2013-2014 Catalog 
    Feb 10, 2025  
2013-2014 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Design for Educational Excellence

Olivet Nazarene University is committed to academic excellence. The University is accredited to offer associate, baccalaureate, master’s, and doctorate degrees by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association, 230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500, Chicago, IL 60604-1413, telephone (800) 621-7440 or (312) 263-0456, FAX (312) 263-7462 or http://www.ncahlc.org/.

The Illinois State Department of Education has approved Olivet as a teacher training college for baccalaureate and master’s degrees. The teacher education programs are accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education programs. The baccalaureate degree and master’s degree programs in Nursing are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education.

The baccalaureate program is approved by the Board of Nursing of the Department of Professional Regulation of the State of Illinois. The Athletic Training Education program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education.

The baccalaureate degree program in Dietetics is accredited by the American Dietetic Association; the baccalaureate program in Social Work is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education; and the baccalaureate program in Engineering is accredited by the Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET).

Olivet is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music, the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Midwest Association of Graduate Schools, and the Associated Colleges of Illinois; and holds membership in the Federation of Independent Illinois Colleges and Universities, the Council for Advancement and Support of Education, the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges, and the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities. It is a member of the Associated Colleges of the Chicago Area, with the privilege of selective use of the Argonne National Laboratories for research and educational purposes.

Olivet carries on a sustained program of self-study in the belief that improvement is a continuous process. Its faculty is competent for the duties assigned. An effort is made to bring a genuine academic challenge to every student. This is done with the conviction that the impact of Christian lives can be increased by excellence of scholarship, logical thought, and effectiveness in communication. The University seeks through its curriculum, co-curricular activities, and campus citizenship to assure the priority of academic discipline and achievement.

A genuine encounter with the traditional liberal arts is felt to be the best way to assure the development of the whole person and to give balance in making the judgments required in a world of rapid change. Accordingly, Olivet Nazarene University offers the student a variety of opportunities for growth according to his or her aptitude and interests. These opportunities are presented through curriculum, co-curricular activities, field experiences, and internships. Teachers and counselors are ready to assist the student in planning his or her program, but the student has primary responsibility for meeting requirements for graduation, licensing, certification, and graduate school admission.

Semester Calendar and Credit Hours

The University calendar is built on two semesters of 15 weeks. The semester hour is the unit of credit at Olivet. A semester hour is equivalent to one 50-minute class period per week for a semester. It is expected that the average student will spend two hours in preparation for each period in class. In laboratory courses a two-hour period is considered the equal of one-hour recitation or lecture period.

A normal semester load is 16 semester hours. A minimum of 128 semester hours is required for graduation with the bachelor’s degree. All programs feature the dimension of breadth and also the dimension of depth.

Graduation Requirements, Associate and Bachelor’s Degrees

Associate and Bachelor’s degrees offered by the University are awarded upon completion of the appropriate curriculum and upon recommendation of the faculty. The following general requirements apply to all degrees:

  1. A minimum of 64 semester hours for associate degrees or 128 semester hours for bachelor’s degrees;
  2. A minimum grade point average of 2.0 (‘C’);
  3. A minimum of 40 hours of credit in upper-division courses (courses numbered 300 or above) for bachelor’s degrees;
  4. Completion of the general education requirements for the respective degree; the student pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree must complete foreign language;
  5. Completion of a major program of study as specified by the program’s College, School, or Department;
  6. Completion of supporting courses as specified by the major department;
  7. Participation in the senior outcomes testing programs in general education and as may be specified by the major department.
  8. The student must file an application for the degree with the Registrar six months prior to the expected date of graduation.
  9. Students may participate in commencement as August graduates only if they are within 12 hours of graduation by the end of the spring semester, and have filed a plan of studies with the Registrar by April 1.

General Education Basic Requirements

In order to provide the student with a broad base of experience and knowledge in the various fields of human activity, and to carry out the general aims of Christian education as outlined in the institutional objectives, special courses have been selected or developed to meet the needs of students in all degree curricula. In certain fields of study, the students are required to select from among several courses according to their interests or plans for future study.

Courses numbered in the 100s and 200s should normally be completed during the freshman or sophomore years. General education courses numbered 300 or above will normally be completed during the last two years of study. See “Classification ”. Students planning a program of Teacher Education should consult special instructions related to general education in the School of Education section of the Catalog.

General Education Requirements: Bachelor’s Degrees

Group 1. Christian Living

An educated person committed to a life of stewardship and service should be acquainted with both cognitive and affective dimensions of Christianity. This component reflects the missional commitment of the University to engagement with the Christian Faith, specifically in the context of the Church of the Nazarene. This four-course sequence is designed to integrate comprehensively the formative task of theological education for Christian living; that is, matters of spiritual formation, biblical understanding, theological understanding, life application and Christian ethics will be integrated across the progression in a level-appropriate development. The goal is to facilitate the most effective and conducive context for the development of young adults to emerge from this progression with a deeper love for Christ, the Bible, and the Church than when they began. The aim is to engage and equip our students to live vital Christian lives and serve as effective ministry leaders, influencing their world for the Kingdom.

Total 12

Group 2. Communication

An educated person committed to a life of stewardship and service should be able to think, write, and speak clearly and effectively. Writing, speaking, reading, and listening skills are basic to effective communication Reading provides a range of viewpoints and in-depth information. Careful listening to authors and speakers prevents miscommunication. Writing and speaking are the primary channels of expression. The quality of communication is connected to thinking because writing and speaking patterns parallel individual thinking processes. Therefore, the educated person must have developed the analytical and synthetical skills of critical thinking. Teachers become role models and create settings where students have to reflect on their own thought processes.

This critical thinking is best taught if connected to specific writing and speaking formats.

Total 9-10

Placement in College Writing will be based on English ACT score:

ACT English score   Writing Placement
20-36:   ENGL 109  
16-19:   ENGL 108  
1-15: ***** GNST 093  

Group 3. Cultural Understanding

An educated person committed to a life of stewardship and service should be exposed to various aspects of cultural understanding as well as an understanding of diverse cultures. It is no longer possible to conduct our lives without reference to the diverse world within which we live. A crucial difference between the educated and the uneducated person is the extent to which one’s life experience is viewed in wider contexts. The curriculum may include options for exposure to various cultures in terms of language, geography, history, sociology, psychology, political science, economics, art, music, literature, and religion. Moreover, a non-Western culture should be part of the cultural experience. Foreign language skills are important for those working in a global community. International students on campus, a variety of courses, and overseas experiences by faculty and some students all are a part of education for cultural understanding. The interrelatedness of living in a global community necessitates exposure to diverse cultures.

International Culture, to be met by one of the following:

0-8 hours

Total 12-20

Group 4. Natural Sciences and Mathematics

An educated person committed to a life of stewardship and service should possess foundational knowledge in the physical and life sciences, understand the basic methodology of science, and be able to critically evaluate scientific issues. Students should possess a general competency in mathematics including the ability to recognize the legitimate interpretation and application of numerical and scientific data. The larger purpose is to help students improve their scientific literacy, defined as the capacity to follow new scientific and technological developments in intelligent lay terms.

Total 9-13

Placement in Mathematics will be based on ACT Math score:

ACT Math score   Math requirement
19-36:   MATH 103  or higher math course
14-18: ***** GNST 095  and MATH 103  or higher
1-13: ***** Basic Algebra course or passing equivalent placement exam; GNST 095 ; MATH 103  or higher

Group 5. Personal Health

An educated person committed to a life of stewardship and service should develop a lifestyle that promotes personal health. Personal health encompasses those attitudes and practices that improve one’s physical and mental well-being. Students should be guided in the acquisition of lifelong habits relating to good nutrition, physical exercise, and the management of stress. Furthermore, students should learn interpersonal skills that serve to promote the health of others, including family and community as well as the world at large.

Total 3

Grand Total 45-58 hours


*BLIT 305  substitutes for BLIT 202  for all majors in the School of Theology and Christian Ministry.
**BLIT 250  and BLIT 310  substitute for BLIT 303  for all majors in the School of Theology and Christian Ministry.
***THEO 310  substitutes for THEO 404  for all majors in the School of Theology and Christian Ministry.
****A student may not enroll in ENGL 209 /ENGL 210  until having passed ENGL 108 /ENGL 109  with a grade of “C-” or above. Each department specifies the College Writing II course to be taken by its majors. Engineering and Computer Engineering majors satisfy the College Writing II requirement with ENGN 335 - Technical Communication and Experimental Design . Students with an ACT Composite of 30 or higher are exempt from ENGL 109 .
*****Courses numbered below 100 do not count toward degree requirements, although placement will be required based on ACT scores.
******MATH 111  does not meet the mathematics requirement unless MATH 112  is also satisfactorily completed.


Specialization for Bachelor’s Degree Programs

Before admission to junior standing, the student will choose an area of specialization as his or her major field of study, and thus be enabled to examine more intensely a specific field of study, and gain depth and a degree of competence in using and communicating this knowledge. The University reserves the right to drop a major or minor field for lack of sufficient enrollment to guarantee a class size of 10 or more in upper-division courses of that field. There are certain instances where particular combinations of majors and minors, or requirements for certification for positions of employment for graduates, may require a student to complete more than 128 semester hours. If a student begins one specialization or major, and then changes to another, the University cannot guarantee that the student will graduate without exceeding the number of 128 hours or eight semesters of work, stated as the minimum requirement for graduation.

Honors Program

Academically talented students tend to learn at a different pace and hold different interests than the general population, but grades alone cannot distinguish them. An “A” might be earned under great hardship for one, but passively by another. The key question is whether all students are full stewards of their capacity. The academically talented are at risk of failing that test because school can feel relatively easy. They should experience a curriculum that addresses this capacity. It should not be organized for difficulty, but distinction.

The mission of the Olivet Honors Program is to encourage and nurture academically talented students in the integration of Christian faith and scholarship, preparing them for servant leadership in the church and world. This provides not only an academic and spiritual community, but social as well. In fact, prior to the sophomore year, all Honors students are provided a one-night, two-day city tour (architecture, museum, the arts) at a regional point of interest.

This 18-credit plan has two phases. First, participants take one Honors course per semester for the initial two years. They are populated only by Honors students, and led by a faculty cohort of four. These 12 credits are substitutes - not additions - for the following general education courses, unavailable for CLEP credit: COMM 105 - Fundamentals of Communication , ENGL 209 - College Writing II /ENGL 210 - College Writing II , THEO 101 - Christian Formation , and PHED 190 - Wellness . The courses are interdisciplinary and team-taught to cultivate prowess in intellectual integration.

Examples of Honors course topics include: Faith and Film, Subtle Messages in Advertising, Rare Books Seminar, Reproductive Technology and Bioethics, and the like. Such courses are novel and might not be repeated from cohort to cohort.

Second, participants earn six credits during the final two years for a substantial, faculty-mentored research project. (It may be “performance” for relevant disciplines such as Music, Theater, Art, etc.). The first semester of the junior year is devoted to the construction of a research proposal, then two semesters are spent conducting the work. The final senior-level semester is dedicated to the preparation and presentation of results at a campus Research Symposium and/or a regional Honors event through the National Collegiate Honors Council. If appropriate, the faculty-student project may be featured in a professional venue. Funds are provided to support this process.

Throughout these four years, students will also participate annually in an on- or off-campus service organization, serving progressively from attendance to project leadership, and if suitable, officer status. Meanwhile, students attend one cultural event per year, supplemental to course content.

Fewer than 30 are admitted each year, constituting roughly 5% of the undergraduate population. Applications are made in February and March of the preceding academic year. Contact the Admissions Office or Honors Director for more information.

General Education Requirements: Associate of Applied Science Degrees


Preparation for Graduate Study and Preprofessional Study Programs

Olivet has developed degree programs that adequately prepare students for graduate and professional study in a variety of fields. Preparation for these fields may be in majors related to the professional study. Detailed programs outlining these studies at Olivet may be obtained by writing to the Director of Admissions or to the chair of the appropriate department.

Fields for which Olivet offers preprofessional preparation include Clinical Laboratory Science, Law, Medicine, Ministry, Pharmacy, Physician Assistant, Physical Therapy, Art Therapy, and Psychology.

The student planning to pursue one of the preprofessional programs is advised to ask the Registrar for assignment to the appropriate preprofessional faculty adviser. The student should also become acquainted with the professional school’s requirements for admission.

Faculty advisers are available for the following programs: Art Therapy - Department of Art; Clinical Laboratory Science - Department of Biological Sciences; Physical Therapy - Department of Exercise and Sports Science or Department of Biological Sciences; Psychology and Counseling - Department of Psychology; Pre-Law - Departments of History, Business, or English; Pre-Medicine - Department of Biological Sciences; Pre-Pharmacy - Department of Biological Sciences; Ministry - School of Theology and Christian Ministry, other medical or health fields - Department of Biological Sciences or Department of Nursing.

Council for Christian Colleges and Universities Programs (CCCU)

Olivet Nazarene University is a member of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities, which is comprised of more than 105 Christ-centered, accredited four-year liberal arts colleges and universities, each committed to academic excellence and to the integration of the Christian faith with learning and living. All Council study programs are open to Olivet students who qualify. Each of the programs are administered by appropriate departments of the University, and coordinated through the Council offices in Washington, D.C.

Council semester programs are designed for juniors and seniors who demonstrate competence in the classroom and Christian commitment in lifestyle. Plans for these semesters off campus should be begun during the freshman and sophomore years. Students register for these programs through the normal registration process, and credit is assigned by the Registrar according to the specific material covered in each program.

Programs available to Olivet students include the American Studies Program, the Latin American Studies Program, the India Studies Program, the Middle East Studies Program, the Los Angeles Film Study Center, the Oxford Summer Programme, the Oxford Scholars’ Semester, the China Studies Program, the Australia Studies Centre, the Uganda Studies Program, the Contemporary Music Center, and the International Business Institute.

American Studies Program

The American Studies Program is designed for juniors and seniors with a wide range of academic majors and vocational interests. The program is offered both fall and spring semesters each year. Sixteen hours are earned in the program; eight are classroom work in domestic and foreign policy analysis from a Christian point of view; and eight are in an internship in one of more than 500 internship opportunities available to Council students. Because of its unique location in the nation’s capital, this ”Washington Campus” is viewed as one way of challenging students to consider the meaning of proclaiming the Lordship of Jesus Christ in all areas of life, including career choices, public policy issues, and personal relationships. This program is administered by the Department of History and Political Science. Credit may apply to majors in History, Political Science, Public Policy, and Social Sciences, or toward general education credit for other majors.

Australia Studies Centre

The ASC offers students a semester at the Wesley Institute in Sydney, Australia, where they can explore their artistic talents through Wesley Institute’s outstanding Division of Ministry and the Arts. Faculty trained and working in the professional performing arts scene in Sydney will guide students in their thinking through the Christian’s role in culture, whether classical or pop culture. The ASC utilizes a combination of classroom training at the Wesley Institute and experiential learning in the beautiful Australian context. Home stays, service learning and travel around Australia are important components of the ASC. Students will examine the many faces of Australia. They will observe its beautiful landscape, live in the cosmopolitan melting pot of Sydney, serve the poor of Sydney’s multicultural ghettos, engage the political capital Canberra and its power players, and come to know the traditions of Aborigines. ASC students participate in the core experiential course and choose the remainder of their credits from Wesley Institute’s arts and ministry courses. ASC students receive up to 16 hours of credit.

China Studies Program

Students interested in China will have the opportunity to engage in this intriguing country from the inside. The semester will include study of standard Chinese language, geography and history, religion and culture, and China’s modern development. Participants will travel throughout China to such places as Beijing, Shanghai, Xi’an, and the Guangzhou/Hong Kong region. They will have ample opportunity to interact with Chinese faculty and students on the campus of the host university and with students of English whom they will assist as conversation partners. As with our other semester programs, the Council recommends 16 semester credit hours for participants in the China Studies Program.

Contemporary Music Center Program

The Contemporary Music Center, located in Nashville, Tennessee, provides students the opportunity to live and work in community while seeking to understand how God will have them integrate music, faith, and business. Both inter-disciplinary and multidisciplinary in nature, the CMC offers two tracks: the Artist Track and the Executive Track. The Artist Track is tailored to students considering careers as vocalists, musicians, songwriters, recording artists, performers, producers, and recording engineers. The Executive Track is designed for Business, Arts Management, Marketing, Communication, and related majors interested in possible careers as artist managers, agents, record company executives, music publishers, concert promoters and entertainment industry entrepreneurs. Both Artist and Executive Track students receive instruction, experience, and a uniquely Christian perspective on creativity and the marketplace, while working together to create and market a recording of original music. Both tracks include coursework, labs, directed study, and a practicum. Students earn 16 semester hours of credit.

India Studies Program

The India Studies Program offers a unique opportunity to encounter one of today’s most fascinating and diverse cultures. The diversity of India, as well as the call to be an obedient witness for Christ throughout the world, provides a rich and engaging setting to equip students to be servant-leaders in a pluralistic world of beliefs, cultures and needs.

The India Studies Program is structured to provide students with both immersion in a local community and broad exposure to a variety of peoples, places and customs in India including an extensive two-week travel portion of the program to provide students a close up look at India’s diversity. Students will participate in two core courses designed to provide a broad overview of the historical, religious, geographical and economic landscape of India. Building on their basic understanding of India’s past and contemporary realities students will have opportunities to explore a variety of issues–poverty, social justice, rapid social change, religious pluralism–through the eyes and experience of Indian Christians. Rounding out the semester experience, students will also have the opportunity to take courses in their major areas with Indian students and professors.

At its heart, the India Studies Program strives to encourage and equip students to effectively relate to India and its people in an informed, constructive and Christ-centered manner. It will challenge students to discover for themselves a variety of ways to address the needs of the poor and disenfranchised, acting as agent of salt and light in broken world.

Latin American Studies Program

The Latin American Studies Program is based in San Jose, Costa Rica. It is comprised of Spanish language study, Latin history and culture, scientific study in the rainforest, or topics in international business. The program involves living with a Costa Rican family, participating in community activities, and travel through neighboring Central American countries. This program is administered by the Department of Modern Languages. Credit may be applied toward majors in Business, Environmental Science, History, Modern Languages, Political Science, Public Policy, or Social Science, or toward general education credit for other majors.

Los Angeles Film Studies Center

The Council for Christian Colleges and Universities Los Angeles Film Studies Center operates in Burbank, California. It is comprised of classroom work in the role and place of Christians in the arts, and a half-time policy or production-level internship in a film-related business or agency. The goal of the program is to place graduates in policy-level positions in the film industry. The program is administered by the Department of Communication.

Middle East Studies Program

The Middle East Studies Program is based in Jerusalem, Israel, with an extended study trip to Turkey. It is comprised of Arabic language study, study in Islamic culture, contact with Eastern Orthodox Christian culture, and exploration of the incredibly complex political and cultural tensions of this region of the world. This program is administered by the Department of History and Political Science. Credits may apply toward majors in History, Political Science, Public Policy, and Social Science, or toward general education credit for other majors.

Oxford Scholars’ Semester

The Scholars’ Semester in Oxford allows a student, as a member of Wycliffe Hall and a visiting student at Oxford University, to do intensive scholarship in this historic seat of learning. Working with academic tutors, students hone their skills and delve into the areas that interest them most. Students broaden their thinking and earn 16 credits by living and learning in this major crossroads of the academic world. Contact the chair of the Department of English for further information.

Uganda Studies Program

Winston Churchill is credited with nicknaming Uganda the ”Pearl of Africa,” and many visitors since his time have come to agree with him. The USP offers students a very personal encounter with this African success story, which has become an economic and public health model in its region. Another success story, Uganda Christian University (UCU), serves as the base of study for students in the USP. Set on the outskirts of the capital city Kampala, this rapidly growing institution brings USP students together with the UCU Honours College. Courses taught by local faculty in the English tutorial tradition will immerse students in a uniquely African education. Topics such as Christianity and Islam in contemporary Africa, African literature, and African history will present many insights into African life because of the guidance of faculty who live in and love Uganda and East Africa. Home stays, travel, service learning, and daily interaction with Honours College students form the backbone of the USP experience. In addition to the core experiential course, students will choose from an approved selection of courses from the UCU Honours College to earn up to 16 hours of credit.

Washington Journalism Center

The Washington Journalism Center (WJC) is a semester-long study program in Washington, DC, created for students interested in the field of journalism. While in Washington students will take classes focusing on the history and future of the media and how it relates to the public as well as to their personal writing skills. These classes - Foundations for Media Involvement; Reporting in Washington; and Washington, News and Public Discourse - combined with an internship at a top news publication will help students learn to integrate their faith in a journalism career. Students will also participate in service learning opportunities as well as live with families in home stays as part of the WJC experience. For further information, contact the Department of Communication at Olivet.

Other Sponsored/Recognized Programs

AuSable Institute

Olivet Nazarene University is a participating college with AuSable Institute, located in Northern Michigan. AuSable offers courses and programs in environmental stewardship for college students from evangelical Christian colleges. Field courses in biology, chemistry, and geology are offered, emphasizing ecological awareness and knowledge. AuSable offers fellowships and grants, and provides opportunities for discussion of current environmental issues from a Christian perspective. Contact the ONU campus representative in the Department of Biological Sciences.

Focus Leadership Institute

The Focus Leadership Institute provides a semester of study in Colorado Springs, CO. Student leaders from both Christian and non-religious universities come to explore a unique academic approach to leadership in the areas of marriage, family, church, society and comparative worldviews. Top-notch teaching flows seamlessly into intentional community as staff and students share life together, working out in practical ways what it means to live every aspect of one’s life to the glory of God alone. The program is open to juniors or seniors of any major who have a GPA of at least 3.25.

International Business Institute (IBI)

The International Business Institute is a ten week summer cooperative overseas program in international economics and business management. Students from other institutions are welcome but priority is given to the institutions that are affiliated with IBI.

The International Business Institute is designed to give students in economics, business management and related areas a distinctive opportunity for a term of study that incorporates the international dimension of these fields in an experiential context overseas. The program is ten weeks in length and includes periods of significant residence in key locations as well as coordinated visits and presentations in the major political and economic centers of Russia, Eastern Europe, Western Europe and the United Kingdom.

An essential purpose of this program is to encourage and facilitate the integration of academic study with the international field experience. The academic work is conducted in a variety of settings from the usual classroom to corporate headquarters, manufacturing plants, and the offices of governmental or international agencies.

Additional details are included with the Department of Business information in Traditional Undergraduate Programs of Study .

Romanian Studies Program

The Romanian Studies Program is based in the historic town of Sighisoara in Transylvania. Students study Romanian language, Eastern European history, science, music and art appreciation, religious and social dimensions of a society emerging from authoritarianism. They participate in a variety of service learning projects in connection with Nazarene Compassionate Ministries and with local schools, orphanages, hospitals, and a downtown business technology center. The program also offers Social Work majors the opportunity to do field placement. It is administered by the Department of History and Political Science, and is open to all majors.

Equador - Nazarene International Language Institute

Students wishing to study abroad in a total immersion situation can learn Spanish and Latin American culture while participating in ministry projects and traveling throughout Equador. Located on the campus of the Nazarene Theological Seminary of South America in the capital city of Quito, Ecuador, NILI offers a variety of Spanish courses which include conversation, grammar, composition and literature. Students are immersed in the language and culture through studies, ministry and travel. Contact the Department of English and Modern Languages for additional information.

Tokyo Christian University Studies Program

Tokyo Christian University is the only Evangelical university completely accredited by the national Japanese Ministry of Education, with roots going back to 1881. It is an international affiliate of the Council of Christian Colleges and Universities. Based in the Christian liberal arts, TCU’s Japanese students take a range of courses in the humanities, theology, social sciences, and physical sciences. Starting from this base in the liberal arts, TCU has created a special one-semester program for visiting students from English-speaking countries, called the East Asia Institute. This program introduces students to East Asia and Japan both academically and experientially. The four core courses in the short term program form a set combining the study of East Asian history, art (including manga and anime), religion, philosophy, economics, and language (Japanese). These courses are integrated with in-depth field trips, all within a Christian context dedicated to the integration of faith, learning, and life. Olivet and TCU have a formal agreement which gives Olivet students priority in the application process. More information on the program is available at http://acts.tci.ac.jp/eai/.

Korea Nazarene University Study Program

Sponsored by the business departments of Olivet Nazarene University and Korea Nazarene University, this program is based in Cheonan, South Korea. Students wishing to experience a study abroad program will study the Korean language and explore topics dealing with international business. Students participating in the program will live on the campus of Korea Nazarene University. For more details on requirements for application to the program, refer to the International Business curriculum under the Department of Business.

Graduate and Continuing Studies

The School of Graduate and Continuing Studies offers programs leading to a doctorate degree and several master’s degrees. Studies include Nursing, Education, Religion, Professional Counseling, History/Political Theory, and Business. These programs are described in School of Graduate and Continuing Studies  of the Catalog.

Degrees offered include the Doctor of Education, Master of Arts, Master of Arts in Education, Master of Arts in Teaching, Master of Education, Master of Science in Nursing, Master of Business Administration, Master of Organizational Leadership, Master of Ministry, Master of Divinity, and Master of Practical Ministries.

The School of Graduate and Continuing Studies offers bachelors degree completion programs in Business Administration, Nursing, and Practical Ministries for those entering with 30-60 hours of college work or associate degrees. An Associate of Arts degree in Business is also available through the School of Graduate and Continuing Studies.