2013-2014 Catalog 
    Feb 10, 2025  
2013-2014 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

This Catalog: Your Guide to Olivet

The Education With a Christian Purpose  to Course Descriptions - Traditional Undergraduate  sections of this Catalog serve as your guide to the traditional undergraduate courses of study, activities, and opportunities at Olivet Nazarene University. For information concerning graduate and adult degree completion programs, refer to School of Graduate and Continuing Studies  and Course Descriptions .

As you read through Education With a Christian Purpose , you will understand the reasons for our course plans, majors offered, student life policies and regulations, and our personal interest in helping students who come to Olivet to achieve their maximum potential for Christian living.

Some career choices, and college majors to prepare for them, have a large number of specific course requirements. Most programs start with general foundational studies and advance to more difficult and technical levels of understanding. The intention of the Olivet faculty is to design each major to meet the career plans and interests of students. In addition, through the interdisciplinary or General Studies majors, students may combine courses to match their personal career goals that may be outside of the stated departmental plans for majors.

The usual advice to students is to take basic required courses as early as possible, conserving electives to be studied later toward achieving personal goals for advanced study and career options. Basic courses and general education requirements also aid students in selecting a major or confirming their choice of a career.

Electives from a broad range of subject matter are available, even within general education requirements, which form the foundation of liberal arts understanding.

Details of requirements for majors and minors are listed at the beginning of each department. Faculty members are listed with the department in which they teach, along with a description of their educational backgrounds. An alphabetical listing of faculty is also given in the index at the back of the Catalog.

Olivet is supported by the Church of the Nazarene, with close ties to the more than 700 congregations in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin. At the same time, we are ecumenical in spirit, open to serve all who seek an “Education With a Christian Purpose.”

The University Catalog is intended to remain in force for the period for which it is issued. However, the University reserves the right to revise information, requirements, or regulations at any time. Whenever changes occur, an effort will be made to notify persons who may be affected.

The material contained in the Catalog is for information only and does not constitute a contract between the student and the University. The University reserves the right to revise policies, amend rules, alter regulations, and change financial charges at any time in accordance with the best interests of the institution. The effective date for the policies, regulations, and information of the Catalog is the beginning of the fall semester of the school year stated.

The University publishes special bulletins about semester course offerings, time of classes, faculty, and other matters prior to each term or semester. The University reserves the right to determine the number of students in each class or section. If an insufficient number of students enroll for a course, the University reserves the right to cancel the course, to change the time, or to provide a different teacher of any course in a given semester’s class schedule. The University reserves the right to drop a major or minor field for lack of sufficient enrollment of students to guarantee a class size of 10 or more in upper-division classes.

Candidates for graduation are expected to meet the requirements for graduation of the Catalog in force at the time of that graduation. In cases of hardship caused by curricular changes during a student’s successive years of enrollment at Olivet, an appeal may be made to the Academic Standards Committee.

A University Life Handbook is published annually by the Vice President for Student Development and the Associated Student Council. This gives more details about campus activities, regulations, and personnel policies that are pertinent to the students enrolled that year.

Olivet Nazarene University policy prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, sex, age, color, creed, national origin or ethnic origin, marital status, or disability in the recruitment and admission of students and in the operation of all college programs, activities, and services. Any concerns regarding discrimination on the basis of any of the foregoing protected categories should be addressed to Mr. David Pickering, the University’s equal employment opportunity coordinator in the Human Resources Office, Miller Business Center, (815) 939-5240.

In compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1989 and Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Amendment of 1989, Olivet Nazarene University clearly prohibits the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of drugs, alcohol, and unlawful substances by students and employees on University property or as any part of University activities.

Olivet Nazarene University is in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, which is designed to protect the privacy of educational records. Details about the policy and procedures are available at the Office of the Registrar.