready to assist you is the Academic Advising Team and Student Accounts.

Parking - SGCS

All motor vehicles driven to campus at any time must be registered through the Department of Public Safety and have an Olivet Nazarene University decal properly attached. Registration cards and decals are provided during the first class meeting. Students may contact a Student Success Coordinator at 877.4.OLIVET to receive additional or replacement decals. Students may park in the designated University parking lots.

Handicapped spaces are reserved for the handicapped both in the day and evening; cars parked in handicap spaces not displaying a handicap sticker will be ticketed and towed.

Inclement Weather - SGCS

In cases of inclement weather, School of Graduate and Continuing Studies personnel decide on the cancellation of classes or on the moving of on ground classes to online for that meeting. This decision is made by 2 p.m. on the day of class. Every effort is made to notify students and faculty of the decision.  If the class is canceled, the instructor and the class, in consultation with the School of Graduate and Continuing Studies, reach an agreement on a makeup session.  If the class is moved online, the instructor provides to the class the online assignments to be completed for that meeting and due dates.  When a class is moved online, students should contact their instructor for directions. 

Students are advised to use their own discretion in attending during inclement weather. If a student perceives his or her safety would be at risk, he or she should not attend. Refer to the attendance policy for information regarding missed classes.

Change in Personal Information - SGCS

Students should notify the School of Graduate and Continuing Studies office in writing of any change of address, telephone number, or name.

Confidentiality of Student Records - SGCS

Olivet Nazarene University is the custodian of many types of student records and recognizes a duty to protect the confidentiality of information therein. Unless a student requests confidentiality in writing the first night of class, the University reserves the right to notify the general public of general information about students, such as address, telephone number, college major, classification, and graduation date, if applicable. All student records are available for official use to authorized personnel who demonstrate a need to have access to such records.

Students with Disabilities - SGCS

Since the passage of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which applies to all colleges whose students receive federal financial assistance, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, which applies to private entities that serve the public, students with disabilities are protected from discrimination by colleges and universities. In keeping with both the letter and the spirit of the law, most colleges and universities welcome the enrollment of “otherwise qualified” students with disabilities and make every effort to provide “reasonable accommodations” to meet the particular needs of these students.

Otherwise Qualified

As required by law students with disabilities, including students with learning disabilities, must demonstrate that they are “otherwise qualified” to successfully handle the rigor and pace of college-level learning. Demonstration of the “otherwise qualified” criterion for admission will include (1) appropriate documentation of the disability and (2) documentation of the ability to benefit from academic support services.

SGCS students with documented disabilities should contact the Accommodations Support Coordinator. Please send inquiries to sgcsaccommodations@olivet.edu.

Mental/Physical Health Support

At Olivet Nazarene University we recognize that the demands of graduate school can be experienced as an added pressure and this may evoke a heightened sensitivity to stressors. When this occurs, students are encouraged to tap into their available resources such as mental health providers, primary care providers, employee assistance programs, and the clergy. Your health and well-being are important to us. If you require a Leave of Absence for health reasons (physical or emotional), you should contact your academic advisor, or the academic advising team at sgcs4help@olivet.edu or 877.4.OLIVET.

Policy on Students Attending On Ground Course Nights from a Distance - SGCS

School of Graduate and Continuing Studies students will not be allowed to participate in on ground class activities through Skype or other distance learning technologies (this includes FaceTime and other cell phone video options).  SGCS courses are designed to engage students in dialogue, activities, small group work, and other classroom experiences that are not conducive to distance participation.  Additionally, SGCS faculty and university staff are unable to support requests to participate through technology across our many site locations when students are unable to be present physically in the on ground classroom.  Utilizing video or audio chat applications in lieu of on ground attendance is not permitted.

Policy on Non-Students in Class - SGCS

School of Graduate and Continuing Studies classrooms are for faculty, faculty-invited guests, and enrolled students only. Students are not allowed to bring guests, whether related or unrelated, to the classroom with them, and no exceptions will be made for children (including, but not limited to, children of instructors and of students) to remain in the classroom. Parents are responsible to make necessary provisions for their children to be cared for in a separate location than the class site. Students who bring children or other guests to class or the site location will be asked to leave and will receive an unexcused absence for that class. Special Note: Leaving children unattended in any university public area or site location, including empty classrooms, student lounges, campus lobbies, parking lots, etc. is prohibited. This policy does not apply to students with disabilities as described in the Students with Disabilities section.

Criminal Background Checks - SGCS

Education Programs

Depending on the education program, some candidates for teacher licensure through programs under the purview of Olivet Nazarene University Educator Preparation Provider Unit are required to submit to a criminal background check by the State Police prior to their initial clinical experience in the schools. Most schools require completion of a successful background check for the safety and security of their students.

Placement in any clinical experience will be denied whether offenses and/or conviction occurred inside or outside the State for the following: first degree murder; any Class X felony; juvenile pimping; soliciting for a juvenile prostitute; exploitation of a child; obscenity; child pornography; possession of harmful material; criminal sexual assault; aggravated criminal sexual assault; criminal sexual abuse; aggravated criminal sexual abuse; offenses set forth in the Cannabis Control Act; and crimes defined in the Illinois Controlled Substances Act.

If a candidate does not successfully pass the criminal background check, he/she may petition, in writing, the SGCS Dean for any review/appeal. If the appeal is denied, the candidate may continue to take courses, but will not be placed for clinical experiences/student teaching/internship. Thus, if the clinical experiences/student teaching/internship hours are not met, the candidate will not complete the program.

Nursing Program

All prospective students entering the ABSN nursing program must submit to, and pass, a criminal background check. Students entering all other nursing programs (RN-BSN, RN-MSN, all MSN tracks) must submit to, and pass, a criminal background check prior to entering practicum experiences. Nursing applicants may obtain more information from an academic advisor at 877.4.OLIVET.

Standards of Conduct - SGCS

Smoking and Alcohol Policy - SGCS

Olivet Nazarene University has established a smoke-free environment on campus. Smoking or other forms of tobacco are prohibited at all Olivet and School of Graduate and Continuing Studies locations. Alcoholic beverages are also not permitted.  Refusal to comply may result in dismissal from the University.

Firearms - SGCS

The University prohibits all persons from carrying a handgun, firearm, chemical, explosive, or detonating device or other weapon of any kind on campus, in any classroom, or any space under the direction and control of Olivet Nazarene University, regardless of whether the person is licensed to carry the weapon, except as permitted by and in strict accordance with applicable state law.  Refusal to comply may result in dismissal from the University.

Illegal Substances - SGCS

Olivet Nazarene University, in agreement with civil laws, forbids the use, possession, or distribution of mood-altering chemicals including (but not limited to) amphetamine mixes, barbiturates, hallucinogens, marijuana, cocaine, PCP, ecstasy, and LSD. Other dangerous and illegal substances are also forbidden. In addition, trafficking in chemicals results in immediate expulsion from the University.

Use of Profanity - SGCS

Students are expected to refrain from the use of profanity in all School of Graduate and Continuing Studies class locations. Refusal to comply may result in dismissal from the University.

Classroom Deportment - SGCS

Students are expected to project a scholastic demeanor and to interactively respond to class activities, whether on ground or online.  Students, at all times, are expected to be respectful of their peers, the institution, its facilities, and its personnel. Demeaning comments, inappropriate or derogatory language, ethnic, racial, or gender-based comments, suggestions, or undercurrents will not be tolerated.  The School of Graduate and Continuing Studies reserves the right to withdraw students who hinder the learning experience of their peers and/or violate this policy.

Appearance and Dress - SGCS

Students at all locations are expected to be accountable for maintaining a standard of dress designed to be in harmony with generally accepted guidelines for good taste and modesty. As an institution that adheres to Christian principles and seeks to maintain a relaxed, professional, educational environment, dress may be casual, but must appropriately support the adult, modest, professional atmosphere desired by the faculty and administration of the University. A faculty member may advise a student when his or her attire is considered to be inappropriate.

Title IX/Sexual Harassment Policy Statement

This policy supplements the University’s general Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation set forth above and addresses the requirements of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”). Title IX is a federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in federally funded education programs and activities. Title IX states as follows:

No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

Consistent with Title IX, the University prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex or gender in any University program or activity. Discrimination on the basis of sex (i.e., sex discrimination) includes sexual harassment, which, in turn, includes sexual assault and sexual violence. In addition, the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 requires colleges and universities to have particular policy statements and offer educational programming regarding domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.

The University is committed to maintaining an environment that is free from all forms of sex discrimination and sexual harassment, including sexual assault and sexual violence. In keeping with this commitment, the University prohibits and does not tolerate sexual harassment against any member of the University community, including students, faculty or staff, by any member of the University community, or by contractors, consultants or vendors doing business with or providing services to the University. The University also prohibits and does not tolerate domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking against any member of the University community.

This Policy applies to on campus and off campus conduct, including online or electronic conduct, when the off campus conduct: (a) occurs during a College sponsored employment or education activity or program; (b) adversely impacts the education or employment of a member of the College community; or (c) otherwise threatens the health and/or safety of amember of the College community.

For additional information about Title IX policies, procedures, and resources, please visit Olivet’s Title IX webpage: http://www.olivet.edu/federal-disclosures/titleix/


Cell-Phone and Pager Etiquette - SGCS

Cell phones and pagers are often used as a vital means for staying in contact with business associates and family members. Conversely, these electronic devices can be intrusive and disruptive within the classroom. Should students be required to maintain electronic connection to their business or family, it is expected that these devices will be on silent or vibrate mode. Otherwise, students are expected to be considerate to instructors and classmates and turn cell phones and pagers off during class.

E-mail and Login ID - SGCS

Students are provided with an Olivet e-mail address and login ID that allows them to access the Internet and the Olivet library from remote sites. Students are expected to use their Olivet e-mail address for communication purposes with their instructors.

Identification Card - SGCS

A student ID card is furnished to each student at the beginning of his or her program, usually within the first two weeks of class. The ID card is required to check out books from the library and may be used to attend sporting or cultural events on campus.

Computer Use - SGCS

Learners must have on-demand access to a computer with the following capabilities: e-mail access, Internet access, word processing, spreadsheets, and presentation graphics. To effectively and efficiently access computer-based learning resources, learners’ computers and Internet providers must meet the University’s minimum specifications. It is highly recommended that learners’ computers and Internet providers exceed the minimum specifications.

Computer labs are available to students on the Olivet campus, at the Oak Brook site, and at the Chicago Regional Center. Campus computer labs are located at

  • Benner Library
  • Burke Administration Building
  • Reed Hall of Science
  • Wisner Hall for Nursing
  • Weber Center

Learning Resources - SGCS

Olivet Nazarene University offers a rich variety of learning resources to enhance the academic process. Olivet maintains current technologies and continually strives to remain contemporary in the field of higher education.

Benner Library and Learning Resource Center - SGCS

Help:  SGCS students may contact the library for help identifying and locating resources for their projects.  Phone or face-to-face assistance is available when the library is open. The SGCS librarians and the reference librarian may be contacted at any time via email.

Access: To access the library’s resources from off-campus, patrons must first be authenticated by entering their ONU username and password when prompted. Using the library’s online interface, students and faculty may search the library’s collection from anywhere. If the full-text for a document is not available online, patrons may use the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) option, the “request” option, or they may email the Interlibrary Loan Department directly to order the item.

Services:  The SGCS Librarian and the Interlibrary Loan Department provide services specifically for off-campus students. Requests for materials from Benner or other libraries are processed by the Interlibrary Loan staff within 24 hours, Monday through Friday. Delivery time to the student varies depending on the source, but all requests are handled for ASAP delivery.  Journal articles are emailed to the patron.  Returnable items, such as books and DVDs, are shipped to the patron by 2-day UPS and include prepaid return postage.

Additional library services include computer labs, public access computers, wireless access, scan to email, a coffee shop, a laptop checkout program, group study rooms, listening and viewing facilities.  The Curriculum Center, with children’s books and materials for educators, is also home to the Irene Clerico Interactive Learning Zone.

Benner Library and Learning Resource Center is more than a library in the traditional sense. The library houses more than 300,000 items in various formats including 170,000 books.  Benner Library also provides access to over 200,000 full-text electronic resources (eJournals, eBooks, etc.). As a participant in the Federal Depository program, the library receives U.S. government documents on a selective basis.

Benner Library shares its online catalog with 84 other Illinois academic libraries. Members of the Olivet community can check their borrowing record, renew materials, and place online requests for items in the shared catalog via their online library account.

Distance-Learning Classroom - SGCS

Electronic classrooms are equipped to provide two-way interactive class sessions between teachers and students at remote locations. Through current technological advances, the electronic classroom allows Olivet to provide two-way, audio and visual, real-time interactivity with students at sites off campus and bring guest lecturers to campus via the latest technology.

Smart Classrooms - SGCS

Smart classrooms are communication rich classrooms. Currently, there are 60 smart classrooms on campus. Smart classrooms bring the outside world into the traditional classroom. This is accomplished by the use of state-of-the-art interactive information systems. Resources available in the classrooms are satellite feeds, cable television, VCRs, laser-disc players, DVD players, and video CODECs. Sharing the resources is as easy as sharing traditional computer network file servers, CD-ROM servers, and print servers.

University Bookstore - SGCS

The Hammes Bookstore at Olivet Nazarene University is located on the campus in Ludwig Center on University Avenue in Bourbonnais, Illinois. Normal business hours for the bookstore are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. (4:30 p.m. during the summer); Tuesday and Thursday, 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m. (4:30 p.m. during the summer); and Saturday 10 a.m.-2 p.m. (These hours are subject to change.)

Study supplies, novelties, gifts, stationery, clothing, and personal items may be purchased there. Class rings and graduation announcements are also available through the University bookstore.

Student Complaints - SGCS

If a student has a serious complaint, please see http://www.olivet.edu/federal-disclosures/ to view our student complaint policy.  Per federal and state regulations, if you have exhausted all attempts to resolve the matter with the University, you may register a formal complaint with the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) at http://complaints.ibhe.org/.

The University has an exclusive proprietary trademark interest in its name, logos, and branding.  The University must ensure the continued viability of its valuable trademark rights and will not permit unauthorized use of its name or logos to dilute these rights.  No one may, without prior permission from the Office of Marketing, use the University’s name or logos for commercial purposes, on social media posts, or in any way that might confuse or mislead observers to attribute the use to the University.