2013-2014 Catalog 
    Feb 10, 2025  
2013-2014 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Regulations

Olivet’s academic regulations constitute a readable map for student, counselor, professor, and general reader. Each member of the academic community should become familiar with the directions, for it is the official guide to each of the educational destinations offered by the University.

The liberal arts program offers every student, whatever his or her particular interest or vocational intention, an education built on a steadying foundation of studies in a variety of subjects. This leads to a mature level of lifelong learning that surpasses limited training for a narrowly defined vocational field that may become obsolete in a few years.

Career planning is strongly encouraged through counseling with faculty members and the professional staff of the Counseling and Career Center.

The general education requirements provide a foundation of study which may be helpful to a student selecting or confirming a career decision.


All students eligible to register (students enrolled in the preceding regular session and new or reentering students who have completed application and have been accepted) will be supplied by the Registrar with directions for registration. Students are advised by members of the faculty and must file properly approved study lists with the Registrar during the registration period. Preregistration service is provided by the Office of the Registrar. Registrations not completed by the close of the listed registration days (see calendar ) will require a fee of $20 to cover the additional expenses of late registration procedure. An additional late fee of $5 per day will be charged beginning the second day after registration day.

A student will not be permitted to register for any course, including directed study and special topics, after the first two weeks of the semester without the written approval of the Associate Dean of Instruction. A faculty member may determine an earlier closing date for a particular course.

No student will be permitted to register for any course if, in the judgment of the instructor in charge, he or she lacks sufficient preparation to undertake the work. An instructor may, with the approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, drop from a class any student who shows marked delinquency in attendance, who neglects his or her work, or who proves incompetent to pursue the work of the course.

The normal student load is 16 hours of class work in a week. No student will be permitted to register for more than 18 hours, without the special permission of the Committee on Academic Standards. An extra charge is made for each hour or fraction of an hour taken in excess of the 18-hour maximum load.

Outside Employment: Students carrying a considerable load of outside work must reduce their school program accordingly. The following schedule is a guide to counselors and students:

Semester Class Load in Relation to Grade Point Average:

Effective Hours of Outside Employment On Academic Probation Up to 2.5 Up to 3.0 3.0 or Over

Under 15 hours 14 Normal Normal Normal
15-20 hours 12 Normal Normal Normal
21-25 hours 10 14 Normal Normal
26-30 hours 8 12 14 Normal
31-35 hours 6 10 12 Normal
35-45 hours 1 course 8 10 Normal

Registration Changes

All changes in registration become official when made through the Office of the Registrar, with approval by the student’s adviser and the faculty members whose classes are involved. A student may change registration for individual courses during the first two calendar weeks of a semester without charge. After that there will be a charge of $10 for each schedule change form processed.

A course may be dropped without grade or notation on the transcript when official changes are processed during the first two calendar weeks of a semester. After that, a grade of “W” will be assigned when courses are dropped prior to the deadlines, which are published in the University calendar. Permission to drop individual courses after the published deadlines will normally be granted by the Vice President for Academic Affairs only because of extended illness, serious physical disability, death in the family, or other emergency circumstances. Permission to withdraw from individual courses after the deadlines will not be granted merely because of unsatisfactory academic performance, whether caused by the student’s inability, or lack of application or preparation; dissatisfaction with the subject matter offered in the course(s); failure to attend class; or a change in the student’s major or academic plans. A grade of “WP” - withdrawn passing, or “WF” - withdrawn failing - will be assigned by the Vice President for Academic Affairs in cases where official drops are approved after the published deadlines. Unofficial withdrawal from courses will be treated as failure and indicated on the permanent record by a grade of “F.”

Appeals to the Academic Standards Committee may be initiated through the Office of the Registrar.

Withdrawal From the University

A student who desires to officially withdraw from all courses in a given semester must do so before the beginning of final examinations. Once final examinations have begun, a student may not withdraw from that semester unless documented emergency or medical reasons merit an exception being approved by the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

To officially withdraw from all courses for which a student is registered, the student must complete the appropriate forms in the Office of the Registrar. This withdrawal process is necessary in order to clear the appropriate financial and academic records. Protracted absences or failure to attend classes does not constitute withdrawal from courses and will be treated as failure unless the withdrawal process is appropriately followed. See “Financial Information ” for policies on refunds of tuition and fees when official withdrawal from the University is processed.

Administrative withdrawals may be initiated when a student fails to obey University policies, fails to comply with procedures, or has been suspended or expelled from the institution. The grading and refund policies which apply to voluntary withdrawals also apply to administrative withdrawals.

Cancellation of Registration: A student’s registration for a semester may be canceled for failure to meet financial obligations to the University. Normally, cancellation would only occur during the first two weeks of a semester, and record of enrollment would not appear on the student’s permanent academic record.

Classification of Students

Students are classified according to the total number of hours for which they have credit. The requirements for classification as a candidate for a degree on the basis of hours are:

Freshman Standing: Must have met all entrance requirements and be registered as a candidate for a degree.
Sophomore Standing: 30 hours
Junior Standing: 60 hours
Senior Standing: 90 hours or above

Students are classified at the beginning of each semester and the minimum requirements for the respective classes must be met at that time. Class activities and listing in University or student publications will be carried out in accordance with the above classification.

Unclassified Students: “Special” or part-time students who meet all entrance requirements but who are carrying fewer than eight semester hours, and mature and otherwise qualified students who are not pursuing the regular course of study may, with the approval of the Academic Dean and the consent of the department concerned, be admitted to the University as unclassified students to take such courses as are open to them without respect to candidacy for a degree. Such work is limited to 29 semester hours.

Class Attendance Policy

Admission to Olivet Nazarene University is a privilege that represents an investment by the supporters of the University as well as the student. The opportunities provided by the University are open only to those who are willing to devote themselves to the serious business of education.

Students are expected to attend all class meetings for which they are registered except in cases of prearranged field trips, official assignments by the University, participation in scheduled intercollegiate athletic events, or participation in official music ensemble tours as may be considered excusable by the Vice President for Academic Affairs. With the approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, a faculty member may stipulate a limit on the number of excused absences permitted in a course.

Attendance requirements in each course are determined by the professor, and will be clearly stated in the course syllabus filed with the Vice President for Academic Affairs and distributed in class during the first week of the semester.

The student is personally responsible for all class work assigned in a course, even during absence. In case of absence, the student should inquire about the possibility of making up work missed. The student may be penalized for work missed, even though the reason for the absence is legitimate, if he or she fails to explain the reason for the absence and meet the requirements of the instructor in making up the work. If the explanation of the absence is acceptable to the instructor, the student will be permitted, to the extent possible, to make up work missed.

When absences not covered by educational leniency are not acceptable to the instructor, the student may be refused the privilege of making up the work, and may be assessed a consequent grade penalty. Those who do not expect to attend a class regularly should not enroll in the class. Those who find it impossible to attend class regularly should withdraw from the University before their record is marred by irregular attendance.

Protracted absence does not constitute a withdrawal, and will be treated as a failure in the course. For the procedure to be followed in changing or dropping a course, see the section on “Registration” in this Catalog.

Grading/Course Repeat Policy

Grading: A record of attendance and scholarship is kept for each student. A report of the student’s class standing is given at the close of the semester.

The alphabetical system of grading, with +/- added at the discretion of the instructor, is used [i.e., “A” for superior; “B” for above average; “C” for average; “D” for below average, but passing; “F” for failure; “H” for audit; “S” for satisfactory work (credit toward graduation); “U” for unsatisfactory work (no credit toward graduation); “X” for deferred work; “W” for withdrawn before quality of work can be determined; “WP” for withdrawn passing; “WF” for withdrawn failing; and “I” for incomplete]. A student may be marked “incomplete” only in case of serious illness or other unavoidable causes of delay. All incompletes must be removed within one month after the grade period ends or the record will be marked “failure.”

Honor Points: In order to graduate, the student must have earned twice as many honor or grade points as he or she has semester hours of work attempted. Honor points are based on quality of work performed, and are determined as follows: “A” = 4.0 points per credit hour, “A-” = 3.7, “B+” = 3.3, “B” = 3.0, “B-” = 2.7, “C+” = 2.3, “C” = 2.0, “C-” = 1.7, “D+” = 1.3, “D” = 1.0, “D-” = .70, “F” = 0. The grades of “H,” “S,” “U,” “X,” “W,” “WP,” and “WF” are neutral. A minimum grade point average of 2.0 (“C”) is required for graduation.

Course Repeating Policy:

  1. In case a course is retaken subsequent to the student’s receiving a course grade of “F,” only the last grade is counted in determining his or her cumulative grade point average.
  2. With the consent of the chair of the department in which the course is offered, a student is permitted to retake once a course in which he or she has earned a grade of “C-,” “D+,” “D,” or “D-,” with the higher of the two grades to count in determining the student’s cumulative grade point average.

These privileges apply only to courses repeated at Olivet.

Pass-Fail (“S” or “U”): is used for student teaching, field experiences, and certain other courses. In these courses, the alphabetical system of grading is never used. In addition, students classified as juniors may be permitted, upon their request, to enroll in one elective course per semester in the last four semesters on the basis of pass-fail grading. Specifically excluded from this provision are courses in the major field, minor field, required supporting courses, and courses offered to fulfill general education requirements. A passing grade means “C” quality or better.

The intention to take a course on the basis of pass-fail grading must be indicated at the Office of the Registrar on or before the final day to drop a course. If this request is approved, a student may change to the alphabetical system of grading only by filing a written request to do so at the Office of the Registrar prior to the final day to drop a course.

Auditing a Course: To audit a course means to take it for neither grade nor credit. An audit, satisfactorily completed, is recorded as such on the transcript. No record is made if the audit is not satisfactorily completed.

Normally, the only requirements in an audited course are attendance requirements, which are set by the instructor.

Audit should be indicated at the time of registration, or a course may be changed from credit to audit any time prior to the deadline for dropping a course. A course may be changed from audit to credit prior to this deadline only with the approval of the instructor, and payment of appropriate tuition adjustments.

A full-time student, paying the normal tuition fee, is not charged a tuition fee for an audited course, provided his or her total load, including the audited course, does not exceed 18 hours. If the total load exceeds 18 hours, a tuition fee of $50 per hour is charged for the excess hours which are audited. Part-time students are charged a tuition fee of $50 per hour for an audited course. Any additional fees (such as laboratory fee) in an audited course are charged to the student.

Arrangements to audit a course may be completed only if there is space available in the class.

Music: Auditors of applied music private lessons will receive one half-hour lesson per week. Audit lessons will be made up on the same basis as lessons being taken for credit. Audit students will be placed only after Music majors, Music minors, and others who are registered for credit have been placed. All audit students will pay the normal additional applied music tuition for private lessons and class instruction as listed in the Catalog in Financial Information .

Scholarship Requirements

Satisfactory Scholastic Standing: To be considered in satisfactory scholastic standing, students must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average according to the following schedule:

  Semester Hours Attempted Minimum Cumulative GPA
  1-18 1.5
  19-29 1.7
  30-45 1.8
  46-59 1.9
  60 or more 2.0

Students who fall below the above minimum standards are not making satisfactory progress and will be placed on academic probation.

In addition, students may be considered to be on academic probation for failure to attain a 1.00 grade point average in any given semester, or for failure to pass at least 50 percent of the credits registered at the end of the initial drop/add period (second week of the semester).

Only students in satisfactory scholastic standing may participate in Associated Student Council offices, class presidencies, intercollegiate athletics, drama, ministry teams, or off-campus spiritual life groups, or tour off-campus with music ensembles. This policy does not apply to intramural activities.

If after one semester on probation the cumulative grade point average is not improved, or after two successive semesters on probation the grade point average does not meet minimum standards for satisfactory progress (as outlined above), or at any time it falls below a 1.00 average, a student may be academically suspended by the Vice President for Academic Affairs. In addition, a student placed on probation for failure to meet the 1.00 semester grade point requirement or 50 percent progress requirement may be suspended if significant progress is not made during the probationary semester. In such a case the student has the right to appeal to the Committee on Academic Standards for a review of such a decision.

Students on academic suspension are not eligible to apply for readmission until after the lapse of one regular semester. If readmitted, the student will be on academic probation, and if a grade point average of 2.00 is not attained for courses taken during the semester following, the student may be academically suspended for the second time.

For transfer students, academic standing in the first semester of attendance at Olivet is based on the cumulative grade point average at the previous institutions. After one semester of attendance at ONU, the academic standing of transfer students will be based on the grade point average for all coursework accepted toward a degree and included on the Olivet transcript.

Eligibility: A student on probation is also ineligible. Ineligibility means that the student cannot participate in any public event, program or service away from the campus as a member of any ensemble, missions team, or extramural group. Ineligibility excludes a student from participation in any intercollegiate athletic contest. In order to be eligible for intercollegiate athletic competition, students must adhere to the standards adopted by the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA), including, but not limited to, the following:

  1. Be enrolled in at least 12 semester hours at the time of participation. (Repeat courses should be cleared with the Registrar.)
  2. Accumulate at least 24 hours of credit in the two terms of attendance immediately preceding the semester of participation. (Repeat courses previously passed cannot count toward the 24-hour rule.)
  3. A second-term freshman must have earned at least nine hours of credit during the first semester.

In addition, student athletes must remain in satisfactory scholastic standing as defined in the Catalog.

Satisfactory Progress Requirements for Institutional Scholarships, Federally, and/or State Funded Financial Aid Programs: In order to maintain eligibility for institutional scholarships, federal, and/or state financial aid, a student must meet the satisfactory progress requirements established by Olivet Nazarene University in compliance with federal and/or state regulations, including the following:

  1. A student must maintain a cumulative grade point average according to the following schedule:
  Cumulative Hours Attempted GPA Required
  1-18 1.5
  19-29 1.7
  30-45 1.8
  46-59 1.9
  60 or more 2.0
  1. Students must satisfactorily complete 67 percent of the cumulative hours attempted, including repeated courses; developmental/remedial credits; and/or courses that were recorded as W - Withdrawn.

Financial Aid Warning: A student will be placed on financial aid warning for failing to meet any of the above standards of progress. A student placed on financial aid warning may continue to receive institutional scholarships, federal, and/or state aid during the following semester.

Financial Aid Suspension: Financial aid suspension will result in the loss of all institutional scholarships, federal, and/or state financial aid. A student’s financial aid will be suspended when any of the following occur:

  1. When a student on financial aid warning the previous semester fails to meet the satisfactory progress requirements the following semester.
  2. When, having attempted 64 or more semester hours (including CLEP, Advance Placement, or proficiency credits; transfer credits; repeated courses; developmental/remedial credits; and/or courses that were recorded as W - Withdrawn), the cumulative grade point average falls below 2.00.
  3. When a student has attempted 192 semester hours (including CLEP, Advance Placement, or proficiency credits; transfer credits; repeated courses; developmental/remedial credits; and/or courses that were recorded as W - Withdrawn.)

Appeals: In the event that extenuating circumstances are experienced, appeals for exceptions to the above requirements will be considered by the Financial Aid Committee. Such appeals must be submitted in writing to the Financial Aid committee no later than the first day of classes of the semester. If exceptions are granted by the Financial Aid committee, the student is put on financial aid probation for that semester and must meet all progress requirements upon completion of the probationary semester in order to continue receiving aid.

Transfer Students and Financial Aid: For transfer students, academic standing in the first semester of attendance at Olivet is based on the cumulative grade point average at the previous institutions. After one semester of attendance at ONU, the academic standing and satisfactory progress for financial aid of transfer students will be based on the grade point average for all coursework accepted toward a degree and included on the Olivet transcript.

Learning Development Center

Students from all levels of achievement and experience can learn better ways of learning, and can learn additional information in various fields. These opportunities are given so every student can work to increase his or her potential.

Students with disabilities who have been admitted to the University are eligible for reasonable accommodations including tutors, notetakers, and extended time on exams. Arrangements for accommodations are made by contacting the Director of the Learning Development Center.

The Learning Development Center (LDC) attempts to help students through the math lab, English lab, supplemental course instruction, and microcomputer lab. The labs can help students through learning problems which may occur. The math and English labs have both peer tutoring and faculty tutoring.

Many computer programs are available for general use. Some of the programs include word processing, practice programs in use of grammar, tutoring in algebra, and learning games in general chemistry.

Several introductory courses in various departments have Supplemental Course Instruction (SCI). SCI involves an exemplary student conducting study sessions each week which anyone enrolled in the course may attend. The session leader helps fellow students with material from the course, and also demonstrates how to study.

The aim of people associated with the LDC is to give all students the chance for increased success in academics. The focus is to move the individual as far as possible into solving problems.

The purposes of the LDC are (1) to provide supplemental instruction in content areas; (2) to provide the means for gaining study skills; (3) to help students who are under-prepared in English and/or mathematics; (4) to help students who need tutoring in specific courses in mathematics and English; (5) to provide instruction in basic skills such as fractions and sentence structure; (6) to service a content area relevant to basic skills and problem-solving; and (7) to provide a central facility for training in tutoring.

Recognition for Academic Achievement

Independent Studies/Special Topics: Students classified as juniors or seniors may pursue a subject of particular interest that is not already treated extensively in a regular course. In order to receive credit for such an independent study, the student must submit appropriate documentation of the plan of the study to the Office of the Registrar. The directed study form should provide a thorough description of the project or coursework to be undertaken, including an indication of papers, assignments, test dates, conferences, and projected completion date. The proposal must be approved by the professor who will provide supervision and evaluation of the project, the head of the department in which credit is to be established, and the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Credit for such special topics will be indicated on the transcript by use of the department name and the number 499.

Independent studies are generally limited to students who have demonstrated above-average scholarship (3.0 or higher GPA). Independent studies may occasionally be recommended for students who are unable to take regular courses because of scheduling conflicts. Forms for registration are available in the Office of the Registrar.

Graduation with Departmental Honors is granted to a senior who shows independent and creative work of high quality in his or her major field. The study may cover material of individual courses, cut across course lines, or include subject matter and procedures not offered in the usual courses of the department. When recommended by the head of the department in which the student wishes to do honors work, a plan of the work to be pursued shall be forwarded, with the recommendation, for the approval of the Dean of the College/School of the student’s major field of study. If a project cuts across a College/School, departmental chairs from each area should make the recommendation to the Dean of each College/School. Deans from all areas involved in the project should approve the project. To be eligible for consideration for honors work, a student should have a 3.5 grade point average in his major field. If the senior’s work is of high quality, he or she will be granted four hours of credit toward graduation. If the student passes a comprehensive examination in his or her major field with special emphasis on the honors project, the student will be graduated with departmental honors - this to be indicated on the Commencement program. Students who complete Departmental Honors projects will make a public presentation of the project during a Research/Performance Honors Symposium to be held in the spring of the student’s senior year. The student must apply to the head of the department by October 15 in the academic year of graduation. Honors coursework will be indicated by the department name and the number 500.

Assistantships: A limited number of assistantships are available to high scholarship students of advanced standing. These assistantships are open to those who have spent two or more semesters at Olivet Nazarene University. They are awarded on the basis of scholarship, character, leadership ability, educational promise, and need. Holders of these appointments will assist in reading papers, laboratory service, or other work required in the department to which they are assigned.

Assistantships are valued from $500-$800 for the year. All appointments are for one semester, and are conditioned on satisfactory service. Appointments are made by the Vice President for Academic Affairs on the recommendation of the department head. Application should be made to the Vice President for Academic Affairs by March 1 preceding the school year in which the appointment is to become effective.

Dean’s List: An average of 3.50 for the preceding semester, with 12 or more hours attempted, is required for inclusion in The Dean’s List.

Phi Delta Lambda: Olivet Nazarene University has a chapter of the national Nazarene honor society, Phi Delta Lambda, in which high-ranking graduates are eligible for membership upon election by the faculty.

Departmental Honor Societies for Students and Alumni: Several academic departments have established chapters of national honor societies for honor graduates and related student organizations. These include: Education - Kappa Delta Pi; English - Sigma Tau Delta; History-Phi Alpha Theta; Family and Consumer Sciences-Kappa Omicron Nu; Nursing- Sigma Theta Tau, Kappa Sigma Chapter; and Psychology - Psi Chi Honor Society.

Graduation Honors: Graduation with highest honors (summa cum laude) requires a grade point average of 3.90. Graduation with high honors (magna cum laude) requires a grade point average of 3.70. Graduation with honors (cum laude) requires a grade point average of 3.50.

In case a student has taken part of his or her college work at another institution or institutions, the student’s grade point average will be calculated on the basis of the total work accepted toward the degree. The last 60 hours of work must be taken at Olivet if one is to qualify for honors, except in the School of Graduate and Continuing Studies programs, in which case all required courses within the major must be completed at Olivet.

Commencement Marshals: Each year the students in the junior class having the highest cumulative grade point averages are designated as Commencement Marshals and lead the Commencement procession.

Senior Awards: Each year, one male and one female from among the graduating seniors are selected by majority vote of the faculty to receive the Senior Awards. The selection is based on campus citizenship, scholarship, leadership, and general achievement of the student in college activities. Letters certifying the award are presented to the students selected on Commencement day. The female graduate receives the Maggie Sloan Award, named for Olivet’s first graduate. The male graduate receives the Robert Milner Award, named for a Nazarene minister.

General Requirements for Graduation

Student Responsibility: Every candidate for a degree is personally responsible for meeting all requirements for graduation. The University, through its counselors and the credit summaries provided for the University by the Registrar, will assist the student in every way possible in avoiding difficulties.

Students are expected to arrange a graduation evaluation with the Registrar’s Office prior to the start of their junior year. As part of the evaluation, students will be advised regarding the specific courses, total hours, and upper-division hours remaining to satisfy degree requirements for the specific program of studies. Students should plan accordingly to insure that all the graduation requirements are satisfied. If a student changes major(s), minor(s), or other plans regarding the approved program of studies, it remains the student’s responsibility to complete all graduation requirements.

Prospective teachers are also personally responsible for meeting the certification requirements of the state in which they expect to teach. Information about certification laws may be obtained from the Department of Education or from the Registrar.

Candidates for degrees are required to file their intention to graduate on forms provided by the office of the Registrar at least six months prior to the expected date of graduation.

Candidates for graduation are expected to meet the requirements for graduation of the catalog in force at the time of that graduation. In cases of hardship caused by curricular changes during a student’s successive years of enrollment at Olivet, an appeal may be made to the Academic Standards Committee.

Residence Requirements: A candidate for a bachelor’s degree must take either the last year (30 semester hours) at Olivet Nazarene University, or must take 15 of the last 30 semester hours in residence and offer no less than 45 semester hours of residence credit from Olivet Nazarene University. Included in the hours offered to satisfy the residence requirement must be at least one-half of the major and/or sufficient hours to complete a major satisfactory to the chair of the major department and the Registrar.

Transfer Credit Limitations: Any course with a grade of F will not be accepted as transfer credit, but will be calculated in the grade average for considering admission, initial financial aid, and initial athletic eligibility. A maximum of 68 hours will be accepted from two-year colleges as transfer credit at Olivet.

Second Bachelor’s Degree: Some students desire to take a second bachelor’s degree. It is often possible to complete the requirement for the second degree in one additional year. To receive a second degree, the student must complete at least 36 hours of work in addition to the 128 hours required for the first degree and must meet all of the requirements set forth in the curriculum for the second degree including general education requirements. No more than one degree will be conferred upon a candidate at any one commencement. At least 30 hours of the additional 36 hours required for a second degree must be taken in residence at Olivet.

Correspondence Courses: Credit for correspondence courses taken at accredited colleges may be allowed to count toward degree requirements at Olivet Nazarene University only when prior approval is granted by the Registrar. A maximum of 15 hours of correspondence work may be applied at Olivet.

Proficiency Examinations

Students may be permitted to establish credit for courses listed in the Catalog by departmental proficiency examination. The grade in proficiency examinations is credit or failure, but no student is given credit unless he or she makes at least “C” in the examination. No official record is made of failures in these examinations.

Proficiency examinations are given under the following restrictions: (1) they may be taken only by persons who are in residence, or who are candidates for degrees at Olivet; (2) they may not be taken by students who have received credit for more than one semester of work in the subject in advance of the course in which the examination is requested; (3) they may not be taken to raise grades or to establish credit in a course in which the student has received a failing grade; (4) the privilege of establishing credit by this method is not to be used to accelerate one’s program, but to make possible the recognition of work already done, or an achievement already attained for which no academic credit has been established; (5) not more than 10 semester hours credit can be earned by departmental proficiency examinations for any degree; (6) applications for the examination must be approved in advance by the Vice President for Academic Affairs; and (7) all such examinations shall be conducted by a committee of three, which shall be appointed by the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The signatures of all three examiners are required. Academic credit for such work will not be granted until the student has completed successfully at least one semester of work at Olivet Nazarene University. See also “Waivers and Advanced Placement ”.

Summer School

Olivet offers summer sessions, offering full college credit, operating on an accelerated schedule of classes. During summer sessions, it is generally possible to earn four to nine semester hours of credit. Dates of the summer sessions are listed in the University calendar. All new students apply through the Director of Admissions by the deadline indicated. Registration for summer school may be completed prior to or immediately following the first meeting of the class.


Students or former students who desire a transcript of their academic record at Olivet Nazarene University must present a written request to the Office of the Registrar. The request must include the signature of the person whose record is requested. Additional identifying information, such as dates of attendance, birth date, Social Security number, graduation date, maiden name, etc., may help to expedite the processing of the request. A convenient request form is available at http://www.olivet.edu/transcript-requests/. Normally, requests can be processed within a few days of receipt, though the time may be extended near the beginning or end of a semester. A service charge of $5 per transcript is required. When 24-hour processing is requested, the service charge is $10 per transcript. Transcripts, whether express or normal processing, are mailed via U.S. mail, and appropriate time should be allowed for delivery. Transcripts will not be issued to or for students or alumni who are indebted to the University or whose repayment of loans is not in good standing.